Documentation for Administrators

12.0.34 - 02/04/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-41758- Change "ESS" setting category name to "Employee Self Service"

System improvement to Setup > General Ledger > Settings > ESS changed to Employee Self Service.

See Setup > Settings > Employee Self Service for more information.

FOCUS-41402- feat(pos): add reference name to POS receipt line

System improvement to add name on account field in check information pop up. To enable: Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale > 'Allow entering name on account for checks.'

See Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivables > Point of Sale section for details about this new setting.

FOCUS-40880- Change Request: Disallow the creation of duplicate Product Item Numbers in K12 billing

System improvement disallowing the creation of duplicate Product Item Numbers in K12 Billing.

FOCUS-41774- Bank ACH Rejections For Payables

System enhancement adding the ability to mark an ACH returned to void and reissue.

See Checks and Internal Account Checks for more information.


FOCUS-41788- Check for hours per day being different from the staff position hours

System improvement adding Payroll Error when hours per day do not match hours per day in wages.

FOCUS-41769- HR Change Report follow-up

System improvements to change name of Human Resources > Position Change Report to Employee Change Report.

See Employee Change Report for details.

FOCUS-41732- Setting For Including Date Ranges In Pay Stub

System enhancement adding setting to suppress date range for earnings on pay stub. To enable: Setup > Settings > Payroll > Paystub Options > 'Show Date Ranges In Earnings'.

See Setup > Settings > Payroll for additional information.

FOCUS-41700- Add 2023 1095-B and 1095-C Forms

System improvement adding 2023 updates in Human Resources > Benefits > Print 1095.

See Print 1095C for details.

FOCUS-41337- Payroll entry dockage warning

System improvement to Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry to receive warning if leave will cause wage dockage.


FOCUS-41917- Communication Platform: Improved Handling of Translation Default Logic

Prior to this update to the Communication Platform, if a student or parent had not set their preferred language, the system defaulted to the language specified in the default language field, translating messages both ways between English and the set language. This included translations of messages sent from students to teachers. The current update rectifies this by preventing the system from translating messages sent from students to teachers, ensuring clarity and accuracy in communication.

FOCUS-41889- Communication Platform: Resolve More Search Options Error

This update resolves an issue previously encountered where end-users received an error in the Communication Platform when leveraging More Search Options and the "Scheduled into Section" option.

FOCUS-41881- Communication Platform: Preserve Announcement Formatting

This update guarantees that bullet formatting used in Announcements within the Communication Platform is preserved when the announcements are displayed in the Portal Message.

FOCUS-41866- Report Cards: Improve Column Names in Abbreviation Legend

This update refines the formatting of column names in the footer section of Report Cards, specifically when the "Display Abbreviation Legend" option is chosen for printing. The enhancement ensures a cleaner, more professional appearance, and enhances the readability of the Report Cards.

FOCUS-41857- Scheduling: Improve Waitlist Open Seat Count Logic

This update enhances the accuracy of the Open Seat count on the Scheduling Waitlist by considering the end date defined for each section. If a section is no longer active because its end date has passed, its seats will be excluded from the count.

FOCUS-41840- Course Catalog: New 'None' Option in Course History Term

With this update, a new "None" option is introduced in the Course Catalog, allowing districts to designate courses as not receiving a grade in Course History. Unlike the N/A setting, which schools could override in their master schedule, the "None" option restricts any modifications at the Courses & Sections and Master Schedule Report levels. This enhancement provides districts with definitive control over which courses are excluded from posting to Course History, ensuring district-level decisions are upheld. The Course Catalog 'NA' setting is unchanged.

See Course Catalog > Viewing the Course Catalog for more information.

FOCUS-41821- Scheduled Jobs: Improved Job Status for Automatic Course Requests

This update fixes a problem where the built-in Scheduled Job for Automatic Course Requests incorrectly produced an error if there were no course requests to process. With the new change, if there are no requests for processing, the job will be marked as completed, and no results will be shown in the Execution History, eliminating unnecessary error notifications and clarifying the actual status of course request processing.

FOCUS-41801- Manage Discounts: Add 'Invoices to Pay' Functionality for Automated Discounts

This update addresses an issue where discounts were applied incorrectly when parents were selecting 'Invoices to Pay' for sibling students. The problem, which occurred when parents selected and unselected invoices, leading to inappropriate discount applications, has been rectified. The implementation of this update and the insertion of a new query in Manage Discounts ensures that discounts are now applied.

FOCUS-41800- Gradebook : Student's Individual Grades Screen Not Respecting Rounding Preferences

This update addresses an issue in the Gradebook where the 'percent' grade displayed when viewing an individual student's grades does not adhere to the user's rounding preference set in their Gradebook settings. The fix ensures that the percentage grades are now correctly rounded according to the specified preferences, providing accurate and consistent information.

FOCUS-41780- Immunizations: Resolve Error Importing FLShots

This update fixes an error that occurred when importing a student's immunization records from the Florida Department of Health through the FLShots API. The issue, which prevented successful immunization data import, has now been resolved

FOCUS-41742- School Choice: Correct Applying Program Options in Magnet/Special Assignment Screen

This update rectifies a problem on the Magnet/Special Assignment screen, where the Applying Program displayed in the swift box did not adhere to the program's minimum and maximum school year settings as defined in School Choice Setup, in relation to the School Year designated for the program entry. With this fix, the displayed Applying Program now respects the defined school year settings, ensuring accurate and relevant information is presented.

FOCUS-41716- Student Fields: Unable to Update Application School Year System Field

This update enables customers to make the necessary adjustments to the settings associated with the system's Student Field Application School Year.

FOCUS-41712- Scheduling: Section Naming Correction with "Enable Ending Period"

This issue, where section titles changed to asterisks upon updating a section after enabling the 'Enable Ending Period' preference in the Scheduling System, has been identified and resolved. Section titles will now maintain their proper naming convention.

FOCUS-41704- SSS: Restrict Editing Collections & Actions in Focus Forms

Before the update, users had the ability to edit and save collections in Focus Forms. The current update changes this functionality: the 'Add/Edit Collection' and 'Add/Edit Action' buttons are no longer available, and all components on Focus Forms are disabled, restricting the ability to make changes to collections within the system.

FOCUS-41628- Discipline: Positive Behavior Enhancement

This update introduces a new enhancement in the Discipline > Positive Behavior (Setup) section. It features a school-specific Spend Profiles dropdown. Additionally, we've added 'Min Award' and 'Max Award' settings to restrict the minimum and maximum number of awards assignable per transaction. This ensures that users adhere to specified award limits.

See Positive Behaviors > Setting the Spend Profiles for more information.

FOCUS-41624- Communication Platform: Improvements to Settings & Introducing SMS Signatures

This branch introduces several enhancements to the Communication Platform:

1. Default Student Recipient Type: A new Default General System Preference, 'Default Student Recipient Type', is added. It determines the pre-selected option in Students > Communication > Compose > Recipient Type Pulldown. If a user lacks permission for the default recipient type, the system defaults to the next available option in their permission list.

2. SMS Signature: In Settings, the 'Email Signature' section is updated to two tabs under 'Signatures': Email | SMS. This feature is only visible for profiles with the 'Send SMS' profile permission (either announcement or regular send SMS).

-SMS Signature lacks formatting options present in the Email signature.

-A character count is displayed in the bottom right corner of the SMS Signature box.

-For users with an SMS signature set, when composing a new SMS:

-The user's signature is automatically appended at the end of the message.

-The character count decreases to account for the included signature.

These improvements aim to streamline the communication process, offering more customization and ensuring clarity in SMS character limits and signature settings.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more details.

FOCUS-41162- Communication Platform: Inbox Migration for Missing Regarding Student

This update introduces a migration that significantly enhances the functionality of the Communication Platform. It updates recipient records for messages exchanged between teachers and parents about a student, specifically targeting those records missing a 'regarding_student_id' following the platform's implementation. This change consolidates conversations about the same student into a single thread, ensuring that all recipient records include a 'regarding_student_id'.

FOCUS-41040- Report Cards: Respect Marking Period Sort Order in Generation

This enhancement increases flexibility in displaying marking periods on Report Cards and District Report Cards & Transcripts. Now, the sequence of marking periods is dictated by the sort order set by customers in the Setup menu. Additionally, District Report Cards will adhere to this sort order for sub-marking periods within a main marking period, displaying grades in ascending marking period order. Notably, exams are set to appear before the marking period grade, ensuring a coherent presentation of academic progress.

FOCUS-40095- User Profiles: New "Login as Parent" Profile Permission

This enhancement adds a new User Profile permission named "Login as Parent." When enabled, this permission allows a user to log in as Parent User types, but not as other admin or teacher-related users. The permission will be initially set to the off position, preserving current functionality. Additionally, the existing User Profile Permission "Login As" remains unchanged by this update and will continue to permit end users to log in as all user types.

FOCUS-39777- Transcripts: Improve Generation when Grad. Req. Included

This update enhances the efficiency of transcript processing, significantly reducing the time required to generate transcripts using the 'Generate Transcripts (Print/pdf)' option.


FOCUS-41882- SSS: Generate Student's Enrolled School in Headers

Before the update, form headers in SSS Events were linked to the campus where the event originated, rather than the student's current school. After the update, the headers are now generated based on the student's current school, ensuring that the information accurately reflects the student's current educational environment, irrespective of where the event was initiated.

FOCUS-41767- SSS: View Active Intervention PMP Data Collection

Before the update, the PMP Data Collection screen displayed interventions relevant for the marking period, including those past their end (static) date. The current update changes this behavior: now, if an intervention's End Date is past the current date, the student associated with that intervention will no longer appear on the PMP Data Collection screen.

See PMP Data Collection > Adding Attendance or Data Points for PMP Interventions (admin) and PMP Data Collection > Adding Attendance or Data Points for PMP Interventions (teacher) for more information.

FOCUS-41765- SSS: Allow Changing "Hide in Event Creation" for Managed Events

Before the update, the 'Hide in Event Creation' option was disabled for Focus Managed Events. The current update enables the 'Hide in Event Creation' column in the SSS>Setup>Events tab for Focus Managed Events, providing more flexibility and control over the visibility of events during their creation.

FOCUS-41645- SSS: Add Completion Validation to Custom Uploads Steps

Before the update, if an SSS Event included a custom Uploads step with a form trigger making it required, the Uploads step was incorrectly marked as completed by default. After the update, this behavior has been corrected: the Uploads step is now appropriately set as required, and it cannot be marked as completed until at least one file is uploaded, ensuring the intended mandatory nature of the upload process is enforced.

FOCUS-41619- SSS: Ensure Set Student Field Actions Respect Numeric Field Types

Before the update, creating a form trigger with the 'Set Student Field' action could lead to database errors if the associated student field wasn't restricted to numeric values, allowing non-numeric values to be applied. After the update, this issue has been resolved. Form triggers with the 'Set Student Field' action now function seamlessly, allowing the step to be saved without encountering any errors, ensuring data integrity and system stability.

FOCUS-39916- Form Builder: New Footer Editor Feature

This branch introduces a 'Footers' tab in Setup>Form Builder, mirroring the Header Builder's functionality. Users can now create and manage footers, with settings integrated into the Form Builder and visible under Form Settings. The 'Footer Type' dropdown in Form Settings and the SSS>Setup>Sequences Tab includes options like 'None', 'Student Footer', and any saved custom footers. This ensures consistent application across forms and custom screens, similar to the Step Header. Moreover, custom footers attached to SSS Events become locked upon the event's lock, maintaining their defined content and structure.

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