The PMP Data Collection screen is used to record attendance for interventions and enter data for Academic or Behavior PMPs. Attendance and data can be added for one or multiple students. When data points, participation information, and minutes are added and saved on this screen, the student's individual PMP is updated.
1. In the menu, click SSS. Then click PMP Data Collection.

2. Ensure the marking period for which you want to view and enter attendance or data points is selected at the top-right of screen.
3. At the top of the screen, select the PMP Type and Monitoring Tool Type.
The applicable interventions for the PMP Type and Monitoring Tool Type are listed in the table, including the student name, student ID, grade level, and information pulled from the student's PMP (Content Area, Tier Level, Strategy, etc.). Only students with active interventions (the current date is within the start and end date of their intervention) are listed.
Click the student's name to open the student's record in Student Info. Click the student ID to open the student's PMP.
4. If desired, select the Tier Level and Strategy to further filter the list of interventions.
5. Select Include Inactive Students, if needed.
Search criteria can be saved to a data collection group for quick access in the future. See Creating a Data Collection Group.
6. To enter attendance or data for the interventions, select the applicable Date.
7. Select the Collection Type: Attendance, Data Collection, Minutes, or Participation (Comments).
The setting "Data Collection" in SSS > General > Program Preferences tab controls which collection types are available for use on this screen.
8. Click Add Column.
You can add multiple columns to the table as needed.
When Attendance is selected as the Collection Type, a column is added to the table titled "Attendance (Date)." Click the X on the column to remove the column if added in error.
When Data Collection is selected as the Collection Type, a column is added to the table titled "Data Collection (Date)." Click the X on the column to remove the column if added in error.
When Minutes is selected as the Collection Type, a column is added to the table titled "Minutes (Date)." Click the X on the column to remove the column if added in error.
When Participation (Comments) is selected as the Collection Type, a column is added to the table titled "Participation (Comments) (Date)." Click the X on the column to remove the column if added in error.
9. For Attendance, select the check box to indicate the student was in attendance for that session on that date.
For Data Collection, enter the appropriate values for each session. The Average for the interventions in the table is calculated and displayed in the bottom row. The Average is used as the Peer Group value for the data point in the student's PMP.
For Minutes, enter the minutes for each session.
For Participation (Comments), select the relevant percentage to indicate the participation level from the pull-down.
When your mouse is over the Participation (Comments) field for a student, the comment icon displays. Click the icon to open a pop-up window where the comment can be entered.
Enter the desired comment and click Save Comment.
When a comment is saved for a session, the comment icon remains displayed on the field. Hover the mouse over the comment icon to view the comment in a tool-tip. You can also click on the comment icon to view or edit the comment in the pop-up window.
The down arrow key or Enter key can be used to proceed down the list of interventions when entering attendance, data collection, and minutes.
10. Click Save.
The data points, participation and comments, and minutes are added to the student's PMP event. You can adjust the data values, peer group values, participation and comments, and minutes as needed within the student's PMP. If a data value, participation and comments, or minutes are updated in the student's PMP, it will be reflected on the PMP Data Collection screen, as well.
Attendance information is only viewable on the PMP Data Collection screen.
11. To mass update attendance or data, click Mass Update after adding the desired column(s) to the table.
12. In the pop-up window, select the Column and enter the Value.
13. Click Update.

The column is populated with the value for each intervention in the list.
14. Make any manual adjustments as needed, and click Save.
15. To remove a column from the screen, click the X on the column.
If the attendance or data points were already saved, the information is not deleted from the student's PMP. The column is simply removed from the screen.
You can create a data collection group to save your PMP Type, Monitoring Tool Type, Tier Level, and Strategy search criteria. When that group is selected, the students meeting the search criteria will display so that data can be entered for those particular students.
1. In the menu, click SSS. Then click PMP Data Collection.

2. Select the PMP Type, Monitoring Tool Type, Tier Level, and Strategy for the group, as needed.
3. Click Add Group.
The pop-up window displays the search criteria you have entered.
4. Enter a Group Name and click Add.

The new group is added and is displayed next to the Add Group button. Click the group to display students who meet the search criteria of the group. Students who meet the search criteria are automatically displayed in the group. When a student no longer meets the search criteria, they will be removed from the group.
5. To remove a group that is no longer needed, click the X next to the group title.
6. In the confirmation message, click Yes.