The Reports screen allows teachers to run various reports, such as Missing Grades, Failing Grades, Extra Credit Grades, Highlighted Grades, Excused Grades, Custom Grades, and more, where grades can be reviewed and edited as needed.
The Reports display data for the students in the section selected from the course pull-down and display according to how the students are grouped. The Reports display for all sections regardless of groups if the report contains the option to Show all Courses and the option is selected.
1. Click Grade Breakdown Graphs from the list of reports.

2. The Grade Breakdown Graphs reports displays a breakdown of totals or assignments in the Gradebook by Column, Pie chart, or List. Click on the corresponding tabs for a different view of the data.
3. The current Grade Breakdown displays Totals as selected from the Display Graph of pull-down. Utilize the provided pull-down to organize the report by Categories and/or Assignments.
4. Once the report is generated, hover over the columns, or pieces of the pie chart for a description.
1. Click Missing Grades in the reports menu. The Missing Grades report lists all students who have at least one ungraded assignment.
2. From the report, you have additional options listed along the top of the screen. Select the appropriate check boxes to Show all courses and Include Inactive Students.
Selecting Show all courses displays the Section Title column in the report.
3. You can enter grades for students directly from this screen. Click the black dash in the Points field to enter a grade.

4a. To add a comment for the applicable grades, click the Comments field to open a Comment pop-up window.
a. Enter the comment in the text box and click Ok. Use additional features, such as Bold, Format, Alignment, as needed.

4b. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
5. Click Save to save any grades and/or comments entered. Once grades are saved, the student and assignment will be removed from the report.
6. Click the students' names in the Student column to open all assignments and grades for the selected student, which gives you the option to enter/edit grades student by student.
a. Click the Points field to edit or enter a grade.

b. Be sure to take note of the Enter grade by pull-down to determine the format in which grades should be entered.
c1. Enter any applicable comments in the Comment field.
c2. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
d. Click Save to save any grades or comments entered, if auto-save is not enabled.
See Entering Grades by Student for more information.
7. From the report screen, you can click on the Assignment title to open the gradebook for that specific assignment.
a. Click the Grades tab to enter grades for students for the specified assignment. Enter a grade in the applicale field.
See above or Viewing and Entering Grades by Assignment for information on entering grades and comments.
b. When all grades and comments have been entered, click Save, if auto-save is not enabled.
It is important that this report contain no missing grades before posting grades.
1. Click Failing Grades in the reports menu. The Failing Grades report lists all students who have failed at least one assignment.
2. From the report, you have additional options listed along the top of the screen. To change the grade Threshold to 70% or 80% instead of 60% click the provided pull-down.
The Threshold is established by the lowest value in the grading scale setup (Grades > Grading Scale & Comments) that gives credit + 10, and another 10 after that. For example, if the lowest value that gives credit is 60%, the Threshold displays 60%, then 70%, then 80%. If the lowest value that gives credit was set at 50%, the Threshold options would be 50%, 60%, and 70%.
3. Select the check box to Include Missing Grades, which reflects data from the Missing Grades report in addition to the failing grades already displayed.
4. Select the check box to Include Inactive Students.
5. You can enter grades for students directly from this screen. Click the current grade in the Points column to edit the grade.
6a. To add a comment for the applicable grades, click the Comments field to open a Comment pop-up window.
a. Enter the comment in the text box and click Ok. Use additional features, such as Bold, Format, Alignment, as needed.
6b. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
7. Click Save to save any grades and/or comments entered.
8. Click the students' names in the Student column to open all assignments and grades for the selected student, which gives you the option to enter/edit grades student by student.
a. Click the Points field to edit or enter a grade.

b. Be sure to take note of the Enter grade by pull-down to determine the format in which grades should be entered.
c1. Enter any applicable comments in the Comment field.
c2. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
d. Click Save to save any grades or comments entered, if auto-save is not enabled.
See Entering Grades by Student for more information.
9. From the report screen, you can click on the Assignment title to open the gradebook for that specific assignment.
a. Click the Grades tab to enter grades for students for the specified assignment. Enter a grade in the applicale field.
See above or Viewing and Entering Grades by Assignment for information on entering grades and comments.
b. When all grades and comments have been entered, click Save, if auto-save is not enabled.
1. Click Extra Credit Grades from the list of reports to view all students who have earned extra credit on at least one assignment. Extra credit can be defined as a score over 100% or as an extra credit assignment.
2. Select the check box to Include Inactive Students in the report.
3. Click the current grade in the Points column to edit the grade.
4a. To add a comment for the applicable grades, click the Comments field to open a Comment pop-up window.
a. Enter the comment in the text box and click Ok. Use additional features, such as Bold, Format, Alignment, as needed.

4b. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
5. Click Save to apply grades and comments.
6. Click the students' names in the Student column to open all assignments and grades for the selected student, which gives you the option to enter/edit grades student by student.
a. Click the Points field to edit or enter a grade.

b. Be sure to take note of the Enter grade by pull-down to determine the format in which grades should be entered.
c1. Enter any applicable comments in the Comment field.
c2. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.

The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
d. Click Save to save any grades or comments entered, if auto-save is not enabled.
See Entering Grades by Student for more information.
7. Click the Assignment title to open the gradebook for that specific assignment.
a. Click the Grades tab to enter grades for students for the specified assignment. Enter a grade in the applicale field.
See above or Viewing and Entering Grades by Assignment for information on entering grades and comments.
b. When all grades and comments have been entered, click Save, if auto-save is not enabled.
1. Click Highlighted Grades from the list of reports to view students who have a highlighted comment or grade in the Gradebook.
a. Highlighted Grades are indicated by selecting the Highlight check box from the Grade pop-up window in the Gradebook.
To open the Grade pop-up window where you can add comments, double click the Grade field.
b. Highlighted Comments are indicated by selecting the Highlight check box from the Comment pop-up window in the Gradebook.
To open the Comment pop-up window, click the Comment field.
If the Comment field displays as a pull-down, you will not have the option to Highlight here.
The report displays the Student name, Assignment title, Points earned out of points possible, % (grade percentage), Grade letter, highlighted Comments made in the Gradebook, Assigned date, and Due date.
2. Select the check box to Include Inactive Students in the report.
3. Click the current grade in the Points column to edit the grade.

4a. To add a comment for the applicable grades, click the Comments field to open a Comment pop-up window.
a. Enter the comment in the text box and click Ok. Use additional features, such as Bold, Format, Alignment, as needed.

4b. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
5. Click Save to apply grades and comments.
6. Click the students' names in the Student column to open all assignments and grades for the selected student, which gives you the option to enter/edit grades student by student.
a. Click the Points field to edit or enter a grade.

b. Be sure to take note of the Enter grade by pull-down to determine the format in which grades should be entered.
c1. Enter any applicable comments in the Comment field.
c2. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
d. Click Save to save any grades or comments entered, if auto-save is not enabled.
See Entering Grades by Student for more information.
7. Click the Assignment title to open the Gradebook for that specific assignment.
a. Click the Grades tab to enter grades for students for the specified assignment. Enter a grade in the applicale field.
See above or Viewing and Entering Grades by Assignment for information on entering grades and comments.
b. When all grades and comments have been entered, click Save, if auto-save is not enabled.
1. Click Excused Grades from the list of reports to view all students who have been excused from an assignment.
You can excuse a student from an assignment by entering any of the following grades in the Gradebook: *, I, In, or X, as well as any other Custom Grades flagged as an Excluded grade via Gradebook > Settings > Custom Grades. Note: Your ability to create custom grades is dependent on district settings.
2. Select the check box to Include Inactive Students in the report.
3. Click the current grade in the Points column to edit the grade.
4a. To add a comment for the applicable grades, click the Comments field to open a Comment pop-up window.
a. Enter the comment in the text box and click Ok. Use additional features, such as Bold, Format, Alignment, as needed.

4b. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
5. Click Save to apply grades and comments.
6. Click the students' names in the Student column to open all assignments and grades for the selected student, which gives you the option to enter/edit grades student by student.
a. Click the Points field to edit or enter a grade.
b. Be sure to take note of the Enter grade by pull-down to determine the format in which grades should be entered.
c1. Enter any applicable comments in the Comment field.
c2. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
d. Click Save to save any grades or comments entered, if auto-save is not enabled.
See Entering Grades by Student for more information.
7. Click the Assignment title to open the gradebook for that specific assignment.
a. Click the Grades tab to enter grades for students for the specified assignment. Enter a grade in the applicale field.
See the steps above and Viewing and Entering Grades by Assignment for more information.
b. When all grades and comments have been entered, click Save, if auto-save is not enabled.
1. Click Custom Grades from the list of reports to view all students who have been assigned a custom grade.
You can create custom grades to be assigned in the gradebook via Gradebook > Settings > Custom Grades.
2. Select the check box to Include Inactive Students in the report.
3. Click the students' names in the Student column to open all assignments and grades for the selected student, which gives you the option to enter/edit grades student by student.
a. Click the Points field to edit or enter a grade.

b. Be sure to take note of the Enter grade by pull-down to determine the format in which grades should be entered.
c1. Enter any applicable comments in the Comment field.
c2. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
d. Click Save to save any grades or comments entered, if auto-save is not enabled.
See Entering Grades by Student for more information.
4. Click the Assignment title to open the gradebook for that specific assignment.
a. Click the Grades tab to enter grades for students for the specified assignment. Enter a grade in the applicale field.
See the steps above and Viewing and Entering Grades by Assignment for more information.
b. When all grades and comments have been entered, click Save, if auto-save is not enabled.
1. Click Transferred Students from the list of reports to view students who have transferred from within the school district and into the sections assigned.
The Transferred Students report can be used to assign grades within your own gradebook in line with what the student was receiving in their previous course. Note: Transfer grades do not automatically transfer to the new teacher unless it is to the same teacher and the same course.
2. Search for a specific subset of students via the Search Screen. Utilize the Search text box to begin typing the name of the student(s).
You can also view a list of all students who have transferred into the section by clicking Simple List.
When all parameters have been set, click the Search button to view all students across sections that have transferred.
For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
The transferred students display in the report.
3. Click the Student name to review specific information about the student's previous class and grades, as shown below.
4a. Click Transfer to transfer their current/previous gradebook grade from this last class to your class/gradebook.
a. Enter a Transfer Date in the provided text box, then click Save.

b. If both the previous and current sections use weighted categories, you can use the mapping table to align category grades during the transfer.
Review the previous Transfer Category and select the New Category from the provided pull-downs.
Click Save.

4b. Click the Section name to open more details about the course and grade, as shown below.
a. Click Transfer to transfer their current/previous gradebook grade from this last class to your class/gradebook.

i. Enter a Transfer Date in the provided text box, then click Save.

ii. If both the previous and current sections use weighted categories, you can use the mapping table to align category grades during the transfer.
Review the previous Transfer Category and select the New Category from the provided pull-downs.
Click Save.

From this screen, you can also click the section pull-down to view grades for other assigned courses, if needed.

A Transfer Assignment is automatically added to the gradebook when a student is transferred. If no transfer assignments exist in the section, one is created, and the transferred student is assigned to it.
These assignments appear as the last column in the Gradebook grid, based on the teachers sorting preferences.
The system excludes the student from all assignments in the new section that were due before the transfer date, rolling those points into the transfer assignment.
The transfer assignments possible points can be adjusted by the teacher. Initial points are based on the transfer date. The points for this assignment will equal the total points of all excused assignments.
In the image displayed below, 55 points have been entered by the teacher out of 60 points possible (for all excused assignments).

If both the previous and current sections use weighted categories, teachers can use a mapping table to align category grades during the transfer, as shown above.

If only the new section uses weighted categories, the system assigns an initial transfer grade based on the overall grade from the previous section.
When mapping, the average of multiple categories from the old gradebook is applied to the corresponding category in the new gradebook.
As shown below, a transfer grade has been created for each of the two categories: Tests and Homework/Essays.
Transfer assignments have fewer editable fields than regular assignments, though they can be renamed for clarity. To edit the Transfer Grades assignments, click the i located next to the assignment name.
On the Details tab, only a few editing options are available, including Title, Category, Marking Period, and Description. All other functionality works as normal.
1. Click Progress Reports to generate progress reports for select students.
2. Enter are applicable search criteria and define More Search Options, if needed.
To generate Progress Reports for all students, leave the Student search text box empty.
3. Use the check boxes to select everything that needs to be included on the progress report before generating.
c. Select the Include Gradebook Notes check box to include gradebook comments made for applicable grades and student notes.
d. Select the Include Attendance Summary check box to include attendance information.
e. Select the Include Assignment Description check box to display the description of the assignment on the progress report.
f. Select the Print Assignments on Single Line check box to display assignment names in one continuous line; this applies to assignments with longer titles.
Below is an example of a progress report with the Print Assignments on Single Line check box selected.
g. Select the Missing Assignments check box to display missing assignments only on the progress report.
h. Select the Failing Assignments check box to display failing assignments only on the progress report.
i. Select the Excused Assignments check box to display excused assignments only on the progress report; i.e. assignments graded with any of the following: *, I, In, or X, as well as any other Custom Grades flagged as an Excluded grade via Gradebook > Settings > Custom Grades.
4. If student groups have been set up, you can select to print progress reports for a specific group of students using the Student Group pull-down.
5. Select the Include Inactive Students check box to generate progress reports for inactive students as well as active students.

6. Click Continue.
7. Select the applicable radio buttons to determine if progress reports should be printed or emailed.
Select Print Progress Reports: For each student to generate progress reports to be printed.
Select Email Progress Reports: To each student to email progress reports to students only.
Select Email Progress Reports: To each Custodial Contact to email progress reports to students' contacts.

Your district must enable the ability to email progress reports; therefore, if you do not see the option to Email Progress Reports, your district has disabled this feature.
a. If you select Email Progress Reports, enter or edit the Email Subject, enter additional emails to be copied in the CC text box, and select the check box to Send a Copy to Myself ([email protected]).
b. Click Attach file to attach files to the email. Then, click Choose File to search for and attach the file from your computer, such as a memo or grade legend. You can attach up to 5 files to emails. Click remove to remove attached files no longer needed.

8. Select the Only print/email students with Missing/Failing assignments check box to omit any students who do not have any missing/failing assignments from the preview, printouts, emails. Note: The Only print/email students with Missing/Failing assignments check box only displays when you perform a Progress Report student search with “Show only: Missing assignments” and/or “Show only: Failing assignments” check box(es) selected.

9. Select the students for whom progress reports should be generated or emailed by selecting the check boxes next to the applicable student(s). Select the check box in the header to select all students.
Select the check box in the header to select all students at once.

10. Once the students have been selected, click the Preview button to review progress reports before printing/emailing. The Preview will display in another tab or window (depending on browser settings); close the preview once reviewed.
11. Click Print to generate and print progress reports.
a. From this screen, click the Printer icon to print. You can also click the down arrow to download the progress reports to your computer.
Click Send Emails if emailing progress reports.
1. Click Blank Gradebook from the listed reports. The Blank Gradebook report generates a PDF of a blank gradebook that can be downloaded, printed, etc.

2. Select the Search All Sections check box to generate a gradebook of the students in alphabetical order; it does not sort by sections.

3. From the print preview screen, click the Printer icon to print and/or click the down arrow to download the blank gradebook to your computer.
4. Click the back button in the browser to return to Reports.

1. Click Gradebook Audit Trail from the listed reports. The Gradebook Audit Trail report shows changes that have been made to student grades in the gradebook over a specified period of time.
2. To filter the report based on a specific time frame, set a Report Timeframe via the month, day, and year pull-downs or click the calendar icon.

3. When a beginning and end date have been specified, click Update to refresh the report.

4. Select the Include NG Grade changes check box to display changes made to the gradebook where this is currently no grade.

The report displays the student Photo (if available), the Student name, Student ID, Grade level, User Changed (user who changed data), date and time Changed, the Assignment Title, the Assignment ID, the Changes Made, an indication of whether the change was changed for a higher score or lower score, the New Grade, the School Status (active/inactive enrollment record), and the Course Status (active/inactive schedule record).
5. Click on the students' names in the Student column to open all assignments and grades for the selected student, which gives you the option to enter/edit grades.
a. Click the Points field to edit or enter a grade.
b. Be sure to take note of the Enter grade by pull-down to determine the format in which grades should be entered.

c1. Enter any applicable comments in the Comment field.
c2. If the Comments fields displays as a pull-down, select the applicable comment from the pull-down.
The Comments field displays as a text editor or pull-down depending on district settings.
d. Click Save to save any grades or comments entered, if auto-save is not enabled.
See Entering Grades by Student for more information.
6. Click on the Assignment title to open the gradebook for that specific assignment.
a. Click the Grades tab to enter grades for students for the specified assignment. Enter a grade in the applicale field.
See the steps above and Viewing and Entering Grades by Assignment for more information.
b. When all grades and comments have been entered, click Save, if auto-save is not enabled.
1. Click Student Participation from the listed reports. The Student Participation report displays Participation scores for each student organized by color.
The Participation report displays how many assignments the student has completed successfully (passed), unsuccessfully (failed), and not completed at all.
2. Click the Legend button for information on each of the colors displayed in each of the reports.
1. Click Deleted Assignments from the listed reports to display the deleted assignments in the current gradebook, with an option to restore the assignment.
2. The report lists the Assignment Title, Deleted Date, the Term created, and the # (number) of Grades entered. To restore the deleted assignment along with all grades entered originally, click Restore.
a. In a confirmation window a message displays: Are you sure you want to restore this assignment? Click Yes to restore the assignment to your gradebook. Click Cancel in order for the assignment to remain deleted.

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.
If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
Use the Filter button to add Filter Rules to the student results. Start by adding one rule, such as Changed Contains 13, as shown in the image. The first pull-down is the listed columns. The second pull-down is the rule, such as contains, equal, starts with, etc. Then enter the information you'd like to filter by in the text box.
a. Notice that you can also click the Add Rule link to add an additional filter; you can clear the filter by clicking the Clear Rules link. To remove just one rule/filter, click Remove next to each listed filter.

b. Select AND or OR from the corresponding pull-down to determine how filters are applied when more than one filter is being used.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to download the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet on your computer.

Click the Printer icon in the Export section to print the listed data.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.
a. Once enabled, you can begin filtering data. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information, see Filters.