Web Pages allows teachers to create web pages that can be viewed by parents and students on the Portal, in the Community App, as well as the Calendar screen. Web pages are built using News (posts), Units & Lessons via the Lesson Planner, Resources, and Settings. Posts can be sent to parents only, students only, or by default to all (parents and students). For resources, teachers can create files, links, and folders. In settings, the web page is enabled by default when created, but can be disabled. Teachers can assign web pages to their sections. Only one web page can be assigned per section. In addition, teachers can create units and linked lessons based on the Lesson Planning module, which can then be edited from Web Pages including descriptions, linked assignments, linked resources, attached standards, and more.
1. In the menu, click Web Pages.

2. Click Create Page.
3. To begin creating your new web page, start by entering a title in the Page Title... text box.
Upon clicking out of the text box, the title saves automatically.
4. To add an image to the web page, click the blue pencil in the image section.

You can select from the existing System Images. upload an image, or take a photo with your webcam. Click Choose a file or drag it it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section. Click Take Photo to take a photo using your computer's webcam.
5. Enter a Webpage Description in the provided text box to display a Public description for the web page, which will display for all users who can view the web page.
6. Click the Internal tab to add Webpage Description for the web page that will be viewable only to you.
7. Click Save.
1. To add a post, click + New Post.
2. Enter the Post Title in the provided text box.
3. Enter the post in the Post content text box.
The post text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, add a link, picture, video, and more.
4. If you want to specify profiles that should have access to the web page post, select the appropriate profiles from the Visible To pull-down. To allow both the Parents and Students profiles access, leave it to the defaulted selection, All.
5. Select Assignments created for the selected course from the pull-down to link the assignment to the web page post. Selected assignments display at the bottom of the post when being viewed by parents and/or students.
a. Once saved, the assignment displays in the Assignments section as a link. Hover over the link with the computer mouse to see the assignment description. Click the assignment link to open additional information about the assignment in Web Pages.

6. Select Resources to link to the post from the pull-down. Selected Resources display at the bottom of the post when being viewed by other users once posted. Note: The Resources pull-down is only available if Resources have been created from the Resources tab.
a. Hover over the resource link to view more information.

b. Click the resource link to open the resource file, link, folder, etc.
7. Select the Send Notifications check box to send a notification to the Community App if your district is using the mobile app (when adding a post).
8. To post the entered information to your web page, click the Post button.
Click Cancel to discard the post.
9. Once posted, your post will immediately display. To edit the post, click Edit in the header of the post.
10. Click+ New Post to add another post.
As posts are created, they display with the newer posts at the top.
11. Click Back to My Web Pages to navigate back to the main screen.

If comments are enabled for web pages from the Settings tab, students and other users will access to the page can create comments on posts.
1. If students or other users have added a comment on your post, click the [1] Comments link to view them.
2. Click Comment to add your own comment.
a. Enter your comment in the Post content text box.
The post text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, add a link, picture, video, and more.
b. If you want to specify profiles that should have access to the web page post reply, select the appropriate profiles from the Visible To pull-down. To allow both the Parents and Students profiles access, leave it to the defaulted selection, All.
c. To post the comment on your post, click the Comment button.
Click Cancel to discard the reply.
d. Once posted, your comment will immediately display. To edit the comment, click Edit in the header of the post.
3. Click Reply to reply to the comment made by the student/user.
a. Enter the post in the Post content text box.
The post text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, add a link, picture, video, and more.
b. If you want to specify profiles that should have access to the web page post reply, select the appropriate profiles from the Visible To pull-down. To allow both the Parents and Students profiles access, leave it to the defaulted selection, All.
c. To post the entered reply to your web page, click the Comment button.
Click Cancel to discard the reply.
d. Once posted, your comment will immediately display. To edit the comment, click Edit in the header of the post.
4. Select the Hidden check box to hide the comment from other students. Clear the selected check box, to make the comment visible to others.
5. Click Hide Comments to hide the comments made on the post.
1. Click the Resources tab to add different resources to the web page, such as documents, links, calendar events, and more.
2. Click Create Resource to post a resource to your web page.

3. In the resource pop-up, enter a Title in the provided text box.

4. Select whether the resource provided is a Link, Folder, File, or Calendar Event from the pull-down.

5. Depending on the type of resource selected, the follow steps will vary. See the appropriate step for each type of resource. See Adding a Calendar Event as a Resource for more information on calendar events.
a. If you selected Link, enter the Web Address in the provided text box.

b. If you selected Folder, you will upload multiple resources to the Folder, such as a file or link; therefore, nothing will be uploaded here.

i. Click on the created Folder to add resources.
ii. Click Create Resource to add links, files, calendar events, or additional folders to the folder.

c. If you selected File, click No File to browse your computer and select the document to be uploaded as a resource.

i. Once the file is uploaded, the file displays along with two additional icons. Click the cloud to download the file. Click the red x to delete the file and upload a new one.

6. You have the option to share uploaded Resources with other teachers by selecting the Shareable to other teachers check box. Selecting the check box allows other teachers to search for and share the same resource on their web pages via Assessment > Resource Browser. The same is accessible for administrative profiles via Grades > Resource Browser.

If you do not have permission to access the Resource Browser enabled by the district via Users > Profiles, the Shareable to other teachers option does not display.
7. To display an image for the resource link, folder, or file, click Select Image.

a. You can select from the existing System Images or upload an image. Click Choose a file or drag it it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section.
8. Once all selections have been made, click the Save button to post the resource to your web page. You can also click Cancel to return to the Resource screen without saving the resource.

9. Click the resource to open the link, file, or folder. To edit the resource, click the blue pencil located in the lower right corner of each resource.
10. You can also click the four arrowed icon in the right corner of each resource to rearrange the order of the icons. For example, if you wanted French Winter first, click the four arrowed icon and drag the icon to the left. Moving resources shifts the order; resources are not free standing.

11. To add more resources, click Create Resource. When finished, click Back to My Web Pages to return the main web pages screen.
Adding a calendar event will be available to you if your district integrates with Google Classroom and/or you have the Show Google Classroom permission enabled by the district via Users > Profiles.
1. Click the Resources tab to add different resources to the web page, such as documents, links, calendar events, and more.
2. Click Create Resource to post a resource to your web page.

3. In the resource pop-up, enter a Title in the provided text box.

4. Select Calendar Event from the pull-down.

5. Click Sign in with Google to link the Calendar Event in your web page to a calendar event in your Google Calendar.

6. Follow the prompts in order to sign in to your Google account. Once signed in, your email address displays next to Google Account. Click the unlink button to sign out of the account.

7. Your Google Calendar(s) associated with your Google Classroom now display in the Calendar pull-down. Select the applicable Calendar from the pull-down.

If the web page has linked sections, and any of those sections are linked to a Google Classroom class, Focus will automatically select the calendar for that Google Classroom class.
See the following links for information on enabling Google Classroom: Focus & Google Classroom, Preferences, Gradebook, and/or Google Classroom for Teachers.
8. Select the days the event should repeat from the Repeat every pull-down.

If the web page has linked sections, Focus will auto-fill the scheduling fields based on the superset of the section schedules. For example, if the web page is linked to Section A, which meets on Monday from 10:00am to 11:00am, and Section B, which meets on Tuesday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm, then the event will be repeated weekly on Monday and Tuesday from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
9. Enter or edit the dates and times the event should be active in the corresponding text boxes.

10. Select the Link directly to Google Hangouts check box so the event gets created with a Google Hangouts meeting. If the check box is left cleared, the calendar event will be saved in the associated calendar without going to Google Hangouts.

You can select Link from the resource type pull-down and enter the Google Hangouts meeting URL, which will navigate directly to Google Hangouts, as opposed to creating an Event Calendar resource. For more information on creating different types of resources, see Adding Resources.

11. You have the option to share uploaded Resources with other teachers by selecting the Shareable to other teachers check box. Selecting the check box allows other teachers to search for and share the same resource on their web pages via Assessment > Resource Browser. The same is accessible for administrative profiles via Grades > Resource Browser.

If you do not have permission to access the Resource Browser enabled by the district via Users > Profiles, the Shareable to other teachers option does not display.
12. To display an image for the resource link, folder, or file, click Select Image.

a. You can select from the existing System Images or upload an image. Click Choose a file or drag it it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section.
13. Once all selections have been made, click the Save button to post the resource to your web page. You can also click Cancel to return to the Resource screen without saving the resource.

14. Click the created resource to open the event in the Google Calendar or with Google Hangouts.
If the resource has been linked to Google Hangouts, when clicked, Google Hangouts will automatically open for the meeting.

If the resource hasn't been linked to Google Hangouts, when clicked, Google Calendar opens and the event is displayed.
1. If any web pages have already been created, they will be listed and can be clicked for viewing and editing.
2. Click the Settings tab to switch from News posts or Resources to Settings as it corresponds to the selected web page.
3. To link a specific section(s) to the web page, select the section(s) from the Linked Sections pull-down.
a. If a section is linked to another web page and you select the same section for a new web page, it will be removed from the previous web page. A warning message displays notifying you that you are about to overwrite the section of another web page. Click Cancel if you'd like to keep the selected section linked to the original web page. Click OK to switch the section's web page.

If you have a web page assigned to a section, a link to the webpage will display on the Parent/Student Portal next to the grade for the course. In the Community App, when clicking on a course from the student summary page, posts from the web page will display in the News section. The Links tab displays the resources from the web page. Note: At this time, files cannot be accessed from the Community App.
4. Select the Public View check box to allow anyone to view the web page with the URL. If not enabled as Public, the web page cannot be viewed by students and parents unless they are logged into Focus and enrolled in the class that is linked to the web page. Administrative users can view the web page when enabled as Public or if they have permission to View Lesson Planning or to View Web Pages via Users > Profiles.

5. To disable the web page without having to delete the page, you can select the Disable Web Page check box.
6. Select the Lesson Planning Color to determine the color that displays for all units and lessons attached to the web page when viewing the Lesson Planning screen. The color selected also displays on the web page.

7. Select the Units only visible after start date check box to ensure added units do not display on the Student/Parent Portal until after the Start Date entered in the Lesson Planner.
8. Select the Lessons only visible after start date check box to ensure added lessons do not display on the Student/Parent Portal until after the Start Date entered in the Lesson Planner.
9. Select the Allow Comments check box to allow students to post comments on web pages. If enabled, students and staff may add their own comments to posts. Staff may view all comments, and their comments will be immediately viewable by all.
10. Select the Comments Require Moderation check box to view comments made by students before making the comments viewable. Note: This option will only appear if Allow Comments is selected. If enabled, student comments are not visible to other students, until moderated by a staff member. Staff may view all comments, and their comments will be immediately viewable by all.
11. Select the Students can reply to other students check box to allow students to reply to student comments. If not selected, students will only be allowed to reply to staff comments. Note: This option will only display if Allow Comments is selected.
12. Click Save to apply settings.
13. When settings have been saved, click Back to My Web Pages link to return the main web pages screen.

1. In the menu, click Web Pages.

2. If any web pages have already been created, they will be listed and can be clicked for viewing and editing.
3. To delete an existing web page, click Delete.
a. A confirmation pop-up displays. Click Yes to delete the selected web page or Cancel to keep the web page.

4. To add or edit information, see the section on Creating Web Pages.
5. To view and copy web pages created in a different school year, select the corresponding school year from the pull-down.
Existing web pages created in the selected year will display. To copy the web page to the current school year in order to edit it and use it, click Copy to Current Year.
1. If any web pages have already been created, they will be listed and can be clicked for viewing and editing.
2. From the web page, click Template to view a templates pop-up window from which you can Import data from an existing template, as well as Preview template data created before importing.
3. To import data from templates you created from Assessment > Lesson Templates, click the My Templates tab.
Click the School Templates tab for templates created by administrative users via Grades > Lesson Templates. The templates found on this tab are available to the school selected from the School pull-down upon creating the template.
Click the District Templates tab for templates created by administrative users via Grades > Lesson Templates. The templates found on this tab are available to all schools in the district.
4. To preview the data before importing to your web page, click Preview.
5. Click Import to import the data to your web page.
If there has already been a description entered, a pop-up displays alerting you that applying a template will overwrite your current description. Click Confirm to import the template. Click Cancel to keep the existing data and stop the importing.
You will see the data you imported from the template in your web page.
The Lesson Planner allows you to create Units & Lessons linked to a selected Web Page, which is accessible from the Web Pages screen.
1. If any web pages have already been created, they will be listed and can be clicked for viewing and editing.
2. From the selected web page, click the Lesson Planner.
3. See Lesson Planning for information on adding Units & Lessons to Web Pages.
Once the Units & Lessons have been added, they display on the Web Pages screen in a right hand panel.
1. If any web pages have already been created, they will be listed and can be clicked for viewing and editing.
2. From the attached Units & Lessons in the right panel, click the Unit or Lesson to be viewed and/or edited.
Click the Lesson Planner to edit Lesson information from the Lesson Planning screen.

3. Edit the Page Title as needed by clicking the text box.
4. To add or edit the image, click the blue pencil in the image section.
You can select from the existing System Images, upload an image, or take a photo with your webcam. Click Choose a file or drag it it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section. Click Take Photo to take a photo using your computer's webcam.
5. Click Save.
1. If any web pages have already been created, they will be listed and can be clicked for viewing and editing.
2. From the attached Units & Lessons in the right panel, click the Unit or Lesson to be viewed and/or edited.
3. Click the About tab.
4. Enter or edit the Unit Description or the Lesson Description by clicking in the provided text box to display a Public description for the web page, which will display for all users who can view the web page.
5. Click the Internal tab to add Unit Description for the web page that will be viewable only to you.

6. Click Save.
7. Click Back to My Web Pages to navigate back to the main screen or click the web page title from the Units and Lessons panel to return to the web page screen in the News tab.
1. If any web pages have already been created, they will be listed and can be clicked for viewing and editing.
2. From the attached Units & Lessons in the right panel, click the Unit or Lesson to be viewed and/or edited.
3. From the About tab, click + New Post to add a post.
4. Enter the Post Title in the provided text box.
5. Enter the post in the Post content text box.
The Description text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, add a link, picture, video, and more.
6. If you want to specify profiles that should have access to the unit/lesson post, select the appropriate profiles from the Visible To pull-down. To allow both the Parents and Students profiles access, leave it to the defaulted selection, All.
7. Select the Send Notifications check box to send a notification to the Community App if your district us using the mobile app (when adding a post).
8. To post the entered information to your web page, click the Post button.
Click Cancel to discard the post.
9. Once posted, your post will immediately display. To edit the post, click Edit in the header of the post.
10. Click+ New Post to add another post.
As posts are created, they display with the newer posts at the top.
11. Click Back to My Web Pages to navigate back to the main screen or click the web page title from the Units and Lessons panel to return to the web page screen in the News tab.
1. From the attached Units & Lessons in the right panel, click the Unit or Lesson to be viewed and/or edited.
2. Click the Resources tab to add different resources to a unit or lesson, such as documents, links, calendar events, and more.

3. Click Create Resource to post a resource to your web page.

4. In the resource pop-up, enter a Title in the provided text box.

5. Select whether the resource provided is a Link, Folder, File, or Calendar Event from the pull-down.

6. Depending on the type of resource selected, the follow steps will vary. See the appropriate step for each type of resource. See Adding a Calendar Event as a Resource for more information on calendar events.
a. If you selected Link, enter the Web Address in the provided text box.

b. If you selected Folder, you will upload multiple resources to the Folder, such as a file or link; therefore, nothing will be uploaded here.

i. Click on the created Folder to add resources.

ii. Click Create Resource to add links, files, calendar events, or additional folders to the folder.

c. If you selected File, click No File to browse your computer and select the document to be uploaded as a resource.

i. Once the file is uploaded, the file displays along with two additional icons. Click the cloud to download the file. Click the red x to delete the file and upload a new one.

7. You have the option to share uploaded Resources with other teachers by selecting the Shareable to other teachers check box. Selecting the check box allows other teachers to search for and share the same resource on their web pages via Assessment > Resource Browser. The same is accessible for administrative profiles via Grades > Resource Browser.

If you do not have permission to access the Resource Browser enabled by the district via Users > Profiles, the Shareable to other teachers option does not display.
8. To display an image for the resource link, folder, or file, click Select Image.

a. You can select from the existing System Images or upload an image. Click Choose a file or drag it it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section.
9. Once all selections have been made, click the Save button to post the resource to your web page. You can also click Cancel to return to the Resource screen without saving the resource.

10. Click the resource to open the link, file, or folder. To edit the resource, click the blue pencil located in the lower right corner of each resource.

11. You can also click the four arrowed icon in the right corner of each resource to rearrange the order of the icons. For example, if you wanted the Debate resource first, click the four arrowed icon and drag the icon to the left.

12. To add more resources, click Create Resource. When finished, click Back to My Web Pages to return the main web pages or click the web page title from the Units and Lessons panel to return to the web page screen in the News tab.
Adding a calendar event will be available to you if your district integrates with Google Classroom and/or you have the Show Google Classroom permission enabled by the district via Users > Profiles.
1. Click the Resources tab to add different resources to the unit or lesson, such as documents, links, calendar events, and more.

2. Click Create Resource to post a resource to your web page.

3. In the resource pop-up, enter a Title in the provided text box.

4. Select Calendar Event from the pull-down.

5. Click Sign in with Google to link the Calendar Event in your web page to a calendar event in your Google Calendar.

6. Follow the prompts in order to sign in to your Google account. Once signed in, your email address displays next to Google Account. Click the unlink button to sign out of the account.

7. Your Google Calendar(s) associated with your Google Classroom now display in the Calendar pull-down. Select the applicable Calendar from the pull-down.
If the web page has linked sections, and any of those sections are linked to a Google Classroom class, Focus will automatically select the calendar for that Google Classroom class.
See the following links for information on enabling Google Classroom: Focus & Google Classroom, Preferences, Gradebook, and/or Google Classroom for Teachers.
8. Select the days the event should repeat from the Repeat every pull-down.

If the web page has linked sections, Focus will auto-fill the scheduling fields based on the superset of the section schedules. For example, if the web page is linked to Section A, which meets on Monday from 10:00am to 11:00am, and Section B, which meets on Tuesday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm, then the event will be repeated weekly on Monday and Tuesday from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
9. Enter or edit the dates and times the event should be active in the corresponding text boxes.

10. Select the Link directly to Google Hangouts check box so the event gets created with a Google Hangouts meeting. If the check box is left cleared, the calendar event will be saved in the associated calendar without going to Google Hangouts.

You can select Link from the resource type pull-down and enter the Google Hangouts meeting URL, which will navigate directly to Google Hangouts, as opposed to creating an Event Calendar resource. For more information on creating different types of resources, see Adding Resources.

11. You have the option to share uploaded Resources with other teachers by selecting the Shareable to other teachers check box. Selecting the check box allows other teachers to search for and share the same resource on their web pages via Assessment > Resource Browser. The same is accessible for administrative profiles via Grades > Resource Browser.

If you do not have permission to access the Resource Browser enabled by the district via Users > Profiles, the Shareable to other teachers option does not display.
12. To display an image for the resource link, folder, or file, click Select Image.

a. You can select from the existing System Images or upload an image. Click Choose a file or drag it it here to browse for an image on your computer. You can also drag and drop the image into the Your Images section.
13. Once all selections have been made, click the Save button to post the resource to your web page. You can also click Cancel to return to the Resource screen without saving the resource.

14. Click the created resource to open the event in the Google Calendar or with Google Hangouts.

If the resource has been linked to Google Hangouts, when clicked, Google Hangouts will automatically open for the meeting.

If the resource hasn't been linked to Google Hangouts, when clicked, Google Calendar opens and the event is displayed.
When creating a new assignment from a web page, the sections selected from the Linked Sections pull-down in the Gradebook are the sections linked to the Lesson for the web page, so long as these sections share the same Assignment Category.
1. If any web pages have already been created, they will be listed and can be clicked for viewing and editing.
2. From the attached Units & Lessons in the right panel, click the Lesson to be viewed and/or edited. Assignments cannot be added to a Unit, only a Lesson.
3. Click the Assignments tab.

4. To create a new assignment for the lesson, click Create Assignment.

a. Clicking Create Assignment navigates to the Gradebook. See Adding Assignments for details on adding assignments.
Once the assignment is created, it displays here.

5. Click Link Existing Assignment to attach an assignment already created in the Gradebook to the lesson of the web page.

a. From the pop-up window, select the Gradebook Category from the corresponding pull-down.

b. Select the Assignment from the corresponding pull-down.
c. Click Link. You can also click Cancel to close the pop-up window without linking an assignment.
Once the assignment is linked, it displays here.

6. Click Back to My Web Pages to navigate back to the main screen or click the web page title from the Units and Lessons panel to return to the web page screen in the News tab.
The Standards displayed are based on set up completed by the district where standards are linked to courses.
1. If any web pages have already been created, they will be listed and can be clicked for viewing and editing.
2. From the attached Units & Lessons in the right panel, click the Unit or Lesson to be viewed and/or edited.
3. Click the Standards tab.
The Standards displays when viewing Units and Lessons for courses that are more than 7 digits long set via Scheduling > Courses & Sections by administrative users.
All attached standards display at the top of the screen.
All Available Course Standards display at the bottom.
4. Click + Add to attach a standard to the unit/lesson.
5. To filter for specific standards, enter key words in the Filter field.
a. Click the X to remove the Filter.
6. Once added, click Remove to remove a standard from the unit/lesson, if applicable.

7. Click Back to My Web Pages to navigate back to the main screen or click the web page title from the Units and Lessons panel to return to the web page screen in the News tab.

1. Upon logging into the Student/Parent Portal, the Course name links to the teacher's Web Page on the Grades tab of the student information block.
Upon clicking the Course (web page) link, the user will see the web page created along with News, Resources, and the Units & Lessons panel (if applicable).
2. Posts published from teacher Web Pages display on the News tab of the student information block.