Documentation for Teachers

Student Schedule

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Viewing the Student Schedule

The student's schedule can be viewed in a course list or weekly planner format. The Student Schedule screen allows you to view inactive courses and customize displayed columns.

1. Click the Students menu, then click Schedule.


2. In the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search. For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

Student Schedule

3. In the search results, click the student's name.

Student Schedule

The student schedule is displayed in the Course List format and excludes inactive courses by default.

Student Schedule

4. To include inactive courses (dropped courses) on the schedule, select the Include Inactive Courses check box.

Student Schedule

5. To view or hide the state reporting fields on the student schedule, select or clear the selected Show [State] Fields check box.

Student Schedule

6. To view or hide the vocational/WDIS fields on the student schedule, select or clear the selected Show Vocational/WDIS Fields check box.

Student Schedule

7. To customize the columns that display on the student schedule, click Customize Columns.

Student Schedule

a. In the Customize Columns pop-up window, click a column name to remove a column from view.  The column name will be crossed out to indicate that it removed. Click Save to apply changes.

The column(s) will remain hidden until added back to the screen via Customize Columns.

10. Click Weekly Planner to view the schedule in a weekly planner format.

Student Schedule
Exporting or Printing a Student Schedule

The student's schedule can be exported to Excel, or a PDF of the schedule can be saved to your computer or printed. You can select a district or school letterhead template to use for the PDF, if desired.

To export the schedule to Excel, click the Export icon above the schedule.

Student Schedule

To print the student's schedule, click Print Schedule.

Student Schedule

a. A PDF preview of the schedule is generated in a pop-up window, which can be saved to your computer (down arrow) or printed (printer icon). Click the white X to close the window when finished.


You can also click Print at the bottom of the menu to print schedules.

Student Schedule

a. A PDF preview of the schedule is generated in a pop-up window, which can be saved to your computer (down arrow) or printed (printer icon). Click the white X to close the window when finished.

Student Schedule

To include state field and vocational/WDIS fields in the printed scheduled, select the Show (State) Fields and/or Show Vocational/WDIS Fields check boxes before printing.

Student Schedule
How Postsecondary Student Schedules are Configured

Select the Show Vocational/WDIS Fields check box in the upper right corner to display the records maintained for WDIS Surveys, such as Daily Hours and Voc. C Points Mod Date.

Student Schedule

The following columns will be added: Course Number, Section, Schedule Withdrawal Code, CTE Dual Enrollment Course Location, Funding End Date, Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award, Voc./Adult Gen. Program Code, Daily Hours, Total Hours, WDIS Survey W Days, WDIS Survey W Total Hours, WDIS Survey W Attended Hours, WDIS Survey W Attended Hours Override, WDIS Survey S Days, WDIS Survey S Total Hours, WDIS Survey S Attended Hours, WDIS Survey S Attended Hours Override, WDIS Survey F Days, WDIS Survey F Total Hours, WDIS Survey F Attended Hours, WDIS Survey F Attended Hours Override, Completion Point Code 1, Completion Point Code 1 Date, Completion Point Code 2, Completion Point Code 2 Date, Completion Point Code 3, Completion Point Code 3 Date, Completion Point Code 4, Completion Point Code 4 Date, Modified Completion Point Code, Voc. C Points Mod Date, Post Test, Adult Fee Status (First), Adult Fee Status (Second), Basic Skills Exam, Cost Reporting Code, Financial Assistance 1-5, Post Secondary Course Status, Adult Ed Functioning Level, Init, Adult Ed Functioning Level, Final, Residency for Tuition Purposes, Voc Gen Ed, Disability, Full Program Completer, Career and Technical Education Date of Program Completion, Enrollment, Not State Funded, Exempt from Total Clock Hours, WDIS Prior Year, and School Year - Course Taken.

The following fields can also be found on the section set up of the Courses & Sections screen (set up by the district):

Meeting Days: Indicates the days of the week the student attends the section on a regular weekly basis.

Enrolled and Dropped (WDIS: Date of Entry and Date of Exit (for program, course, and section)): The enrolled date represents the first day of enrollment and the dropped date represents the last day of enrollment for the student in the section.

Dual Enrollment Indicator: Note that this field will display only if the Show [State] Fields check box in the upper right of the student schedule screen is selected.

Estimated Course Completion Date: This field will populate a course end date based upon the total hours for the course and the students enrollment date.

Billed: The Billed filed will display the term in which the student was invoiced for the course. Note: If the section was not billed from the schedule record, this field will remain blank.

Attended Hours: The Attended Hours field will display the total number of hours the student has attended for the course to date. This is based upon the attendance that the teacher enters into the system.

Schedule Withdrawal Code: This code set in this field indicates the reason a student was withdrawn form a section, whether it was that the student progressed to a new section, or whether he/she dropped the course, etc.

Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award: This is a calculated field. See the section, Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award for more information regarding total clock hours.

Daily Hours: Indicates the scheduled hours in the section for the student each class meeting. For teachers, this value will default for the student on the attendance screen. The Daily Hours will be used in the calculations for the Total Hours.

Total Hours: Represents total membership hours. It is a calculated by multiplying the Daily Hours by the number of days the class has met during the timeframe defined by the Enroll and Drop dates.

WDIS Survey Days and WDIS Survey Total Hours: These fields indicate the number of days the class met and the total hours reported for the student during each survey period.

Voc. C Points and Dates 1-6: Indicates OCPs or LCPs earned by the student in the class and the date earned.

Post Test: Indicates the status assigned to the specific examination taken by the student.

Industry Certification ID: An independent third-party's DOE code, Certification Title, and Issuing Organization/Provide from the Industry Certification Descriptions by FLDOE.

Outcome and Date: The students Industry Certification status, awarded by the party listed in the adjacent Industry Certification Identifier column, and the date that certification was awarded.

Adult Fee Status: Indicates the status of student fees with codes that are defined and reported to DOE.

Basic Skills Exam: Indicates a students basic skills status, including exemption.

Cost Reporting Code: The WDIS-defined code for postsecondary instruction, provided to the adult student for the term.

Financial Assistance 1-5: Indicated whether the student received any of the following forms of need-based financial assistance for the instruction and term being reported.

Post Secondary Course Status: When the value is S or W, the Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award will be calculated for the schedule record.

Adult Ed Functioning Level, Init and Adult Ed Functioning Level, Final: Indicates a students initial functioning level, based on their first TABE or CASAS score, and the final reflects their current functioning level, based on the progress calculated from additional TABE or CASAS scores.

Residency for Tuition Purposes: Indicates the students residency status, which relates to whether the student will be billed for resident or non-resident tuition and fees.

Voc. Gen Ed, Disability: Information entered here is reported to the state if a student is receiving accommodations.

Full Program Completer: This field is displays the certificate or diploma earned for students who have completed a program.

Career and Technical Education Date of Program Completion: Shows the date on which the student officially completed his/her CTE program.

Enrollment, Not State Funded: Indicates whether a course is to be state funded. Mostly used for courses offered at correctional facilities.

Exempt from Total Clock Hours: Indicates whether the schedule record for the student is exempt from calculating total clock hours.

Funding End Date: Populate this field to specify the date at which the funding for that individual course will end. The Total Hours will continue to accumulate on the schedule record through this date and will be sent in state reporting submissions.

Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award

For CTE student schedule records (indicated by a Cost Reporting Code in the 300s), the Total Clock Hours Earned Towards Award is calculated when the Post Secondary Course Status is set to S - Satisfactory or Passing or when the WDIS OCP hours defined on the course is awarded to the student.

If the Exempt from Total Clock Hours field is set to Exempt, the clock hours will not be calculated.

For Program Total Clock Hours, all records identified by the same program number will be added together.

For example, if a student only had 282 Total Hours. Since the WDIS OCP Hours for the course is greater (300 hours), the total clock hours is calculated to be 300 hours.

If additional hours need to be added for a student's schedule, use the WDIS Additional Hours Entry logging field, which can be accessed via Student Info. The tab may vary from district to district.

a. Enter the Vocational Program Number and the number of Additional Hours, then click Save. Note: This is only applicable to users with edit permissions.

b. In the example below, the 1050 hours is the total clock hours based on the two completed courses and the additional 150 hours from the WDIS Additional Hours Entry field.

Additional Features

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Student Schedule

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting student data, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

Student Schedule

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows), which can be found on several screens. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Student Schedule

When viewing a student's schedule, you have the ability to navigate to the previous or the next student in the original resulting list of students. Click on the white arrows displayed in the header to move to the previous student and the next student in the list.

Student Schedule

If only one arrow is displayed thats means that you are either at the beginning or the end of the list. In the example, shown there is only the right arrow because the student selected is at the beginning of the list.

Student Schedule

Click Message to send the student a message via Communication.

Student Schedule
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