Documentation for Administrators

12.0.28 - 12/09/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-41104- feat(preferences): add user preference for PO change order emails

System improvement adding User Preference to enable Purchase Order Change Order emails. Setup > Permissions > User Preferences > Default User Preferences Purchase Order Change Orders.

See Setup > User Preference > Default User Preferences for details.

FOCUS-40899- Setting to prevent transfers for assigned assets

System enhancement to Fixed Assets adding 2 settings:

1. Prevent transfer for student-assigned assets

2. Prevent transfer for staff-assigned assets

When enabled, show an error "This asset is assigned to a student/user. Please check it back in before transferring." that links the user to the Check In/Out screen.

See Setup > Settings > Fixed Assets and Transfer Requests for more information.

FOCUS-40857- Fixed Assets>Manage Assets>Current Asset Tab - Add a Field "Last Inventoried"

System improvement adding 'Last Inventoried Date' to Asset Information in Fixed Asset > Assets > Manage Assets > Current Assets.

See Manage Assets > Current Asset for details.


FOCUS-40239- Add (inactive) to dropdown in Payroll > Run Payroll

System improvement identifying inactive jobs in Payroll > Run Payroll.


FOCUS-41265- Communication Platform: Ensure Emergency Calls Received Outside Defined Call Window

The recent update has modified the behavior of the call window feature within the Communication Platform. Previously, the call window was automatically sent with every call, irrespective of its nature. With the new changes, the call window is no longer sent when a call is designated as an emergency. Additionally, the update has introduced a new functionality where the call window is now included with any SMS communication.

FOCUS-41193- Attendance: Support Special Characters in Absence Summary Comments

This update addresses a previously identified issue in the Absence Summary section. The comments field was experiencing a problem where the inclusion of special characters, specifically the forward slash '/', caused the field to become uneditable.

FOCUS-41187- Select Student/Staff Quick Pick: Ensure Inactive Students Flagged Correctly for Teachers

The latest update resolves an issue in the Select Student/Staff Quick Pick list. Previously, students who were no longer actively scheduled with a teacher continued to appear as active in the teacher's list. This branch corrects this error, ensuring that only students currently scheduled with a teacher are displayed as active in the Quick Pick list.

FOCUS-41182- Communication Platform: Improve Recorded Message Playback in Communication Report

The latest update addresses an issue in the Communication Platform, Communication Report. Before this update, users experienced difficulties and errors while attempting to play recorded messages. This issue has now been resolved, ensuring smooth playback of recorded messages.

FOCUS-41175- EdFi: Optimize StudentSectionAttendanceEvent

The recent update brings performance enhancements specifically targeting the StudentSectionAttendanceEvent within the Ed-Fi Data Sync built-in scheduled job. This optimization is designed to improve the efficiency and reliability of data synchronization in this context.

FOCUS-41161- School Choice: Display Zone/Sub-Zone by School Year in Evaluate Placement

The branch developed for our School Choice customers enhances the Magnet/Special Assignment's Evaluate Placement screen. It ensures accurate display of the student's Zone and SubZone definitions corresponding to the school year selected by the end-user.

FOCUS-41138- Discipline: Ensure Only Processed Referrals Display in Header on Parent Portal

This update addresses a problem on the Parent Portal, specifically on the referrals screen. Previously, if a student had a pending referral, the discipline actions in the header would appear even though the referral itself was not displayed, as it hadn't been processed by an administrator. With the new changes, the header will now reflect discipline actions based only on processed referrals. This adjustment will be consistent across both the Student and Parent Portals

FOCUS-41121- Proficiency Gradebook: Change Default Overall Grade Display When Grades are Posted Letter Only

The recent update introduces a change in how grades are displayed in Proficiency Gradebooks, depending on the system preference settings for report card codes. When the preference is set to "letter grade," only the letter grade will be visible in the gradebook for proficiency gradebooks. Non-proficiency gradebooks remain unaffected by this change. Additionally, if the report card codes are set to display either "percent and letter grade" or "percent" alone, then both the letter grade and the percent will be shown in the gradebook.

FOCUS-41106- Recovery Email: Allow Resetting Passwords Electronically for Users with Multiple Profile Assignments

The latest update fixes an issue experienced by teacher end-users in resetting their passwords electronically. The system previously misinterpreted the presence of multiple profile assignments in user enrollment as a duplicate email, hindering the password reset process. This error has now been corrected, allowing end-users with multiple profile assignments to reset their passwords without encountering this issue.

FOCUS-41031- My Preferences: New Disallow Option on Default User Preferences Enhancement

This enhancement introduces a new "disallow" option in the display options and student listing tabs within the Default User Preferences section of System Preferences. This feature functions similarly to the existing disallow options in the Gradebook Configuration and Default Gradebook Configuration tabs. When an option is set and saved, then the "disallow" is marked, it becomes the mandatory setting for all users, who will then not have the ability to see or select any other option in their individual preferences. This update offers administrators greater control over default user settings. The "Disallow" option is installed in the off position for all settings to maintain current functionality.

See System Preferences > Display Options and Student Listing for more information.

FOCUS-41028- FormBuilder: Respect Radio Group Name Assigned to Multiple Required Fields

Prior to the update, there was an issue when multiple radio groups, linked through a shared group name and marked as required, did not update their validation status correctly upon loading a saved form. This led to errors when users attempted to approve the form. The update rectifies this problem by ensuring that the radio group name is properly recognized when assigned to multiple required fields, allowing for error-free form approval by the users.

FOCUS-41022- Attendance: Resolve Attendance Chart Display with "Allow teachers to view the previous days attendance"

Prior to this fix, there was an issue with the Attendance Chart. Teachers were unable to view it despite the Attendance system preference "Allow teachers to view the previous days attendance" being set to Start of Year. This fix resolves the error, ensuring the attendance chart is now accessible as intended. However, it's important to note that this fix does not permit updating predicated from the customer's modify system preference setting.

FOCUS-40970- FAS: Display Shared Assessments in Gradebook

Before the update, there was an issue where teacher assessments that were shared did not appear in the gradebook. The recent update has successfully addressed this problem. Now, shared teacher assessments are both viewable and assignable by teachers in the gradebook. Additionally, the custom share functionality is operational, ensuring that assessments shared in this manner are visible in the gradebook to those included in the custom share, while remaining hidden from those not included.

See Create Assessments > Adding an Assessment to an Assignment in the Gradebook (teachers) for more information.

FOCUS-40941- Attendance: Improved Printing from Absence Summary with Letterhead Template

The recent update addresses a specific issue reported by users regarding the Print Absence Summary feature. When selecting the "Absence Summary - Print" with the letterhead template, the output displayed a formatting error where the table was incorrectly positioned into the header, disrupting the overall layout. This branch successfully resolves this formatting issue, ensuring that the Absence Summary is printed correctly with the desired layout and alignment.

FOCUS-40928- Attendance: Prevent Attendance for Inactive Students in Previous Marking Period from Seating Chart

The update addresses a concern with the Seating Chart feature. Previously, when teachers used an effective date within the Seating Chart that fell in a selected, inactive marking period, it inadvertently included inactive students, complicating attendance taking. With the new update, teachers are now unable to take attendance using the seating chart when an inactive marking period is selected. They can still arrange their seating chart for a future marking period, but must revert to the current active marking period for attendance purposes. When attempting to take attendance in an inactive marking period, the system will display a message indicating the marking period's inactivity.

FOCUS-40861- Post Final Grades: Enforce Required Comment Entry when Posted Grade Different from Gradebook Grade

Before the update, there was a discrepancy in the system's handling of final grade postings. Teachers were able to post final grades without adding a comment, even in situations where the manually entered letter grade did not match the grade recorded in the gradebook. This occurred despite the system preference 'Force teachers to enter a comment if they override posted grades' being enabled. This issue has now been addressed with the recent update.

FOCUS-41171- *Requests: Enforce System Preference Limiting Student Requests by Grad Subject Grouping

FOCUS-41165- *Skip Address/Enrollment page of Add a Student not working

FOCUS-40472- Change Request - Granite Gradebook Grades Reports Participation Report - Adapt for Proficiency

FOCUS-40451- Check In/Out Issue


FOCUS-41053- SSS: Improve Printed Progress Monitoring Pagination

Before the update, there was an issue with the printing format of the IEP PM Event where the dates were displayed at the end of the page instead of alongside the goal on the following page. The recent update has resolved this formatting issue. Now, when printing the IEP PM Event, the dates correctly appear with the goal on the next page as intended.

FOCUS-40828- SSS: Improve Mass Printing Single-Step Batches

Before the update, users attempting to mass print a single-step batch, like the Graph step of the PMP Event, encountered an error displayed in the Status column, preventing the batch from being downloaded. The recent update has rectified this issue. Now, users can successfully mass print single-step batches, including the Graph step of the PMP Event, without encountering any errors.

FOCUS-40620- Translated forms imported from a snapshot may not link to the parent appropriately

Previous Article 12.0.28 - Revision - 12/11/2023
Next Article 12.0.26, 12.0.27 - Revision - 12/07/2023