Documentation for Teachers

Student Reauthorization

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Student Reauthorization allows teachers to identify where students will be scheduled during the next billing period in order to help automate the billing process, as well as the scheduling process.

If the setting, Reauthorization - Ability to post grades within reauthorization is enabled, the screen name changes from Student Reauthorization to Post Grades.

Student Reauthorization

You have the ability to reauthorize for full year windows. In order for you to reauthorize via full year windows the following criteria must be met: Marking periods course registration set for full year, Grade posting window is full year, and Courses have Reauthorization / Bill By Reauthorization type setup via the Vocational/WDIS tab of Courses & Sections.

1. Click the Final Grades menu, then click Student Reauthorization.

Student Reauthorization

2. Before reviewing the reauthorization report, you can select the check box to Include Inactive Students.


3. Review the Student Name and Student ID columns, then make a Course Section selection for reauthorization.

Select Continuing in: if the student will remain in the current course.

Select Program Completer if the student has completed the program.

Select Do Not Register if the student will not be continuing in the program.

You also have the option to select any other active courses within the same program that the student should register for next. These courses must have a future start date and must be set up for reauthorization. For example, if the student finished Adult Basic Education Language but needs to take Adult Basic Education Mathematics, you can select the course from the pull-down.

4. Depending on the Course Selection made, different options display in the Length pull-down. If you selected Do Not Register or Program Completer, the Length pull-down becomes inactive. All other selections require a Length selection from the pull-down, which vary depending on the course selected and semesters/terms/hours set up by administration.

In the example shown, the only available option for contining in the current course is Semester 3 with the defined time range.

5. To expedite the selection process, click Mass Update.

From the Mass Update pop-up window, you can select the Column to update en masse from the pull-down, then select the Value to be populated in the selected column. For example, if you select Course Selection from the Column pull-down, you can update all student records as Continuing in: from the Value pull-down. Click Update when selections have been made.

You can also select the Length column to be mass updated via the Column pull-down by Section, Course, Hours/Custom, or a designated time frame as populated in the Value pull-down.

6. When all selections have been made, click the Save button.

7. If applicable, you can review the students' Estimated Course Completion date, as well as Print Invoice(s). The option to print invoices for students should only be enabled for administration profiles; therefore, teacher profiles should not have the ability to print.

Post Grades

1. Click the Final Grades menu, then click Post Final Grades.


2. Review the Student Name, Student ID, and Grade Level columns, then select the applicable Grade for each student from the pull-down.

For a complete legend of grades, click the i (information) icon next to Grade Validation Legend.

The Grade Validation Rules pop-up displays all applicable grades along with the corresponding Program, Event, and Course Completion Code. To close the window, click the white X.

3. Once a grade is selected, select a course Completion Code from the pull-down.

The Completion Code pull-down was previously called Schedule Enrollment Codes. When a code is selected it will apply to the student’s schedule record. 

4. When a grade is selected, the Credits column becomes active. Edit the Credits awarded as needed by clicking into the text box.

5. Select the Include Inactive Students check box to post grades for inactive students as well as active students.

6. To expedite the selection process, click Mass Update.

From the Mass Update pop-up window, you can select the Column to update en masse from the pull-down, then select the Value to be populated in the selected column. For example, if you select Course Selection from the Column pull-down, you can update all student records as Continuing in: from the Value pull-down. Click Update when selections have been made.

You can also select the Length column to be mass updated via the Column pull-down by Section, Course, Hours/Custom, or a designated time frame as populated in the Value pull-down.

7. Once grades, completion codes, and credits are saved, the Course Attendance column automatically calculates the students’ attended hours in the course for the last three years; when saved, the attendance number displays on the students’ schedule record in the Course Att Hours field. Note: The field is uneditable.

8. The Competencies column contains a competency file upload. This field allows uploads that will be saved to the grade record, if it exists. This upload field will display based on whether or not a grade has been entered and saved. Note: A grade record needs to be saved in order for this file upload field to function. Click Scan to scan a document directly from your scanner or click Upload to browse for and attach a document.

You can also click the arrow icon to expand the upload feature.

9. Make a Course Section selection for reauthorization from the corresponding pull-down.

Select Continuing in: if the student will remain in the current course.

Select Program Completer if the student has completed the program.

Select Do Not Register if the student will not be continuing in the program.

You also have the option to select any other active courses within the same program that the student should register for next. These courses must have a future start date and must be set up for reauthorization. For example, if the student finished Adult Basic Education Language but needs to take Adult Basic Education Mathematics, you can select the course from the pull-down.

10. Depending on the Course Selection made, different options display in the Length pull-down. If you selected Do Not Register or Program Completer, the Length pull-down becomes inactive. All other selections require a Length selection from the pull-down, which vary depending on the course selected and semesters/terms/hours set up by administration.

In the example shown, the only available option for contining in the current course is Semester 3 with the define time range.

11. When all selections have been made, click the Save button.

12. If applicable, you can review the students' Estimated Course Completion date, as well as Print Reauthorizations. The option to print reauthorizations and Check/Uncheck All Reauthorizations for students should only be enabled for administration profiles while posting grades; therefore, teacher profiles should not have the ability to print.

Additional Features

1. Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer. Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

2. Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules. Note: The Length column contains two additional filters: Hours and Days; depending on the course set up and length selections, you can filter by hours and days specifically.

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.

3. You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

4. Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

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