Documentation for Teachers

Student Requests

Updated on

If your school allows teachers to approve the course requests that their current students have entered for the next school year, the Student Requests screen is used to view the students' course requests and approve or not approve them. You will receive a Portal alert when there are student course requests awaiting your approval. You will only be able to view and approve course requests that are within the graduation subject that you teach. When the scheduling team at your school reviews student course requests, there will be an indication that you approved or did not approve the course requests.

Viewing and Approving Student Course Requests

1. To access the Student Requests screen, click the schedule requests Portal alert.

Alternatively, in the menu, click Students. Then click Requests.

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The Student Requests screen displays any course requests that you have not yet reviewed. The student's name, student ID, and the current class they are scheduled in is displayed. The Course Name column displays the name of the course the student requested for the next school year.

2. To approve or not approve a course request for an individual student, select Approved or Not Approved in the Status column.

The selection is auto-saved.

3. To approve all course requests in the list, click Approve All Requests at the top of the screen.

The Status column updates to Approved for all course requests in the list. The selections are auto-saved.

Student Requests

To view the student's current grades in your class, click the i icon next to the student's name. A pop-up window will open with an overview of the student's Gradebook grades for your class.

Student Requests

4. Once you navigate away from the Student Requests screen, the reviewed course requests are hidden from the screen. To view previously reviewed course requests, click View Reviewed Requests.

Student Requests

The previously reviewed course requests are displayed, and can be modified if needed.

Student Requests
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