Documentation for Administrators

12.0.29 - 12/16/2023

Updated on


FOCUS-40470- Staff Device (Laptop) Check Out / Check In

System improvement to Fixed Asset > Check Out allowing the user to select additional accessories.

See Checkout for details.


FOCUS-41216- Add the job number to error 11 and if it's dummy earnings change the desc to Deduction Adjustment

System improvement adding job number to Payroll > Run Payroll > Payroll Error 11.

FOCUS-41169- Payroll Reports - Add Cost Center Parameter

System improvement adding account strip facility to Payroll > Payroll Reports.

See Payroll Reports for more information.


FOCUS-41365- Gradebook: Improve Usage with Learnosity API

This update addresses an issue for customers using the Focus Assessment System. Previously, during Learnosity API outages, an error in the Gradebook would result in a whitescreen. With the new update, the Gradebook will continue to load and remain accessible even when the Learnosity systems are down, enhancing system reliability and user experience during such outages.

FOCUS-41349- Communication Platform: Improve Uploading Attachments to Existing Announcements & Templates

Prior to this update, users encountered an error when attempting to attach a new file to an existing announcement or template in the Communication Platform. This issue has been resolved with the latest update, enabling the continuous upload of files to existing announcements and templates.

FOCUS-41324- Communication Platform: Increased SMS Character Limit

The latest update expands the SMS character limit to 300 characters for customers using the Communication Platform Call Out System expansion. This enhancement provides users with increased flexibility in message content. However, the system will still notify end-users if they exceed this 300-character limit while composing SMS messages through the interface.

FOCUS-41286- Progression Plans: Display Appropriate Categories in Student Progression Plans

This update resolves a specific issue for customers utilizing Progression Plans. It ensures that when students view their assigned progression plan, they are now correctly able to see the appropriate categories.

FOCUS-41251- Advanced Reports: Improve Display of School Year within Logging Fields

The update enhances the visibility of logging fields in Advanced Reports. Specifically, when the "show school year" option is enabled, the corresponding school year column will now be displayed in the leftmost position in an Advanced Report. This change aligns the placement of the school year column with its position in the Student and User Search areas.

FOCUS-41229- Communication Platform: New Flag Messages Sub-Permission for Communication Reports

Prior to this update, any user with edit rights to Communication Reports had the ability to flag any message. The new update introduces a separate permission specifically for flagging messages from the reports screen. To ensure continuity, a migration is included that automatically enables this new permission for users who currently have edit rights to the communication reports screen. This change provides more granular control over user permissions while preserving existing functionalities.

See Communication Reports for more details.

FOCUS-41227- Add a Student: Improved Searching on Birth Year

The update enhances the 'Add a Student' feature, enabling end-users to search for existing students by birth year. This improvement ensures that using the birth year as a search criterion does not override the birthdate details of an existing or previously enrolled student.

FOCUS-41204- Community Mobile App: Improve Text Display for Re-Enrollment Forms

The update focuses on enhancing the visual presentation of re-enrollment form names in the Community Mobile App. It improves the padding around these form names, thereby making the form titles more visibly prominent and easier to read for parents and students.

FOCUS-41177- Assessments: Improve Display with All Quarters Selected in View Standard Grades

The recent update addresses a specific issue in the Assessment section, under 'View Standard Grades.' Previously, selecting 'All Quarters' led to an error being displayed.

FOCUS-41173- Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank: Improve Display of '0' Grades in Summary View

This update ensures that in the Detailed Summary of Students' Final Grades for Quarter 1, grades with a numeric value of 0 are displayed correctly. Previously, there may have been issues with the visibility of these grades.

FOCUS-41155- Transcript: Prioritize Subject Title from Academic Achievement Record (AAR) (Texas)

The update enhances transcript generation for Texas customers. It modifies the prioritization in displaying subject titles on transcripts, now favoring the subject title from the Academic Achievement Record (AAR) over the Graduation Subject Area 1. This change aims to provide a more accurate and relevant representation of academic subjects on transcripts, aligning with specific documentation requirements in Texas.

FOCUS-40950- Graduation Requirements Report: Refine Course Logic for Fulfilling Scholar Designations (FL Only)

The update addresses a specific issue in the Graduation Requirements Report for Florida customers, particularly in the Scholar Designation section. It corrects the criteria for meeting the "Earned 1 Credit in Course Equally-Rigorous to Chemistry/Physics" requirement. Students can now fulfill this requirement by earning two 0.5 credits in different courses that are designated as equally rigorous.

FOCUS-40943- Graduation Requirements Report: Improved Logic for Merit Designation (FL Only)

The update fine-tunes the logic in the Graduation Requirements Report, specifically for the Merit Designation for Florida customers. It adjusts how the system checks for Merit Designation industry certifications. With this refinement, types labeled as '3' or 'null' in both the industry certifications and cape tables will no longer be included in the evaluation for Merit Designation.

FOCUS-40930- Discipline: Restore View Referrals Other Schools Functionality

This update will restore the previously available feature that allows users to have View Only access to referrals from other schools visible in the referral list. This reinstatement ensures users can view, but not edit, referrals made by other schools, enhancing cross-institutional transparency and collaboration.

FOCUS-40926- Reenrollment Forms: Ensure Updating Fields Within Groups

This update addresses and resolves an issue related to the reenrollment forms in the system. Previously, when groups on the reenrollment forms were hidden, any disabled fields within these groups were not included in the post. This led to certain fields not appearing in the change requests as expected. With the implementation of this branch, the approach to handling these fields has been modified for better functionality.

FOCUS-40798- Transcripts: Improve Layout with "Year and Course" Grouping

This update brings notable enhancements to the process of generating Transcripts in the "Year and Course" grouping mode, addressing two key areas:

1) Location Title Separation: Previously, grades were not correctly separated by their respective location titles. This issue has been rectified, and now grades are properly differentiated and displayed with their accurate location titles, enhancing the clarity and accuracy of the transcript.

2) Handling Multiple Grades: In situations where a student had multiple grades for the same marking period, location, and course (across different sections), the system was creating an additional column for each marking period. The improved approach now simply adds another row for each distinct grade in such scenarios, rather than creating extra columns. This change streamlines the presentation of grades on the transcript, making it more organized and easier to interpret.

FOCUS-40644- Form Builder: Improve Student Comments in SIS Forms

This branch addresses and resolves an issue where students encountered errors while attempting to post comments in SIS forms. With the implementation of this branch, the error has been rectified, enabling students to post comments on SIS form requests smoothly.

FOCUS-41140- Gradebook : letter_grades_not_points config setting not updating correctly


FOCUS-41260- SSS/Formbuilder Florida Snapshot (December 2023)

December Snapshot Update Article


FOCUS-40273- CTE: Correct Attendance Hours with Meeting Patterns

This update rectifies the calculation of attended hours on the Schedule Report, Take Attendance, and Course History, ensuring accurate computation whenever a Meeting Pattern is incorporated.

Previous Article 12.0.28, 12.0.29 - Revision - 12/19/2023
Next Article 12.0.15, 12.0.16, 12.0.17, 12.0.18, 12.0.19, 12.0.20, 12.0.21, 12.0.22, 12.0.23, 12.0.24, 12.0.25, 12.0.26, 12.0.27, 12.0.28 - Revision - 12/13/2023