The Seating Charts feature allows teachers to create a seating chart for each class section, which includes students' names, students' pictures, desks, other furniture present in the classroom such as tables, the American flag, and more. Multiple seating charts can be created to reflect different layouts.
The Seating Charts found in the Students menu can be used instead of the attendance seating charts when the current school uses hourly attendance.
1. In the menu, click Seating Chart.

2. Click Link an Existing Chart to link an existing chart layout to the section, rather than creating a new one. All charts with this layout (including the newly linked one) will displays the same furniture layout, including future changes.
a. Select one or more existing chart layouts to apply to the current class from the pull-down and click Link.

3. Enter the Chart Name in the provided text box.

4. Select your Starting Point; options are described below.
Grid: The chart will start with a generated grid of desks or chairs, facing the selected front of class, with the selected rows and columns.

Freeform: The chart will start completely blank.

Copy of Previous Layout: The chart will start with the furniture layout from the selected chart. Select the Existing Room Layout from the pull-down; options listed include all previously created charts.

5. Depending on the Starting Point selected, select the Front of Class direction by clicking one of the four arrow choices (Up, Right, Down, or Left).

6. Depending on the Starting Point selected, enter the number of Rows and Columns needed for students' chairs/desks. Desks or chairs can be added or deleted while editing the seating chart after the initial creation of the chart.

7. The seating chart will be created for the section selected from the Section pull-down located in the header but can also be linked to other sections if selected from the Link Additional Periods section.
If the preference to Combine sections in the same period for taking attendance is enabled automatically by your district or via Preferences > Display Options, the seating charts, which share the same school_period, will include students from both course_periods. Additionally, the charts available in the manage charts modal will be all the charts from all combined periods. If the preference is disabled, or later turned off, then seating charts belong only to the course_period from which they were created.
Seating charts are linked to you as the teacher, not the room number.
8. Click Create.
1. From the new or existing chart, click the Layout tab, then click the Furniture tab to add or edit furniture and create the layout of the classroom.

The Seating Charts screen defaults to the assigned Sort order starting with 1. To change the Sort order or open another seating chart, click Charts, and see Viewing and Editing Existing Charts for more information.
2. The Grid lines display automatically. To hide the grid lines, click Visibility.
3. The Snapping tool is enabled by default ensuring new and moved furniture snap to the grid lines even when hidden by clicking Visibility. The snapping or lining of objects works in half grid units. Click Snapping to disable the tool and allow yourself to place items that are not lined up with the grid lines.

The Visibility and Snapping tools always default to enabled upon opening a new or existing chart.
4. Click the Grid pull-down to add desks or tables and chairs by selecting Grid, Horseshoe, Square Table, or Round Table; then, click Generate.
Grid: Select Grid to insert 16 desks in a rectangular shape.

Horseshoe: Select Horseshoe to insert 10 desks in a horseshoe shape around the classroom.
Square Table / Round Table: Select Square Table or Round Table to insert a table and four chairs.
5. To add furniture, scroll to the applicable section and click the piece of furniture; options include:
Students: Add a Chair or a Desk in which students can be assigned a seat.
Teacher: Add the teacher's Desk to the classroom.
Notes: Add a Text Box to the seating chart where you can enter notes.
Tables: Add different shapes of tables to the classroom, such as Rectangle, Round, Trapezoid, and Kidney.
Decor: Add classroom decorum, such as Blackboard, Door, WIndow, AV Cart, Flag, Computer, and Lab Table.
6. Once the piece of furniture is clicked, move the mouse around the classroom and click where you'd like to place the furniture. In the example displayed, the flag has been selected and has yet to be placed.

Once the item is placed, the furniture will no longer be selected from the Furniture tab.

Depending on the item selected, you may have the option to change the color of the furniture, such as teacher's desk. Click the desired color.

You can add multiple of one item by right clicking to place the object in the classroom grid. Right clicking while placing the item will allow you to keep the item selected in order to be placed in multiple locations around the classroom.

7. To move a placed item, click the furniture and drag it to the desired location.

8. To move a group of furniture, click and highlight the area where all applicable furniture is located.

Once all items are selected, click and drag to move the items with the mouse.

If you try to move an item within the space of another item, the furniture will turn red indicating that the item cannot be placed. If you try to place the item on top of another item, the furniture will automatically move back to the original location.

9. Most furniture can be rotated by clicking the item then clicking the rotator. If you click the rotator, the piece of furniture will move a little each time you click the icon. You also have the option of clicking and holding the mouse while rotating the item to the desired position.

To rotate a generated seating arrangement described in step 4, click the rotator icon in the center to rotate the grouping 90 degrees.

10. To resize items, click the item and use the points around the item to click and drag the item to a large or smaller size.

To resize a generated seating arrangement described in step 4, click and drag using the four points around the items to make the grouping smaller or larger. Note: Resizing generated seating modifies the number of desks displayed.

11. To remove an item from the classroom/chart, click the item, then click Delete. You can also click the delete key or backspace key to remove the item.

12. To delete a group of furniture, click and highlight the area where all applicable furniture is located, then click Delete.

13. To duplicate a piece of furniture or a group of furniture, select one or multiple items, then click Clone.

14. Click Save once your layout is complete.

1. From the new or existing chart, click the Layout tab, then click the Students tab to assign seating to students.

The Seating Charts screen defaults to the assigned Sort order starting with 1. To change the Sort order or open another seating chart, click Charts, and see Viewing and Editing Existing Charts for more information.
2. Before seating students, you can flag applicable students by clicking Front of Class and/or Talkative to identify the students who need to sit at the front of the class or students who are talkative.

For example, if you have a student that has impaired eye sight or hearing who needs to be close the black board or teacher, etc., click Front of Class for that student. If you have two students that are always talking, click Talkative for both students in order to ensure these students are seated away from one another.
Student Flags (Talkative and Front of Class) stick to the student/teacher combination. If you mark a student as talkative in your period 1 class, the student will be already flagged as talkative in your period 3 class.
3. Click the Smart Shuffle pull-down to determine how students should be quickly seated by selecting Smart Shuffle, Last Name, First Name, or Random; then, click Quick Seat.

Smart Shuffle. Smart Shuffle takes into account the students who have been flagged as Front of Class and/or Talkative. The flags can be placed prior to the initial seating or at any time during the school year.

Last Name / First Name: Seats students by last name or first name in ascending order. This option does not take into account the student flags. If First Name is selected, Archie Lawson will be seated in the front row and Vivian Jackson will be seated in the last row.

Random: Seats students randomly. This option does not take into account the student flags.
4. To assign seats manually, click the student listed in the Students tab, then click the desired desk or chair.

Placing a student in a seat already occupied by another student, will bump the seated student back into the student list if there isn't a desk available for the bumped student. If there is another desk available, the student will move to the empty desk.
5. All unseated students remain in the Students tab until seated. If all desks and chairs are taken and students still remain in the Students tab, you do not have enough furniture to seat all students. To add desks/chairs, see Creating the Furniture Layout. You also have the option to click the student and place him/her in an area without a desk/chair; when clicked/placed, the desk will be created automatically.

Once all students are seated, the Students tab displays: All students seated in the chart.

6. To unseat students from a desk or chair, click the student and click Unseat.

7. To edit student information, click the seated student. Once clicked, the student displays in the Students tab.

Click Lock to lock the student into the desk/chair, so they cannot be moved upon using Quick Seat. If editing seating manually, the student can still be moved.

To unlock the student from the chair, click the student again, and click Locked.

From here, you can mark the student as Front of Class or Talkative, as well as remove the flags.
Unseated students display in the Students tab under the Quick Seat generator, while selected seated students display above the generator at the top of the list.

8. To customize how students are displayed in the seating chart, select the information displayed from the Student buttons.

Student Name and Photo are displayed by default. Click Name to hide the students' names. Click Photo to hide students' photos.

9. Click Save to apply assigned seating.

1. In the menu, click Seating Chart.

2. From the Seating Charts screen, click Charts.

3. The Charts pop-up displays all existing seating charts linked to the section selected from the section pull-down located in the header.
From the Charts pop-up, you can edit all existing charts' information including the Sort order, Title, and the Front of class direction.
4. To edit the order, click the Sort field and change the number as needed. The chart with the lowest number, i.e. 1, is used as the default chart when none are assigned. By default, all charts are given a Sort order of 1.

5. To edit the name of the seating chart, click the Title field and make the necessary changes.
6. To edit the direction of the classroom, click the Front pull-down and select the applicable arrow to indicate where you'd like the front of the class to be.
7. Click Layout for the applicable seating chart to edit the Furniture Layout and/or Assign Students' Seating.

8. Click Save to apply changes made to the seating charts. Changes not yet saved, display in yellow.

9. Click the X to close the Charts pop-up window.

1. In the menu, click Seating Chart.

2. From the Seating Charts screen, click Charts.

3. The Charts pop-up displays all existing seating charts linked to the section selected from the section pull-down located in the header.
From the Charts pop-up, you can edit all existing charts' information including the Sort order, Title, and the Front of class direction. For more information on editing charts, see Viewing and Editing Existing Charts.
4. Click Link Chart to link an existing chart layout to the section, rather than creating a new one. All charts with this layout (including the newly linked one) will displays the same furniture layout, including future changes.

a. Select one or more existing chart layouts to apply to the current class from the pull-down and click Link.

5. Click New Chart to create a new seating chart.

6. Clicking New Chart opens the New Chart pop-up modal. Complete all information as described in Creating a Seating Chart.

7. Click the delete button (red minus sign) next to the applicable seating chart to delete it.

8. Click Save to apply changes.

9. Click the X to close the Charts pop-up window.