Documentation for Teachers

Lesson Templates

Updated on

The Lesson Templates screen allows teachers to create lesson templates which can be used to import data to the Lesson Planner or Web Pages upon creating Units and Lessons. Once created, templates can be previewed, edited, and duplicated. The Lesson Templates screen also contains School Templates and District Templates created by and made available by administrative users for teacher use.

See Importing Templates for information on applying templates in Web Pages.

See Importing Templates for information on applying templates in Lesson Planning.

Creating Lesson Templates

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Lesson Templates.

Lesson Templates

2. From the My Templates tab, click Create template.

Lesson Templates

3. Enter a template Title in the provided text box.

Lesson Templates

4. Enter the Template information in the provided text box. Here you can enter text, choose a background color, insert a table, insert a link, and more.

Lesson Templates

The text box allows you to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, as well change the font type and size, format in bullets, add background color, add a table of information, add a link, picture, video, and more.

5. When finished, click Create.

Once created, your template displays on the My Templates tab where you can Preview, Edit, or Duplicate.

Lesson Templates
Editing and Deleting Lesson Templates

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Lesson Templates.

Lesson Templates

2. From the My Templates tab, you can edit the Title of the Lesson Template by clicking the Title text box.

3. Click Edit to edit the Lesson Template.

Lesson Templates

a. Edit the body of the Template as needed.

Lesson Templates

b. Click Save to apply changes.

Lesson Templates

4. To delete a lesson template, click the delete button (red minus sign).

Lesson Templates

a. Click OK in the confirmation pop-up window to delete the lesson template. says
Previewing and Duplicating Lesson Templates

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Lesson Templates.

Lesson Templates

2. From the My Templates tab, click Preview.

Lesson Templates

a. Click the white X to close the template preview.

3. Click Duplicate to create a copy of the lesson tempalte.

Lesson Templates

Once copied, the new lesson template displays on the My Templates tab as "Duplicated: Original Name of Template."

Lesson Templates
School Templates

The School Templates tab contains templates created by administrative users via Grades > Lesson Templates. The templates found on this tab are available to the schools selected from the School pull-down upon creating the template.

In order to view the School Templates tab, you must have permission to Lesson Templates: School enabled by administrative users via Users > Profiles.

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Lesson Templates.

Lesson Templates

2. Click the School Templates tab.

Lesson Templates

3. From the School Templates available to you, click Preview to view the lesson template.

Lesson Templates

a. Click the white X to close the lesson preview.

Lesson Templates
District Templates

The District Templates tab contains templates created by administrative users via Grades > Lesson Templates. The templates found on this tab are available to all schools in the district.

In order to view the District Templates tab, you must permission to Lesson Templates: District enabled by administrative users via Users > Profiles.

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Lesson Templates.

Lesson Templates

2. Click the District Templates tab.

Lesson Templates

3. From the Districts Templates available to you, click Preview to view the lesson template.

Lesson Templates

a. Click the white X to close the lesson preview.

Lesson Templates
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