Documentation for Teachers

School Status Report

Updated on

The School Status Report is used to review student proficiency, learning gains, and changes in achievement levels on the most recent administration of a state assessment.

The report pulls the current school year's students with last year's teachers (when the test was administered).

Generating the School Status Report

1. in the menu, click Reports > Performance Reports > School Status Report.


2. Select the Test, Subject, and Part to view.

The list of tests, subjects, and parts are based on district setup.

School Status Report

3. Select the Effective Date.

School Status Report

4. Select Teacher Report or Grade Report.

The Teacher Report displays the report by teacher, while the Grade Report displays the report by grade level.

School Status Report

5. Select whether to view the percentage of students that are proficient, not proficient, making gains, not making gains, or students who have maintained, improved, or dropped levels.

School Status Report

6. If Making Gains or Not Making Gains was selected in the previous step, select whether to view All Students or students at a particular level.

7. Select Three Year Report if you would like to view three years of test data.

School Status Report

8. Select whether to view Subject Area Teachers or All Teachers if viewing the Teacher Report.

School Status Report

9. Click Go to generate the report.

School Status Report

The report displays for the students in your sections, organized by gender, ELL, FRL, and ESE status.

Example of Grade Report:

Example of Teacher Report:

School Status Report

If Three Year Report is selected, then the percentages display by the last three years of test data.

10. To export the report to Excel, click the Export icon, and follow your computer's prompts to open or save the file.

11. To generate a PDF of the report for printing, click Print at the bottom of the screen.

Click the down arrow to access the Print options, where you can select a template or select to print in small font.

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