Documentation for Administrators

12.0.18 - 09/24/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-40052- Need Inactive Items Hidden/Removed From Room Reports

System improvement to the Fixed Asset > Room Report adding a checkbox to include inactive/disposed assets.

See Room Report for details.

FOCUS-40036- User deleted Cash Drawer when it was still assigned to users

System improvement to Billing > Cash Drawer Setup preventing the drawer from being deleted if the drawer is assigned.

See Cash Drawer Setup for more information.

FOCUS-40023- chore(accounts-payable): show p-card bank on PO and Invoice pages

System enhancement adding the Pcard Bank Column to the Purchase Order History Tab and the Invoice batch review/post screen.

See Purchase Requests/Orders and Internal Purchase Requests/Orders for details.

FOCUS-39994- chore(budget): send user back to pending approval after approving budget maintenance request

System improvement to return the user to the pending approval screen after the user has approved the budget maintenance request.

FOCUS-39794- feat(accounts-payable): allow sending copy of PO email to author

System improvement adding a check box to allow the user to send an emailed copy of the Purchase Order to the author.

See Purchase Requests/Orders and Internal Purchase Requests/Orders for details.

FOCUS-33699- E-signature size/display issue

The E-Signature component in our system has now been enhanced with dynamic sizing capabilities. Here's what's new:

1. Dynamic Resizing: The E-Signature component can now be adjusted in size, ensuring that it fits perfectly within various form layouts and designs. Whether you need a larger space for signatures on one form or a more compact design for another, this feature has you covered.

2. Proportional Signature Adjustments: As you resize the E-Signature component, both the actual signature and the printed name adjust their sizes proportionally. This ensures that the signature and name always look consistent and legible, regardless of the component's size.

3. Consistent Positioning: One of the critical updates is that despite any dynamic resizing, the printed component remains fixed in its position on the form. This consistency ensures that no unexpected shifts occur in the layout, especially when the form is sent for print media.

4. Signature Boundaries: The actual signature, printed name, and date are all contained within the boundaries of the E-Signature component. This containment ensures a neat and tidy appearance, keeping your forms looking professional and easy to read.

This enhancement aims to provide greater flexibility in form design while maintaining a polished and professional appearance.

FOCUS-39899- Add Edit Starting Check Numbers Permission

System improvement adding a profile permission to 'Edit Starting Check Numbers' in Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Accounts Payable > Checks and Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Accounts Payable > Internal Account Checks.

See Checks and/or Internal Account Checks for more information.


FOCUS-39940- feat(hr): add bargaining unit to EAF and Applicant Tracking approval flows

System improvement adding a bargaining unit property node to the Applicant Tracking and Employee Action Form approval flows.

FOCUS-39904- Add User and EIN to EAF Email

System enhancement adding the User's name and EIN to the Employee Action Form email.

FOCUS-39855- Files & Comment Boxes in Payroll Reallocation

System enhancement adding Files and Comments to Payroll > Check Voids and Reallocations.

See Check Voids and Reallocations for more information.


FOCUS-40085- Communication Platform: Prevent Duplicate Attendance Messages

This branch introduces a constraint to the Communication Platform, specifically targeting automated attendance messages. The primary purpose of this enhancement is to eliminate the possibility of sending duplicate attendance notifications to recipients.

FOCUS-40026- Re-Enrollment Forms: Prevent Error on Portal Alert

This branch addresses an issue in the Portal related to Re-Enrollment Form alerts. Previously, clicking on these alerts would result in an error. With the implementation of this branch, such issues are resolved, allowing users to interact with the Re-Enrollment Form alerts seamlessly.

FOCUS-40011- Delete a Student: Restore with Removed Custom Field

This branch rectifies an issue where users encountered an error when trying to restore a student who had been previously deleted through the "Delete a Student" function. The error arose if the student had data in a custom field that had been subsequently removed from the database.

FOCUS-39999- Print Class List: Resolve Error Adding Custom Fields

This branch addresses an issue where users encountered errors when adding specific custom fields in the "Print Class Lists" functionality. With this update, users can now incorporate these custom fields into the Print Class Lists without any disruptions.

FOCUS-39998- Classes for Sale: Resolve Total Seats Import

This branch resolves the issue with section Total Seats value being imported rather than the value from the import file.

FOCUS-39989- Assessments: Improved Visibility on State Performance Report

This branch introduces a user-friendly feature to the State Performance Report under the Section Screen. A new collapse/expand button has been added, allowing users to conveniently hide the section options. This enhances the visual space for the reports section, providing a more streamlined and focused reading experience.

See State Performance Report (admin), State Performance Report (teacher), and At Risk Students (admin) for the reflected change.

FOCUS-39969- Advanced Reports: Performance Improvement

This branch optimizes the Advanced Reports performance by avoiding unnecessary function calls related to fields not part of the report criteria.

FOCUS-39958- Proficiency Gradebook: Prevent Standard Assignment Removal if Grade Exists

With this latest update, we're reinforcing data accuracy in the grading system. When the proficiency gradebook feature is enabled, teachers will no longer be able to delete standards linked to graded assignments.

FOCUS-39950- Focus Password Recovery Error Message - Parent Account

This branch prevents an error from displaying to Parents when attempting to reset Parent Portal passwords.

FOCUS-39901- Teacher Portal: Ensure Appropriate Students Display in List

This branch addresses an oversight in the teacher portal's student information search functionality. Previously, when the scheduling system preference 'Hide Schedules from Teachers' was not set for a school, some students would not appear in the student search dropdown list on the teacher portal.

FOCUS-39891- Attendance Comments on Hover (v12)

This update ensures consistent display of attendance comments in the attendance chart. Previously, if the Attendance Day comments were modified on a student's schedule, the changes weren't reflected when hovering over in the Attendance Chart. With this branch, the system now prioritizes showing the Attendance Day comment when available; otherwise, it falls back to displaying the Attendance Period Reasons.

FOCUS-39862- Attendance Chart: Improved Performance on Load

This update optimizes the performance of the Attendance Chart, particularly for schools with a student population exceeding 2,000. Users at larger institutions can now expect a more responsive and faster loading experience when accessing the Attendance Chart.

FOCUS-39786- Student Final Grades: Display Earned Credits for Session School Year

This update refines the Final Grades screen for students. Now, when users are viewing a student's Final Grades, the 'Earned Credits' calculation will dynamically adjust to show the total number of credits earned specifically for the school year selected in the current session. This provides a more tailored insight into a student's academic progress within a given year.

FOCUS-39744- Communication: Push Notifications

We're excited to announce the integration of Push Notifications into the Focus Communication platform, further enhancing the connectivity between Focus Communication and the Community Mobile App. This update aims to make communication more instantaneous and accessible for all users.

Here's what's new:

1. System Preference for Push Notifications: A new system preference has been introduced, allowing administrators to enable push notifications for every message by default. This ensures that users are promptly informed about vital communications without delay.

2. Profile Permission-Based Notifications: Beyond the system-wide setting, we've introduced profile permission-based options for push notifications related to both Messages and Announcements. This feature provides users with a granular control over the notifications they receive, ensuring they're alerted only about the content most relevant to them.

3. Immediate Alerts for App Users: For those who have the Community App installed on their devices, receiving a push notification will mean they can directly view and respond to their messages within the App. This instant connectivity ensures that users are always in the loop, no matter where they are.

See the following help documents for more information:  Communication (Admin), System Preferences > General, Communication (Teacher), Scheduled Jobs, Communication Reports (Admin), and Communication Reports (Teachers).

FOCUS-39730- Transcripts: Improved Content Display for Course Flags 1-4

This update enhances the display of Student Transcripts, particularly when incorporating Course Flags 1-4. Before this change, if a student had multiple flags populated, only one would be reflected in the transcript. With this branch, the Student Transcripts will accurately depict values from multiple course flag fields, ensuring a comprehensive representation of the student's record.

FOCUS-39685- Application Editor: Better Recognize "On Change" for ExecuteSQLs

This branch refines the Edit Rules & Workflow in the system, specifically enhancing the ExecuteSQLs to more accurately detect the "On Change" behavior in enrollment forms. With this improvement, when utilizing the "On Change" option in their Criteria, applicant ExecuteSQLs are ensured to be triggered, optimizing form handling and responsiveness.

FOCUS-39471- Online Application: Improved Duplicate Prevention for Future Active Students

This branch enhances the Online Application's duplicate student checking mechanism. Previously, the system didn't factor in future enrollments, leading to a scenario where, especially during summer months, all students could be deemed inactive, thus permitting the creation of duplicate entries. With this update, the system will now assess if the student's enrollment falls between the start and end date of the school year, ensuring more accurate and efficient detection of potential duplicates

FOCUS-39307- School Choice: Implement Re-Enrollment Restrictions Compatibility

This branch refines the School Choice Application and Evaluate Placement processes by incorporating Re-Enrollment Restrictions and Victim/Aggressor enrollment limitations. Prior to this update, these specific restrictions were not considered, potentially leading to inaccuracies in program offerings. With the new changes, ineligible programs will be conveniently grayed out for users, ensuring a clearer and more accurate selection process. Additionally, light validation has been implemented to further streamline the process and prevent errors.

See School Choice Application, Magnet Application, Special Placement Application, Magnet/Special Assignment > Evaluating Placement, and System Preferences > Enrollment for the reflected changes.

FOCUS-39201- Elementary Scheduler: Better Handling of Packages

This branch enhances the functionality of the Elementary Scheduler. Previously, if a student was already part of a package and the scheduler was rerun, any modifications made to that package might not be reflected in the student's schedule. With this update, the system now ensures that any relevant changes to the package are automatically updated in the student's schedule.

FOCUS-38304- User Info: Respect Inactive Schools in User Permissions

This branch ensures schools that are deemed inactive by School Info Min and Max Year Settings are not selectable for new User Permission school assignments.

FOCUS-39054- User Select - ERP - Show SSN

See Portal for additional information.


FOCUS-40020- SSS/Formbuilder Snapshot (September 2023) (Florida, Texas)



See Manage Student: ESE Events for the reflected changes.

FOCUS-33699- E-signature size/display issue

The E-Signature component in our system has now been enhanced with dynamic sizing capabilities. Here's what's new:

1. Dynamic Resizing: The E-Signature component can now be adjusted in size, ensuring that it fits perfectly within various form layouts and designs. Whether you need a larger space for signatures on one form or a more compact design for another, this feature has you covered.

2. Proportional Signature Adjustments: As you resize the E-Signature component, both the actual signature and the printed name adjust their sizes proportionally. This ensures that the signature and name always look consistent and legible, regardless of the component's size.

3. Consistent Positioning: One of the critical updates is that despite any dynamic resizing, the printed component remains fixed in its position on the form. This consistency ensures that no unexpected shifts occur in the layout, especially when the form is sent for print media.

4. Signature Boundaries: The actual signature, printed name, and date are all contained within the boundaries of the E-Signature component. This containment ensures a neat and tidy appearance, keeping your forms looking professional and easy to read.

This enhancement aims to provide greater flexibility in form design while maintaining a polished and professional appearance.

Previous Article 12.0.18 - Revision - 09/25/2023
Next Article 12.0.10, 12.0.11, 12.0.12, 12.0.13, 12.0.14, 12.0.15, 12.0.16, 12.0.17 - Revision - 09/22/2023