The Manage Student module provides access to all the SSS programs in use by the district for the student. Menu options are profile-driven and will vary from user to user.
1. In the menu, click SSS. Then click Manage Student.

2. Enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search.
See Searching for Students for more information on how to conduct a student search.
3. In the list of students returned by the search, click the student.
4. The program screen is displayed. Select the program applicable for the student.
When a program tab is opened, the Create New Event fields display at the top. This is where the IEP and other Special Student Services begin.
1. Click on the SSS program where the event will be initiated for the student.
2. In the Create New Event section of the screen, the Scheduled Date defaults to the current date.

3. Select an Event to view the steps in the Event column. Required steps in the event are indicated by a red asterisk.

4. Include Forms is selected by default. Keep Include Forms selected to force the use of Focus forms built into the selected SSS event or select Don’t Include Forms, which provides the option to upload forms associated with the selected SSS event.
The Forms options may be hidden for certain events. The "Allow No Forms" check box in SSS > Setup > Events tab determines whether the Forms options are available for the event.

5. The Campus pull-down identifies and defaults to the school in which the student attends.

6. The Date Initiated is hard-coded and will populate on the Active Events tab when the event is initiated.

7. When all event options are set correctly for the student’s SSS event, click the Initiate Event button in the Action column.

8. The first form of the event is opened.
The event is moved to the Active Events tab after the user clicks "Return to Manage Student" within the opened event. This tab has several additional features that facilitate the event process.
1. Click View to return to the forms associated with the selected event.
2. Hover over the green ellipsis or the word Steps to see a list of the forms associated with the event. The required events are marked with an asterisk.
3. The Status will display as open until all the required steps of the event have been completed and saved.
The message "Complete all required steps" displays when hovering over the Requirements. The Status changes to Lock when all requirements have been met.
4. The Delete button requires permissions to access. Not all users will have access to delete events.
5. The Set Inactive button requires permissions to access. Not all users will have access to set events as inactive.
The History button allows users to view field values from previous instances of a form. A new instance is created each time a user adds or changes field values and saves the form.
1. Navigate to the student’s Program screen.
2. Click View on the desired event.
3. Click the form to view on the left side of the screen.
4. At the top of the screen, click History.
A panel will display on the right side of the screen. If there is no history available for the form, the message "There is no history yet" will display.
If there are previous instances of the form, each will display in the History panel with the most recent at the top of the list, and the user who added or changed data on the form and the date and time of the change displayed.
5. To view the field values that existed before the form instance, click Before.
The fields that were updated in that instance are highlighted in blue and display the values that existed before that instance was saved.
6. To view the field values after that instance was saved, click After.
The fields that were updated in that instance are highlighted in blue and display the values that were entered and saved in that instance.
7. Click Reset to remove the highlighting and return to viewing the current version of the form.
If you click the History button before saving any changes you've made to a form, a pop-up warning message will display:

After affirming that all forms have been saved and validated, the event forms can be printed prior to locking events. Forms print by default with a DRAFT watermark unless the event has been locked or the watermark has been disabled in the print preview.
1. Navigate to the student’s Program screen.
2. Click View on the event that will be printed.
3. The event will open. Click the Print button in the top navigation bar.
4. In the pop-up window, click Select All to enable the check boxes next to each form and print all forms. All forms are selected by default.
5. Click Select None to remove the checks from the check boxes and no forms are selected for printing.
6. Use the pull-down to identify the language in which the document will be printed if parent(s) speak a language other than English. Users can only access translated forms the district has made available.
7. Select the Highlight Changes check box to print with a yellow highlight (or grayscale highlight when printed in black and white) any changed fields on an amended event.
8. Select the Disable Watermark check box to remove the DRAFT watermark from printing on documents.
9. Select the Hide Page Numbers check box to hide the page numbers that display at the bottom of each page.
10. Select the Hide Event Name check box to hide the event names that display at the bottom of each page.
11. Click Cancel to return to the Event screen without printing.

12. Click the Preview button to open the print dialogue screen.

13. Click the Print Form button to print the document. Click Return to Focus to return to the event and steps without printing.
Only users with the profile permission to set the event as inactive have access to the Set Inactive button. The event will be moved to the Inactive Events tab.
1. On the student’s Program screen, navigate to the Active Events tab.
2. Click Set Inactive.
3. Enter the reason and click Set Inactive.
4. Click the Inactive Events tab to view the inactive event.
The Inactive Events tab includes who the event was Set Inactive By, as well as the Date Set Inactive.
5. To view the reason the event was set as inactive, click the icon in the Reason column.
The reason is displayed in a pop-up window.
6. Click Close when finished viewing the reason.

7. The user's name in the Set Inactive By column will be a link if the user has an email address defined in Focus or if their username is an email address. Click the link to compose an email to the user in your default email provider.
8. To set the event as active, click Set Active.
The event will move to the Active Events tab.
Events can also be locked from the Inactive Events tab. See Locking an Event for more information.
Only the team member with the profile permission can lock an event when all the required steps of the event have been completed and saved. The Status changes to Locked.
1. On the student’s Program screen, navigate to the Active Events tab.
Inactive events can also be locked, in which case you would navigate to the Inactive Events tab.
2. Click the purple Lock button in the Status column.
3. A pop-up message will display upon clicking the Lock button. Click Yes to lock the event.
4. The event will now display in the Locked Events tab.
Users with the system permission "Auto-Image" set to allow in User Profile Permissions may see the Image button on locked events. This button will generate a PDF of all of the event's forms and send it to a remote server. The events that can be auto-imaged must have the "Auto-Image" option selected in SSS > Setup > Events tab. The SFTP information must be set up in SSS > General in the Document Upload Integration setting. The event's file name will be: {student ID}_{focus SSS program}_{event name}.pdf.
- {student_id} - the Focus student ID
- {focus SSS program} - any SSS program, e.g. ESE, Section 504, Gifted Program
- {event name} - name of the SSS event
- File name example: auto-image IEP Event for student 123456789 = 123456789_ESE_ IEP Event.pdf
A custom file name format can be defined in the "Image Name Format" field in SSS > Setup > Events tab.
Some events require a form to be completed upon locking the event, such as the IEP Meeting Notice. After completing the form and locking the event, the pre-lock form can be viewed by clicking the View Pre-Lock Form link in the Status column.
When "Publish to Parent Portal" is enabled for an event in SSS > Setup > Events tab, users have the option to publish the forms from the locked event to the Parent Portal for parent review. When the forms are published, parents will receive a Portal alert. The forms will be available as a PDF in the Reports tab on the student block in the Parent Portal.
1. Click the Lock button on the event. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm.
A second pop-up message displays asking, "Do you want to publish to the parent's portal?"
2. Click Yes to publish the forms to the Parent Portal. Click Cancel to lock the event without publishing the forms to the Parent Portal.

After clicking Yes to publish the event, the parent will receive the Portal alert, "A Student Service document (event name) has been published for your review for your student (student name)."

Clicking the Portal alert will open the Reports tab in the student block on the Parent Portal. The document link will be available under the Student Service Documents header. The Date Published will indicate the date and time the documents were published to the Parent Portal.

When the parent clicks the document link, a new browser tab will open with a PDF of the document, which the parent can review, download, and print.
After the parent clicks the document link, the Date Viewed column will update with the date and time the parent viewed the documents. The Portal alert will also be removed once the document link is clicked.

If a user unlocks the event, or deletes the event, the alert and document link is removed from the Parent Portal.
When the option "Allow uploading files to locked events" is enabled in SSS > General, the Additional Uploads column is available in the Locked Events tab. Clicking the View link in the Additional Uploads column allows the user to upload PDFs to the locked event in a pop-up window. The uploaded PDFs are available when printing the event in the Additional Uploaded PDF Files step.
1. In the Locked Events tab, click View in the Additional Uploads column on the desired event.
2. In the pop-up window, either drag the PDF file into the box, click Select and select the PDF file from your computer, or click the Scan icon and follow the prompts to scan the document.

3. Click Close when finished.

4. To print the locked event, including the files uploaded in the Additional Uploads column, click View next to the event name.
5. Click Print at the top of the screen.
In the "Select Steps to Print" window, the "Additional Uploaded PDF Files" step in the list indicates the number of files that were uploaded via the Additional Uploads column.
6. Ensure the Print box is selected for Additional Uploaded PDF Files to include these files when printing.

7. Select any other print options as needed. See Printing an Event for more information on printing.
When an event has forms that contain parent signature components, the event can be sent to the Parent Portal for the parent to sign by clicking the "Ready to Sign" button. The parent will receive an alert in the Alerts box on the Parent Portal: “Signature required in a student service event for (student name).” When the parent clicks the alert, the Student Services screen is opened for the event. The parent can complete the signature(s) and submit the form. If check box, dropdown, radio group, text area, or text box components on the form have "Enable for Parents" selected, the parent can also edit these components on the form.
Only users with the "Parent Signature 'Ready to Sign'" permission in SSS > User Profile Permissions > System Permissions will have access to the "Ready to Sign" button.
The form(s) needing the parent signature must have an e-signature component that has the "Signable by Parent" option enabled in the Form Builder.
Ensure the appropriate parent profiles have the "View" permission enabled for the Student Services screen in Users > Profiles.
In SSS > User Profile Permissions > System Permissions tab, ensure the parent profiles have the “Allow” permission for “View Events” for the appropriate programs.
In SSS > User Profile Permissions > Event Permissions tab, ensure the parent profiles have the “View All” and “Edit All” permissions for the appropriate events.
In SSS > Setup > Events, ensure the "Publish to Parent Portal" option is enabled on the appropriate events.
If the parent profile does not have proper permissions, the alert and event will not be available on the Parent Portal until the permissions are set.
1. On the student’s Program screen, navigate to the Active Events tab.
2. Click the Ready to Sign button in the Parent Signatures column.
3. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

While the event is waiting for the parent signature, the Parent Signatures column will display "Pending Signature."
The parent will receive the Portal alert "Signature required in student service event for (student name)." Clicking the link will open the form in the Student Services screen, where the parent can complete the required signatures. Once the parent completes the signature, the Parent Signatures column will display the date of the signature in Manage Student.

The event can still be locked without the parent signature.
Click the following article for help on completing ESE events: Manage Student: ESE Events.
Click the following article for help on completing MTSS events: Manage Student: MTSS Events.
Click the following article for help on completing RtI events: Manage Student: RtI Events.
Click the following article for help on completing 504 events: Manage Student: 504 Events.
Click the following article for help on completing Threat Assessment events: Manage Student: Threat Assessment Events.
Click the following article for help on completing Mental Wellness events: Manage Student: Mental Wellness Events.
Click the following article for help on completing ELL events: Manage Student: ELL Events.