Documentation for Administrators

12.0.16 - 09/10/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-39824- feat(accounts-receivable): add reference number to undeposited payments

System enhancement displaying reference number column from Accounts Receivable Receipts in Account Receivable Deposits.

See Deposits and Internal Account Deposits for more information.

FOCUS-39748- ER_Purchasing - Add setting for required field on PO

System enhancement adding a setting to require 'Buyer' on Requisition. To enable: Setup > Setting > Accounts Payable > 'Require Buyer Field on Purchase Order.'

See Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable for details on this new setting.

FOCUS-33699- E-signature size/display issue

The E-Signature component has the ability to be sized and therefore the size of the actual signature and printed name and date should dynamically adjust up or down based on settings. The actual signature & printed name should be inside the size of the component. The printed component should stay where it is on the form and not shift on the print media.


FOCUS-39304- Allow filtering the reasons for wage changes on the wage change retro tab

System improvement adding Reason filter to Payroll > Run Payroll > Wage Change Retro.

See Run Payroll > Wage Change Retroactive Pay for details.

FOCUS-37541- Ability to do an explain on a deduction for multiple employees

System improvement to Payroll > Pay Runs > Run Payroll in Recalculate and Explain, the user can run an explain for multiple employees for Employee Wages and/or Employee Deductions/Contributions.

See Run Payroll > Generating Checks / Posting Payroll for details.


FOCUS-39840- Communication Platform: Whitelist HTML Attributes

This branch modifies a security issue related to HTML usage within Communication Platform. Previously, when users incorporated certain HTML tags from external sources into a new message, it would trigger a security error. To enhance compatibility and user experience, this update expands the whitelist for the HTML validator. Specifically, the caption, center, style, and valign tags have been added to the approved list, minimizing disruptions when users integrate external HTML content into their messages.

FOCUS-39749- Community App: Respect Teacher Class Section Names in Attendance

This branch enhances the Community Mobile App by integrating Class Section Names defined in Teacher Preferences. When sections are not grouped for attendance purposes, the mobile app will now display the customized section titles in the Period dropdown on the Overview tab. Before this update, the mobile app did not reflect teachers' edited class section names.

FOCUS-39737- District Reports: Improve Zip Files Export with Multiple Queries

This branch addresses a problem related to the export functionality of District Reports. Previously, when exporting a District Report containing multiple queries, the resulting zip file included just a single CSV file. Following the implementation of this branch, the zip file will correctly contain a separate CSV file for each individual query, ensuring accurate and comprehensive data export.

FOCUS-39728- Attendance: Improve Performance on Late Checkin/Early Release Report

This branch optimizes the initial load time for the Attendance Late Checkin/Early Release Report. Users can expect a more responsive and faster initial rendering of the report following this update.

FOCUS-39716- My Preference: Co-Teachers Update Passwords Resolution

This branch addresses a problem that prevented Co-Teachers from updating their passwords through Users > My Preferences, even when they had the necessary permissions. With this fix, Co-Teachers with the appropriate permissions can now modify their passwords as intended.

FOCUS-39715- Seating Chart: Improved Display of Student Names Containing Special Characters

This branch addresses an issue related to the display of hyphenated last names. Previously, students with hyphenated last names would experience a line break after the hyphen, causing the first name to be shifted and, in certain formats, become invisible due to it being positioned on the third line. With this branch, all hyphens in the name have been converted to non-breakable hyphens. As a result, hyphenated last names will now behave like longer, unbroken last names, and ellipses will be used to indicate truncation instead of introducing a line break. Additionally, a tooltip has been introduced on the student card. When hovered over, this tooltip will display the student's full name, ensuring clarity regardless of truncation.

FOCUS-39714- District Report: Improved Formatting in Exporting CSVs

This branch addresses a specific issue in the District Reports csv exporter. Previously, there was a missing newline at the end of the header line. With the implementation of this fix, the csv exporter now correctly writes a newline after the header, ensuring proper formatting and readability of exported reports.

FOCUS-39707- Attendance Fields: Correct Output of District-Wide Attendance Totals in Advanced Reports & Letter Templates

This branch addresses a discrepancy in the display of District Wide attendance totals. Previously, the totals varied based on selected options. For instance:

1) In advanced reports or the "print letters and send emails" feature, users had to "search all schools" to obtain the District Wide total.

2) On report card letterhead templates, the "grades from concurrent schools" option had to be selected to view the District Wide total.

With this update, the field will consistently display a District Wide total, irrespective of the search options chosen. This ensures a more uniform and predictable experience for users.

FOCUS-39699- Grad. Req. Report: Improved Load Performance with Advanced Search

This branch enhances the efficiency of the Graduation Requirements Report by optimizing its load performance, especially when using an Advanced Search by Grade Level via the More Search Options feature.

FOCUS-39695- Custom Fields: Default System Year by Session Year

With this enhancement, when entering a new logging field record, the default year selected will be based on the year chosen in the top-right corner. This pertains to the built-in system year option available to end-users during the logging field configuration.

See Student Fields, User Fields, and Employee Fields for details.

FOCUS-39693- Letter Queue: Make Consistent Style for Computed Fields/Tables from Print Letters

This branch resolves an inconsistency between the Letter Queue and Print Letters styles. Previously, there was a variation in the presentation of computed fields and computed tables, leading to discrepancies in how letters appeared when printed. With this update, both styles will render consistently, ensuring a uniform appearance of printed letters.

FOCUS-39684- Communication Platform: New CC First Email Only Feature

This branch introduces a new feature in the Email tab for Communication messages: a 'First Only' checkbox adjacent to the CC text box. When this checkbox is activated, which is the default setting, the CC will be added solely to the first email sent out for that particular message. As a result, only this initial recipient will see the CC'd email addresses in the email they receive. However, when the checkbox is deselected, the CC will be applied to all emails sent for that message, ensuring every recipient sees the CC'd addresses.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more information.

FOCUS-39683- Community Mobile App: Grade Levels Prevents Announcements from Showing for Logged in Parents

This branch addresses two specific issues related to announcements on the Community Mobile App: Announcements set with specific grade levels were not displaying accurately for parents when logged into the mobile app. However, if the public setting was checked, these announcements displayed correctly when logged out. This inconsistency has been rectified. For schools without an entry in the Community App setup page pertaining to news enablement/disablement, their news was not appearing on the app. With this update, the news will only be hidden if it is explicitly set to "disabled" in the setup page. Both of these corrections aim to enhance the user experience and ensure accurate information display on the mobile app.

FOCUS-39660- Grad. Req. Report: Improve Logic Behind "Include Future Classes as Enrolled" Preference

This branch addresses an inconsistency in the system preference titled "Include Future Classes as Enrolled in Graduation Requirements Report." Previously, quarters were indiscriminately multiplied by 4, regardless of their credits per term. The update ensures that if the quarters are associated with less than 0.5 credits per term, they will be multiplied by 2, aligning with expected behavior. This change ensures that the graduation requirements report more accurately reflects the student's credit situation.

FOCUS-39613- Discipline: New "Exclude Absent Students" Feature on Reward Positive Behavior (Teacher View)

This branch introduces a new feature on the Discipline > Reward Positive Behavior page (teacher view). A checkbox labeled "Exclude Absent Students" has been added. When checked, students who are absent will not appear in the list, streamlining the process for teachers when recognizing positive behavior.

See Positive Behaviors and Reward Positive Behavior (Teacher Programs) for more information.

FOCUS-39609- Communication Platform: Improve Translation API Performance

Before this branch was implemented, there was an issue where short announcements wouldn't be translated if they were created subsequent to a longer announcement. With the introduction of this branch, this issue has been addressed. Now, regardless of their length, all messages will be translated as expected.

FOCUS-39593- Communication: Profile permissions for contact drop down

This enhancement introduces finer-grained permissions for options available in the Students dropdown within the Communication Platform compose interface. The new Profile Permissions are:

1) Student

2) Student Personal

3) Primary Contacts

4) All Contacts

5) Once Per Family

6) Teachers Of

If a profile is granted access to both "Students" and "Primary Contacts" individual permissions, it will automatically be awarded the combined permission of "Students & Primary Contacts". This ensures streamlined access control and minimizes redundancy in permission assignments.

FOCUS-39514- Elementary Scheduler: Restrict Options in Achievement Level Type Preference for Clarity

This branch enhances the "Achievement Level Type" selection by limiting the available options to only those tests that are configured within Standardized Tests and have an associated Achievement Level Types Type. This change is made to improve clarity and prevent confusion for users of the Elementary Scheduler feature, which specifically requires achievement-level data

FOCUS-38998- Parent Notifications: Correct Display of Information in Email for Referrals

This branch rectifies an issue concerning Parent Email Notifications regarding referrals. Previously, the email sent to parents contained fields that the parent did not have view permissions for. With this correction, the parent will now only receive information for fields in the referral that align with the specific field permissions granted by the school district. This improvement ensures that parents receive accurate and relevant information while maintaining the privacy and security of sensitive data in accordance with the designated field permissions.

FOCUS-38533- Communication Platform: Improvements to SMS

This branch revises the SMS character limit handling. Instead of blocking input beyond 21 characters before a field, it now highlights overly lengthy messages in red. While pasting extended content is again permitted, attempting to send an overlong message will trigger an immediate error. Each field contributes 10 characters to the total count, accounting for the field and an accompanying space. Importantly, if a saved SMS initially meets the character constraints but later exceeds the limit after field inclusions or automatic translations, it will still be sent but will be truncated to the designated character limit. This update offers users enhanced flexibility while maintaining SMS character boundaries

FOCUS-38237- Student Final Grades: Ensure Course Number Updates when Changing Course Title on Existing Entry

This branch addresses an issue on the Student Final Grades, GPA & Class Rank page. Previously, when multiple updates were made to the Course Title of an existing entry, the course number was not updating accordingly. With this fix, any changes to the Course Title will result in the correct update of the associated course number, ensuring accuracy and consistency in the records.

FOCUS-39833- System Prefs issue: Display each student's current Gradebook average


FOCUS-33699- E-signature size/display issue

The E-Signature component has the ability to be sized and therefore the size of the actual signature and printed name and date should dynamically adjust up or down based on settings. The actual signature & printed name should be inside the size of the component. The printed component should stay where it is on the form and not shift on the print media.

Previous Article 12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12, 12.0.13, 12.0.14, 12.0.15, 12.0.16 - Revision - 09/11/2023
Next Article 12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12, 12.0.13, 12.0.14, 12.0.15 - Revision - 09/08/2023