The purpose of the Standard Grade Report Cards feature is to generate report cards to either print or publish to student/parental portals. The Standard Grade Report Cards can be kept simple with a preset format or can be fully customized with a number of options.
1. Click the Reports menu, then click the Grades menu.

a.In the Grades reports menu, click Standard Grades Report Cards.

2. Enter all the applicable criteria to search for students.
To generate report cards for all students, leave the Student Search text box empty. See Searching for Students for more information on conducting a student search.
3. Select the applicable check boxes in the Include on Standard Grades Report Card section to determine what will generate on report cards. See below for a description of each option.
If you don't have permission to edit template settings and customize standard grade report cards, only the following options display: Sort Report Card, Letterhead Template, and Effective Date.
Standard Title: Title for the expectation(s) of what the student should be able to do.
Standard Description: Detailed description of the standard.
Explanation of Comment Codes: The definition of all possible comment codes made on report cards, as set up by the district for Report Card Comments.
Pull-Down Comments: Standard comment codes selected from the added Report Card Comments pull-down and the Comments text box made via Post Standard Grades or Report Card Comments display on the report card.
Short Comments: The short comments pull from Post Final Grades or Report Card Comments, which is linked to each class not standard. The comment will appear next to the individual standard on the report card. If there is not a standard present, it will display as a grayed out area.
Long Comments Per Student: If the school(s) in question has the preference enabled, this will display as the long comment entered by the teacher when the grade is posted via Post Final Grades or Report Card Comments. The comment will display at the bottom of the report card in a Teacher’s Comments section.
Long Comments Per Course: If the school(s) in question has the preference enabled, this will display the long comment posted for the course via Post Final Grades or Report Card Comments. The comment will display under the course’s standard grades.
Assignments: Display each assignment and earned grades.
Teacher Name: Display primary teacher of each course.
Exclude Ungraded Standards: Selecting this option ensures that ungraded standards are not included in the report card.
Hide Course Title: Select the check box to hide the course title from displaying on the report cards.
Grades from Concurrent Schools: Select the check box to print report cards for students who aren't scheduled at the selected school.
Posted Final Grade (Percent): Posts the percentage of final grades as well as standards posted.
Posted Final Grade (Letter Grade): Posts the letter grade of final grades as well as standards posted.
Posted Final Grade (Conduct): Select the check box to display comments selected for students via the Conduct pull-down configured by the district (Report Card Comments).
Posted Final Grade Comment: Posts all comments linked to final grades.
Display Final Grades grouped with corresponding Standard Grade: When the check box is selected, the report cards will print displaying posted grades directly above the standard grades for the applicable class (via previous formatting) once generated from the Standard Grades Report Cards Search Screen.
Display Student ID in Header: Select the check box to display the students' ID in the header of the generated report cards.
Marking period from which to pull data: Select the applicable marking period from the pull-down. Options include Q1, Q2, S1, Q3, Q4, S2, and FY. You can also select the quarter, semester, and full year check boxes; changing data here will automatically change the Marking period from which to pull data pull-down. For example, if you selected, Q2 from the pull-down and selected the Q4 check boxes, the pull-down will update to Q4. Note: Data is comments and conduct, not the grades per marking period.
Use data from most recent term if there us no grade in the term selected: Select the check box to populate the report card with data (comments/conducts) from the most recent marking period for which data is present; that is if the student does not have a grade for the marking period selected. Note: Report cards will still only print the grades for the marking periods selected. For example, if it is the end of the semester and Q1, Q2, and S1 and selected to print, but not all of the students classes post semester grades, the classes that only contain Q1 and Q2 grades will post comments and conducts from Q2. All other classes that contain a S1 grade will post comments and conducts as normal. Note: If Use data from most recent term if there is no grade in the term selected is not selected, the Q2 class will not post any comments because data is being pulled from S1 only.
4. Select the check boxes to determine the progress and/or Marking Periods you want to display on the report cards. It is recommended that report cards display the full extent of students’ progression up to the current marking period.

5. Select the applicable radio button to determine how grades/marking periods Display on the report cards; by One Column or Two Columns.

6. Select the Sort Courses on Report Cards radio button to decide how you want the courses sorted. You can choose By Period, Alphabetically, or By Standard Subject Sort Order. Note: If a selection is not made, Alphabetically is selected by default.

7. If report cards are printed, you can choose the order in which printed report cars are sorted via the Sort Report Cards pull-down.

Alphabetic sorting will print report cards of all students’ last names A-Z; Grade Level will print report cards alphabetized by students’ last names A-Z and sorted within their grades; and any period will print report cards alphabetized by students’ last names and sorted within teachers’ periods. Note that sorting by periods is designed to make distribution into teachers’ mailboxes more convenient.
8. Set an Effective Date using the provided pull-downs for the month, day, and year or use the calendar icon. To pull data as it pertains to specific active schedule records as of a specific date, set an Effective Date here.

9. If set up, you can also choose to print Multilingual Report Cards by selecting the check box.

If Multilingual Report Cards is selected, a report card would be generated in the language set on the student's record (the language field). However, Translations would need to be set up by the district in Setup > Translations, and a letterhead template would need to be set up for desired languages in Setup > Letterhead Templates.
10. Select the Two-Sided Printing check box to print report cards on both sides of the paper and insert a blank page for an odd number of pages between students. For example, if a student has a 3-page report card, there is a blank page added so the next student starts on a new piece of paper.

11. In the Include in Standard Title section, select the standard information that should be printed on the report card by selecting the corresponding check boxes; options include Subject Area, Grade Level, Strand, and Cluster.

12. Select the Font and enter the font size in the text box.

13. You can select the Print Multiple Copies for Custodial Contacts at Separate Addresses check box, which can be useful if a student has several guardians/parents at different addresses that should receive a copy of his/her report card.

14. Before printing, it is very important that you select the correct Letterhead Template, which are set up by the district. Note: The district should make a standard letterhead template available.

15. Click Continue.
Clicking Continue on the last screen will navigate to a new Standard Grades Report Cards screen where you can choose to preview, print, and publish report cards to the Parent/Student Portal.
1. Select the Print Report Card: For each student radio button.

2. Select the students for whom you need report cards by selecting the check box next to each student. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.

If you want to print Standard Grades Report Cards for all students displayed, select the check box in the header.

3. Once the students have been selected, you can click Preview or Print. It is recommended to Preview before printing to be sure all required information has been included and that the correct letterhead template has been selected.
a1. Preview standard grades report cards then click Return to Focus to go back to the Standard Grades Report Cards screen. Note: The preview report cards will look different depending on the template set up by the district.
a2. Clicking Print generates all of the selected students’ report cards in a print preview screen. Click the Printer icon to print or click the down arrow to download the files to your computer. When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the Standard Grades Report Cards screen.
Clicking Continue on the last screen will navigate to a new Standard Grades Report Cards screen where you can choose to preview, print, email and/or publish report cards to selected students/contacts.
1. To email report cards first select to whom you’d like to email them: To each student or To each Custodial Contact.

Selecting to email report cards will display additional emailing options as shown in the image.

2. The Email Subject is defaulted but can be edited. Add a CC (an additional email) if desired. You also have the option to email yourself a copy. The check box for Send a Copy to Myself (user email) defaults to selected; clear the selection here if you do not want to receive a copy.
3. In addition to emailing the report to the student or custodial contact, you can also attach other files to send with the report card, such as a school letter or memo. You can attach up to 5 files. To select a file, click Choose File. To delete an attachment, click remove. To add another attachment/file, click Attach another file. You will be notified as to how many more files can be attached.
4. Select the students who should receive an emailed report card by selecting the corresponding check boxes. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.

To email report cards for all students displayed, select the check box in the header.

5. Once the students have been selected, click Preview to review the report cards before emailing.
If the student or the student’s custodial contact does not have an email set up, you will receive an Error that no email was entered and the message was not delivered.
a. Preview report cards then click Return to Focus to go back to the Report Cards screen. Note: All report cards will look different depending on the template set up by the district.
6. Select Send Emails to send report cards to selected students or the students’ custodial contacts. Once the email has been sent, you will receive a message saying Report cards have been emailed to the selected custodial contacts/students. You will also be taken back to the main Standard Grades Report Cards screen where you can conduct a new search, etc.
The email addresses used for custodial contacts can be found via Student Info > Addresses & Contacts. If a parent uses a different email via the Parent Portal, it will not register here.
Clicking Continue on the last screen will navigate to a new Standard Grades Report Cards screen where you can choose to preview, print, and publish report cards to the Parent/Student Portal.
1. Select the check box to Publish Standard Grades Report Card: To Parent/Student Portal.
2. Select the students for whom you need standard grades report cards by selecting the check box next to each student. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.
If you want to print standard grades report cards for all students displayed, select the check box in the header.

3. Once the students have been selected, you can click Preview to review the report cards before publishing.

a. Preview report cards then click Return to Focus to go back to the Standard Grades Report Cards screen. Note: All report cards will look different depending on the template set up by the district.
4. Click Publish to publish report cards to the selected students’ portal (and parent portal). Once the report card has been published, you will receive a message saying Standard Grades Report Cards have been published.

When a student or parent logs into the student/parent portal, the report card information appears on the Reports tab of the student information block.
The Standard Grades Report Card displays as Standard Grades Progress Report if any of the marking periods on the report card are progress periods.
When the next Standard Grades Report Card is published, it will display in place of the latest published report card. If other kinds of report cards are published, such as Report Cards, SSRS custom report cards, or Progress Reports, all reports will display simultaneously with the most recent of each card displaying.
Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.
If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
Click Filters to further breakdown data. Once enabled, you can begin filtering data.
To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information, see Filters.