The Caseload & Services screen allows teachers and service providers to document the services, accommodations, and modifications they provide to students.
1. In the menu, click SSS. Then, click Caseload & Services.

The Caseload tab is automatically displayed.
2. Select the student in the pull-down and click Add Service.

The student pull-down contains "Active" and "Inactive" tags; click a tag to display students with that status.

3. In the pop-up window, select This student was absent on this day if the student did not receive their scheduled service due to an absence.
The Time In and Time Out fields will be disabled. If any time values were already entered, they will be cleared, and the Duration and Units will display 0.
4. Select the Service Date.
Future dates and weekends cannot be selected.
The Service Provider is auto-populated with your name.
5. Enter the Time In and Time Out for the service.
The Duration will auto-calculate. The Units will also auto-calculate based on the duration.
- 8-22 min: 1 Unit
- 23-37 min: 2 Units
- 38-52 min: 3 Units
- 53-67 min : 4 Units
- 68-82 min: 5 Units
- 83-97 min: 6 Units
- 98-112 min: 7 Units
- 113-127 min: 8 Units, etc.
Hover over the ? icon to view a tool-tip on shortcuts for entering the time.

When the system preference "Hide Time In, Time Out, and Duration on Caseloads & Services screen" is enabled, the Time In, Time Out, and Duration fields do not display. The Units field becomes a pull-down where you can select the units, 0.5 - 45.
6. Select the Provider Role.
When the preference "Caseload & Services - Add Service: Diagnosis Codes Dropdown" is enabled in SSS > General > Caseload & Services tab, selecting a Diagnosis Code is required when adding a service. The options available for selection are set up in SSS > Setup > Diagnosis Code tab.
When the preference "Caseload & Services - Add Service: Areas Covered Dropdown" is enabled in SSS > General > Caseload & Services tab, selecting Areas Covered is required when adding a service. The options available for selection are set up in SSS > Setup > Areas Covered tab.

7. Select the Service. One or multiple services can be selected.
The services available in the pull-down are driven by the provider role selected.
8. If the student has an active IEP, select the IEP Goal from the student's goals. This is required if the student has IEP goals defined, and the setting "Caseload & Service Add Service: Require IEP Goals" is enabled in SSS > General.
The goals from the student's current locked IEP, addendum IEP, EP, or SP are available for selection.
9. If the service is not for one of the student's IEP goals, you can optionally indicate the goal of the service in the Additional Goals text box.

10. Optionally enter any Notes, if needed.
11. To upload any supporting documentation, click and drag a file from your computer into the Additional Documentation section of the screen, or click Choose a file and select the file from your computer.

12. To save the service record as a draft, click Save as Draft. The record will then be placed in the Drafts tab for submission at a later time.
13. To submit the service record, click Submit.

After saving the service record as a draft, a pop-up will display indicating the service was saved.

After submitting the service record, a pop-up will display indicating the service was successfully submitted.

If the service must be approved according to the SSS Services approval flow, the pop-up will state "Your SSS Service was successfully submitted for approval!" In the Service History tab, the Status column will display as Pending, Approved, Denied, or Sent Back.
14. Click the X to close the pop-up.
You can add a student to your caseload to more quickly and easily add services to the student. Once a student is in your caseload, you can also add the student to a group, access a saved draft service record, and create a template for a recurring service.
Deleting a student from your caseload also deletes the students from any of your groups.
1. In the Caseload tab, select the student in the pull-down and click Add Student to My Caseload.

The student pull-down contains "Active" and "Inactive" tags; click a tag to display students with that status.

The student is added to the Caseload section at the bottom of the screen. If the student has received services previously, the last serviced date, time, and user who gave the service will display in the Last Serviced column. From your caseload, you can add the student to a group, add a service to that student, access a saved draft service record, and create a template for a recurring service.
2. Click the student's name to open the Manage Student screen for that student.
If you have the "View All Users" profile permission for Caseload & Services, you can view the Caseload for all users at your school.
Creating a caseload group allows you to preselect a service code that is regularly provided to the same group of students. The service can then be mass added to the group of students.
1. Click the Groups tab.
2. In the blank row, enter a Title for the group.
3. Select the Service Code to be applied to the group.
4. If desired, enter a brief Description of the group or the service.
5. Press Enter to add the row to the table.
6. Click Set Group Defaults next to the new group.
A pop-up window with a service record template is displayed. The Service Date can be left blank, but will be required when using the template to document a service. Future dates and weekends cannot be selected.

7. Enter the Time In and Time Out for the service.
The Duration will auto-calculate. The Units will also auto-calculate based on the duration.
- 8-22 min: 1 Unit
- 23-37 min: 2 Units
- 38-52 min: 3 Units
- 53-67 min : 4 Units
- 68-82 min: 5 Units
- 83-97 min: 6 Units
- 98-112 min: 7 Units
- 113-127 min: 8 Units, etc.
Hover over the ? icon to view a tool-tip on shortcuts for entering the time.

When the system preference "Hide Time In, Time Out, and Duration on Caseloads & Services screen" is enabled, the Time In, Time Out, and Duration fields do not display. The Units field becomes a pull-down where you can select the units, 0.5 - 45.
8. Select the Provider Role.
When the preference "Caseload & Services - Add Service: Diagnosis Codes Dropdown" is enabled in SSS > General > Caseload & Services tab, selecting a Diagnosis Code is required when adding a service. The options available for selection are set up in SSS > Setup > Diagnosis Code tab.
When the preference "Caseload & Services - Add Service: Areas Covered Dropdown" is enabled in SSS > General > Caseload & Services tab, selecting Areas Covered is required when adding a service. The options available for selection are set up in SSS > Setup > Areas Covered tab.

9. Select the Service. One or multiple can be selected.
The services available in the pull-down are driven by the provider role selected.

10. Optionally, enter a description of the group goal in the Additional Goals field.

11. Optionally, enter any Notes relevant to the service or the group.

12. Click Save as Template.

After submitting the template, a pop-up will display indicating the template was successfully saved.

13. Click the X to close the pop-up.
1. Click the Groups tab.
2. Click Add Group Service next to the group.
In the pop-up window, the students in the group are listed along the left side. The Service Date, Time In, Time Out, Provider Role, and Service are auto-populated based on the template.

3. For the first student in the list, select This student was absent from group on this day if the student did not receive their scheduled service due to an absence.
The Time In and Time Out fields will be disabled. If any time values were already entered, they will be cleared, and the Duration and Units will display 0.

4. Select the Service Date, Time In, and Time Out, if needed.
Future dates and weekends cannot be selected as the Service Date.
After selecting the Service Date and Time In and Time Out on the first student, click Mass Update Date & Times at the bottom of the screen to apply these changes to the other students in the group. This button does not display if there is only one student in the group.

When the system preference "Hide Time In, Time Out, and Duration on Caseloads & Services screen" is enabled, the Time In, Time Out, and Duration fields do not display. The Units field becomes a pull-down where you can select the units, 0.5 - 45.
5. Adjust the Diagnosis Code, Areas Covered, and Service, if needed.
When the preference "Caseload & Services - Add Service: Diagnosis Codes Dropdown" is enabled in SSS > General > Caseload & Services tab, selecting a Diagnosis Code is required when adding a service. The options available for selection are set up in SSS > Setup > Diagnosis Code tab.
When the preference "Caseload & Services - Add Service: Areas Covered Dropdown" is enabled in SSS > General > Caseload & Services tab, selecting Areas Covered is required when adding a service. The options available for selection are set up in SSS > Setup > Areas Covered tab.
The services available in the Services pull-down are driven by the provider role selected.
6. If the student has an active IEP, select the IEP Goal from the student's goals. This is required if the student has IEP goals defined, and the setting "Caseload & Service Add Service: Require IEP Goals" is enabled in SSS > General.
The goals from the student's current locked IEP, addendum IEP, EP, or SP are available for selection.

7. Enter Additional Goals and Notes for the individual student, if the field was not populated for the template.

8. To upload any supporting documentation, click and drag a file from your computer into the Additional Documentation section of the screen, or click Choose a file and select the file from your computer.

9. Click the next student in the list and complete each field as applicable.
10. When finished, click Save as Draft or Submit Group.

After saving the group service as a draft, a pop-up will display indicating the draft was successfully saved.

After submitting the group service, a pop-up will display indicating the service was successfully saved.

If the service must be approved according to the SSS Services approval flow, the pop-up will state "Your SSS Service was successfully submitted for approval!" In the Service History tab, the Status column will display as Pending, Approved, Denied, or Sent Back.
11. Click the X to close the pop-up.
When a service is regularly provided to an individual student, it may be useful to create template defaults for that student so that adding a service record is quicker.
1. Click the Caseload tab.
2. In the Caseload section of the screen, click Set Defaults next to the student.
A pop-up window with a service record template is displayed.
3. Fill out the fields as needed.
The Service Date can be left blank, but will be required when using the template to document a service for the student. Future dates and weekends cannot be selected.

4. Click Save as Template.

After submitting the template, a pop-up will display indicating the template was successfully saved.

5. Click the X to close the pop-up.
6. To use the template, click Add Service next to the student in your caseload.
The service record pop-up window is pre-populated with the settings you saved in the template.
7. Complete the fields as needed and click Submit.

After submitting the service, a pop-up will display indicating the service was successfully submitted.

If the service must be approved according to the SSS Services approval flow, the pop-up will state "Your SSS Service was successfully submitted for approval!" In the Service History tab, the Status column will display as Pending, Approved, Denied, or Sent Back.
8. Click the X to close the pop-up.
1. Click the Drafts tab.
All of the drafts you have saved are listed. Each field on the service record is listed as a column.
2. Click the Edit to open the draft.
3. Complete the service fields as needed and click Submit.

After submitting the service record, a pop-up will display indicating the service was successfully submitted.

If the service must be approved according to the SSS Services approval flow, the pop-up will state "Your SSS Service was successfully submitted for approval!" In the Service History tab, the Status column will display as Pending, Approved, Denied, or Sent Back.
4. Click the X to close the pop-up.
You can also access a saved draft for an individual student in your caseload by clicking Open Draft next to the student in the Caseload section of the screen in the Caseload tab.
1. Click the Groups tab.
2. Click Open Group Draft next to the appropriate group.
3. Complete service fields for each student and click Submit Group.

After submitting the group service, a pop-up will display indicating the service was successfully submitted.

If the service must be approved according to the SSS Services approval flow, the pop-up will state "Your SSS Service was successfully submitted for approval!" In the Service History tab, the Status column will display as Pending, Approved, Denied, or Sent Back.
4. Click the X to close the pop-up.
The Service History tab displays the service records you have submitted. If you have the "View All Users" profile permission for Caseload & Services, you can view service records that all users have submitted.
1. Click the Service History tab.
2. (Optional) In the Provider pull-down, select one or multiple providers to view on the report. Only users with the "View All Users" profile permission can select providers other than themselves.
3. (Optional) In the Student pull-down, select one or multiple students to view on the report.
For users with the "View All Users" profile permission, the Student pull-down will be restricted by the school selected at the top-right of the screen, as well as any providers selected in the Provider pull-down, in order to limit how many students are returned. For users without the "View All Users" profile permission, the Student pull-down is not restricted by the school, but only the provider.
4. Adjust the Start Date and End Date as needed.
5. To include inactive students, select Include Inactive.
6. To include inactive students from previous years, select Include Previous Years Inactive Students.
7. Click Submit.
The service records that have been submitted between the dates are listed, including each of the service fields.
When the system preference "Hide Time In, Time Out, and Duration on Caseloads & Services screen" is enabled, the Time In, Time Out, and Duration fields do not display.
8. If the service requires approval according to the SSS Services approval flow, the Status column will display Pending, Approved, Denied, or Sent Back. Hover over the column to view the approval chain.
9. Click the student's name to open the Manage Student screen for that student.
10. To edit a service record, scroll to the right and click Unlock.
11. Click Edit.
12. After making your changes, click Re-submit.

After re-submitting the service, a pop-up will display indicating the service was successfully submitted.

If the service must be approved according to the SSS Services approval flow, the pop-up will state "Your SSS Service was successfully submitted for approval!" In the Service History tab, the Status column will display as Pending, Approved, Denied, or Sent Back.
13. Click the X to close the pop-up.
Users who have the profile permission "Bill Students" for the Caseload & Services screen are able to view the Service Billing tab. When a service has an item from the Internal Accounts Product List attached to it, students can be billed for that service and an invoice printed. The Point of Sale screen in ERP will be updated with the invoice. If the voucher functionality is set up and the student has a voucher, it will be applied to the invoice.
The system preference “Hide Time In, Time Out, and Duration on Caseload & Services screen” is used to hide the Time In, Time Out, and Duration fields when adding a service to a student and allow the Units to be set by the user. When billing a student, the cost of the item associated with the service is multiplied by the units.
1. Click the Service Billing tab.
Students who have received services at the school selected at the top-right of the screen are listed, along with the service date, school, and units. The Invoiced column will display a red X if the student has not yet been invoiced, and a green check mark if the student has been previously invoiced.
If service must be approved according to the SSS Services approval flow, the service will not display on the Service Billing tab until it has been approved.
2. If you have access to more than one school, click View All Schools to view students who have received services at all of your schools.
3. Click View One School to return to viewing students for the school selected at the top-right of the screen.
4. Select the check boxes next to the students to invoice, or select the check box in the column header to select all students in the list.
5. Click Bill.
Invoices are generated for the selected students. In the pop-up window, click Print All Invoices to print the invoices. A PDF will open in a new tab, which can be saved or printed. Close the pop-up window when finished.

When an SSS Services approval flow is set up, the Pending Signature tab displays services that have been submitted and are waiting for approval. Users who are part of the approval chain will receive a Portal alert when a service is waiting for approval. The approver can approve the service, deny the service, or send the record back to the originator.
1. Click the Pending Signature tab on the Caseload & Services screen.
Alternatively, users in the approval chain can click the Portal alert "SSS Service signature request awaiting approval" to open the Pending Signature tab of the Caseload & Services screen.

The service records pending approval are listed.
3. Click the student's name to open the Manage Student screen for that student.
4. Hover the mouse over the Status column to view the approval chain.
5. If you are the approver, click Approve, Deny, or Send Back to Originator.
The Status will update to Approved, Denied, or Sent Back in Service History. When the service record is sent back, the originator can edit the service record from Service History and re-submit it for approval.
When an SSS Services approval flow is set up, the Signature History tab displays the service records you have approved and denied.
1. Click the Signature History tab.
The service records you have approved or denied are listed.
2. Click the student's name to open the Manage Student screen for the student.
3. Hover the mouse over the Status column to view the approval chain, and a date and time stamp of the approval or denial.