Documentation for Administrators

12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12, 12.0.13, 12.0.14, 12.0.15, 12.0.16, 12.0.17 - Revision - 09/22/2023

Updated on

Added FOCUS-39953 - Communication Platform: Set Default Language

This branch addresses an issue that prevented the automated cron messages scheduled job from running when there was no default language specified. Post implementation of this branch, if the default language isn't set, the migration will automatically set "English" as the default language in the database's languages table. This ensures that the automated emails job operates without disruptions.

Added FOCUS-39982 - Communication Platform: Add District Messages to Communication Report

This branch enhances the visibility and traceability of messages originating from non-individual sources in the Communication Report. Specifically:

-Messages that are dispatched by Attendance Messages, Announcements, Automated Cron Messages, or those sent 'As District' were previously excluded from the Communication Report. With this update, these messages are now included.

-While these messages are listed in the report as being from a specific user for tracking purposes, it's important to note that recipients will still see these messages as coming from the district sender in their Communication Inbox, maintaining the original sender's anonymity.

-An added feature is the inclusion of a checkbox on the report, which allows for easy filtering of messages that were sent (or not sent) from the district. This ensures that users can quickly discern between individual and district-based communications.

-A noteworthy addition is the population of the "Regarding Student" column for all Attendance Notification records within the Communication Report. This facilitates districts in swiftly filtering and pinpointing a particular Attendance Notification to inspect its recipients.

See Communication Reports for more information.

Added FOCUS-39596 - Communication: Student Name at Top of Page When Printing

See Communication for more information.

Added FOCUS-39995 - Communication Platform: New Communication Option in Letterhead Templates

This branch introduces an enhancement to the Letterhead Templates. Now, "Communication" has been added to the "Available For" options. If this option is left blank, the Letterhead will be accessible across all programs. However, if specific programs are selected, the Letterhead will be exclusive to those chosen. Specifically, this update provides districts the flexibility to design a letterhead template and restrict its utilization solely to the Communication Platform.

See Letterhead Templates and Communication for more information.

Added FOCUS-39863 - Communication Platform: New Determination of Eligible Message Recipients

This branch addresses various inconsistencies related to the messaging dropdown selection in the compose screen:

1) Teachers who were excluded from messaging search would be selected from teacher completion screens, but would then be absent on the compose screen.

2) When using the magnifying glass search, if a student from a previous year marked as inactive was selected, they wouldn't be displayed on the compose screen.

3) Students who changed classes within the academic year could still see their former teachers in the compose dropdown.

4) Students could also view teachers from their previous enrollments.

With the implementation of this branch, these issues have been resolved to ensure accurate representation of selected recipients in the compose screen.

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Next Article 12.0.17 - Revision - 09/22/2023