The My Information screen displays General information pertaining to the user, as well as the Teacher Schedule, Employee Summary, and more. Note: The information displayed on this screen will vary by district as the tabs and fields are customizable.
Click the Employee Self Service menu, then click My Information.

A selected tab has been selected to open by default. You can see all other tabs available for this user along the left side panel.
Use the Filter fields... text box to quickly find a tab.

Click the Expand/Shrink gray arrow to close/ shrink the panel of tabs and create more space on the main screen. Once closed, you can click the gray arrow again to expand the panel.

If you have the ability to make edits, and any additions or alterations are made on any of the tabs, be sure to click the Save button before navigating away from the screen to ensure data is saved.
Click the formatting icons to change the layout of user info; options include one column, two columns, and three columns.
One column selection.
Two column selection.
Three column selection.
Click the Printer icon to print the displayed information.
a. Click Printer icon in the Export sections to print just a section of data.
b. Click the Excel icon to export the section of data to an Excel spreadsheet.
Click the modal icon to view the line of information in a pop-up window; available on various tabs.
1. Click the Primary Info tab to review, and edit (if applicable) your name, username, e-mail address, password, etc.
2. Review and edit (if applicable) your First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Name Suffix, Username, E-mail Address, Password, etc. by clicking the applicable field and changing or entering text.
3. Click Save to apply changes, if applicable.
4. Click the General tab for demographic information which may vary between districts.
5. Click the Teacher Schedule tab to view your courses.
a. To view your classes in a planner format, click the Weekly Planner slider.
b. If more than one marking period applies to you, i.e., if you are scheduled to teach classes in several different marking periods, you can select a different one from the Marking Period pull-down.
6. Click the Employee Summary tab to review your employee information, such as Full Name, W4 Information, Addresses, Contact Info, Salary, etc.
7. Click the Certifications tab to view your logged certifications.