The Attendance Chart makes it possible to review and edit students’ attendance records. Teachers can set a date range for which to view attendance. Teachers have the option to review all students, a specific student, or a defined subset of students indicated by the More Search Options feature. In addition to reviewing and editing students’ attendance data, teachers can also export, print, and filter listed data.
1. Click the Reports menu, then click the Attendance menu.

a. In the Attendance menu, click Attendance Chart.

2. Enter the applicable criteria to conduct a student search, then click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information.
Conducting a search navigates to a new Attendance Chart screen where you can set different parameters for reviewing the students’ attendance.
3. To adjust the attendance chart to reflect a specific period of time, use the Report Timeframe date text boxes to enter a date range. You can also click on the calendar icons to select the dates.
4. You have the option to choose whether you’d like to see the attendance by day or by period. This option will default to Daily. Use the pull-down to select a period instead.

The Daily attendance code cannot be edited because it is based on Period attendance codes combined.
5. Once a time frame has been set and a period selected (or daily), click Update.
In the attendance chart displays the Student name, Student ID, the student’s Grade level, the number of Absences reported during the time frame selected, and, in this case, because Daily was selected, each day along with the documented attendance code.
6. Select the Display Scheduled and Attended Hours as Decimal check box for the display of the Att Hrs and Sched Hrs columns as a decimal values instead of in the HH:MM format, which will appear on the report and in the exported file. If this feature is selected, you must click the Update button again to apply changes.

The Display Scheduled and Attended Hours as Decimal check box displays for Post Secondary schools only.
The Display Scheduled and Attended Hours as Decimal option can only function if a Period is selected from the Daily pull-down. If Daily is selected, no changes will display.
The following columns display for Post Secondary schools: Student name, Student ID, the student’s Grade level, and the number of Absences reported during the time frame selected. You will also see the days entered in the Report Timeframe listed along with the attendance code and number of hours present during that period.
7. Click on a Student name in order to view and/or edit a breakdown of his/her attendance. For more information on viewing a specific student’s attendance chart, see Attendance Chart Breakdown per Student.
8. You can review the attendance codes for each day. While the code and the color can help you decipher the students’ attendance, you always have the option to hover over each attendance code for more information.

Be sure to scroll all the way to the right to see all of the dates set in the Report Timeframe.
If you selected a specific period, such as Period 01, the details will show the Code, the Course, Section, Last updated by, and the day and time the attendance was Last updated, as shown above.
The details given in hovering over codes will vary depending on the selection made from the daily or period pull-down. If you selected Daily, the details will simply state the code’s meaning: Present and Absent.

Each district sets up attendance codes via Attendance > Attendance Setup. The district enters each attendance code’s Title, Short Name, Sort Order, Type, Color, etc., as shown in the image below. Therefore, the colors shown in the above examples may differ from district to district.
Depending on your profile permissions, you may or may not have the ability to edit attendance from this screen. If you have Viewing and Editing permissions, then you will also be able to edit students’ attendance. This permissions is set via Users > Profiles > Attendance (Attendance Chart).
9. If you have permission to edit attendance, you will notice that the attendance codes are underlined. Click on any of the codes to change it.

10. If any changes have been made to the students’ attendance codes, be sure to click Save.
Clicking the student name and opening the individual student's Attendance Chart is beneficial if more than one period of attendance in a day must be updated. Changing the attendance code for any period will update the daily attendance code.
1. Click the Student name for an Attendance breakdown for a specific student.

From this screen, you have the ability to review the student’s daily attendance displayed by period. The Report Timeframe pulls in the dates selected on the previous Attendance Chart screen, but can be changed as needed.
While reviewing the absence Chart, you have the option to click Summary in order to navigate to the Absence Summary.
In a specific student’s Attendance Chart, you see the Course, the number of Absences per period/course, Att Periods (the number of attended periods), Sched Periods (the number of periods scheduled), Daily Att %, (daily attendance percentage), and the attendance code per day as listed.
The following information displays for Post Secondary schools: Course, the number of Absences per period/course, Attn Hrs (number of attended hours), Sched Hrs (the number of scheduled hours), Hourly Att % (hourly attendance percentage), and the attendance code per day as listed.
Notice the totals listed at the bottom of each column. The Total Present and Total Absent numbers are listed along with a total percentage.
2. Review the attendance codes for each day. While the code and the color can help you decipher the student’s attendance, you always have the option to hover over each attendance code for more information.

The details will show the Code, the Course, Section, Last updated by, and the day and time the attendance was Last updated.
Each district sets up their own attendance codes via Attendance > Attendance Setup. The district enters each attendance code’s Title, Short Name, Sort Order, Type, Color, etc., as shown in the image below. Therefore, the colors shown in the example above may differ from district to district.
Be sure to scroll all the way to the right to see all of the dates originally set in the Report Timeframe.
Depending on your profile permissions, you may or may not have the ability to edit attendance from this screen.
3. You will notice that all of the attendance codes are underlined; this means that they are editable. Click on any of the codes to change it.

4. If any changes have been made to the student’s attendance codes, be sure to click Save.

5. When the review of the selected student's attendance chart is complete, click the white X next to the student's name located in the header to return to the main Attendance Chart.

6. To return to the listed students of your last conducted search, click Back to Search Results in the header.

If letters and templates are set up by the district in Students > Print Letters & Send Email and/or Students > Communication and attached to the Attendance tab (Attach to Tab), you can generate and send attendance letters directly from the Absence Summary for students with absences.
1. From the Attendance Chart screen, conduct a student search and select a student.
2. At the top of the tab, select a letter from the Print a Form/Letter pull-down.
A PDF preview of the letter is displayed in a pop-up window.
3. Select the check boxes in the right panel to Email Student, Email Student Personal Email, Email Linked Users, and/or Email Custodial Contacts.
4. Select the Send to Student Log to record the letter in the student's letter log. This option displays as Add Log Records if the form/letter is from Communication.
5. Enter any additional email addresses in the provided text box.
6. Select the Include Student Name/ID on Each PDF Page (Print Only) to include the student's name and student ID on each printed page of the letter.
7. Click Send Letter to send the letter to all applicable parties selected.
8. Click the arrow to download the letter to your computer. Click the printer to print the letter.

Follow the prompts on your computer to print or save the letter.
9. Click Done when finished to close the pop-up window.
To export the attendance chart data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.
To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.
Click Filters feature to further breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information, see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
If looking at an individual student’s attendance chart, you have the ability to navigate to the previous or the next student in the original resulting list of students. Click on the white arrows to move to the previous student and the next student in the list.

If only one arrow is displayed that’s means that you are either at the beginning or the end of the list. In the example, shown there is only the right arrow because the student selected is at the beginning of the list.