The Category Breakdown report displays graphs based on fields on the Referral form. The report can be viewed as a column (bar) graph, pie chart, or list. The report allows for cross-referencing the discipline data against student demographics.
1. In the menu, click Reports > Discipline > Category Breakdown.

2. In the Please Select a Category pull-down, select the category of discipline data to view. The categories are based on fields from the referral form.
Select the Month & Year option to use the report timeframe to display discipline information by month and year. Select the School Year option to use the report timeframe to display discipline information by school year.
3. In the Breakdown Further? pull-down, select a student field to include on the report.
To quickly find a student field in the list, begin typing the field name in the Filter text box at the top of the pull-down. The list of options will filter based upon the entered criteria.
To search for a specific subgroup of students, click Advanced and define the search criteria in the Search Screen.
4. Modify the Report Timeframe as needed using the pull-downs or calendar icons.
5. Click Go to refresh the report.
6. Select Show Zero Items to include items on the report that have a zero value.
7. If the minor infractions functionality is enabled for your school, select Include Minor Infractions if you would like to include minor infractions on the report.
8. Click the Column, Pie, and List tabs to view the graph as a column (bar) graph, pie chart, or list.
9. On the Column graph or Pie chart, hover the mouse over a column or section of the pie chart to view the data the bar/section represents. Click the bar or section to view a list of the referrals.
10. For the Column graph or Pie chart, click Download to generate a printable graph.
11. For the List, click the Excel or print icon to export the report or print a PDF of the report.