Documentation for Administrators

12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12, 12.0.13, 12.0.14, 12.0.15, 12.0.16 - Revision - 09/11/2023

Updated on

Added FOCUS-39609 - Communication Platform: Improve Translation API Performance

Before this branch was implemented, there was an issue where short announcements wouldn't be translated if they were created subsequent to a longer announcement. With the introduction of this branch, this issue has been addressed. Now, regardless of their length, all messages will be translated as expected.

Added FOCUS-39684 - Communication Platform: New CC First Email Only Feature

This branch introduces a new feature in the Email tab for Communication messages: a 'First Only' checkbox adjacent to the CC text box. When this checkbox is activated, which is the default setting, the CC will be added solely to the first email sent out for that particular message. As a result, only this initial recipient will see the CC'd email addresses in the email they receive. However, when the checkbox is deselected, the CC will be applied to all emails sent for that message, ensuring every recipient sees the CC'd addresses.

Added FOCUS-39683 - Community Mobile App: Grade Levels Prevents Announcements from Showing for Logged in Parents

This branch addresses two specific issues related to announcements on the Community Mobile App:

Announcements set with specific grade levels were not displaying accurately for parents when logged into the mobile app. However, if the public setting was checked, these announcements displayed correctly when logged out. This inconsistency has been rectified.

For schools without an entry in the Community App setup page pertaining to news enablement/disablement, their news was not appearing on the app. With this update, the news will only be hidden if it is explicitly set to "disabled" in the setup page.

Both of these corrections aim to enhance the user experience and ensure accurate information display on the mobile app.

Added FOCUS-38533 - Communication Platform: Improvements to SMS

This branch revises the SMS character limit handling. Instead of blocking input beyond 21 characters before a field, it now highlights overly lengthy messages in red. While pasting extended content is again permitted, attempting to send an overlong message will trigger an immediate error. Each field contributes 10 characters to the total count, accounting for the field and an accompanying space. Importantly, if a saved SMS initially meets the character constraints but later exceeds the limit after field inclusions or automatic translations, it will still be sent but will be truncated to the designated character limit. This update offers users enhanced flexibility while maintaining SMS character boundaries.

Added FOCUS-39828 - Communication: Disallow Teacher Conversation with Staff/Parent Without Contact Regarding Previous Students

Added FOCUS-39842 - Communication does not allow search all school for teachers like Print Letters & Send Emails

Added FOCUS-39638 - Disallow Logging and Allow Reply When Sending a Message as from District

See Communication for details.

Added FOCUS-39840 - Communication Platform: Whitelist HTML Attributes

This branch modifies a security issue related to HTML usage within Communication Platform. Previously, when users incorporated certain HTML tags from external sources into a new message, it would trigger a security error. To enhance compatibility and user experience, this update expands the whitelist for the HTML validator. Specifically, the caption, center, style, and valign tags have been added to the approved list, minimizing disruptions when users integrate external HTML content into their messages.

Previous Article 12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12, 12.0.13, 12.0.14, 12.0.15, 12.0.16 - Revision - 09/14/2023
Next Article 12.0.16 - 09/10/2023