Documentation for Teachers

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

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The Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen displays a student’s final grades, GPA, and ranking earned in a selected marking period, exam, and/or school year. The columns in this report can be filtered for specific information. The Final Grades, GPA & Class Rank screen includes two reports: The Grades Summary and the Detailed Report.

Click here for information on the Course History module for post-secondary schools/students.

Student Search

1. Click the Students menu, then click Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank.


This navigates to the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen, where a Student Search module will display in addition to More Search Options.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

2. Enter the applicable search criteria and click Search.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

For details on how to search for students and utilize the Student Search module, see Searching for Students.

To pull data for all students, leave the Student Search text box empty.

The Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank Report

The district has the ability to limit what columns (fields) are viewable/editable on the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen depending on your profile.

Clicking Search navigates to a new Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen where you can view final grades, GPAs, and class ranks for the selected students defined in the Student Search. When multiple students are pulled into the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank report, the weighted and unweighted GPAs and ranks of every student will display on the screen.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

At the top of the screen are submenu options to view this breakdown by a selected marking period, such as the active 4th 9 Weeks, Semester 2, Full Year, or by full Course History. Course History is selected by default.

If the More Search Options feature was used in conducting a Student Search on the previous screen, the selection of data entered there will be displayed directly under the Search Screen tab. In the example shown, Grade 11 was selected. Also listed is the number of students as a result of your search.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

Notice that you can also return to the Search Screen by clicking on the tab. In doing so, you will lose all data and sections entered originally.

Click the down arrow next to the student Photo to open the category menu, which includes quick links to the following screens/information, most of which can be accessed by Student Info: Demographics, Schedule, Grades or Course History, Absences, Add Referral, Test History, SSS, Enrollment, Requests, Standard Grades, Activities, Referrals, and Grad Reqs.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

1. Click on any student's name to navigate to the Grades section of the student record for more details.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

Clicking the student's name navigates to the Detailed Report or the Grades Summary depending on the screen most recently viewed and the permissions enabled for your profile.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

a. To close out of the selected student and return to the main Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen, click the red X next to the open student’s name in the header.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

Upon closing the student, you will be redirected back to the main Search Screen. To return to the list of students based on your previous search, click the Back to Search Results icon next to the student name.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

Hover over the student's name for more student information, and click the student's name to open Students > Student Info.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie
The Detailed Report

The reports and details displayed vary depending on your profile permissions enabled by the district via Users > Profiles.

1. Click on any student’s name to navigate to the Grades section of the student record for more details.

2. If clicking the student's name opens the Grades Summary, click View Detailed Report.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

The Detailed Report includes many features to track student performance, review course history, as well as update and add student grades.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

From this particular screen, since it is a part of the Student Info module, you have the ability to navigate to other sections of student information using the tabs at the very top, such as Demographic, Enrollment, Schedule, etc.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

3. Just beneath the Student Info tabs, are additional tabs used to identify specific exams, semesters, or progress/marking periods. Click on any one of these tabs to change the data to reflect the marking period or exam period selected. The option defaults to Course History.

When a new tab is selected, it appear in blue and moves to the front of the listed periods/exams, as shown in the image.

Final Grades - 4th 9 Weeks - Abe, Charlie

When Course History is displayed, the student’s Cumulative GPA, Cumulative Weighted GPA, Cohort GPA, Class Rank, and Cohort Rank display in the upper left corner of the screen. There is also the As of date, which lists the date information was last updated or affected. The student's Total Credits Earned, Total Credits Attempted, Quality Points, and Cohort Year are displayed as well. Note: The fields displayed here are dependent on district settings.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

Depending on the marking period selected, different information will display on the screen. For example, the information explained about only shows when Course History is selected.

An assessment section in the upper right corner shows the EOC and Assessment requirements, and indicates which requirements the student has met; for post-secondary students, this module displays program and credit hour requirements. Note: The fields displayed here are dependent on district settings.

If an I, J, or Y is selected from the Online Course pull-down, the indicator for Met Online Course Req: will update to Met. If J is entered, a specific Course Number is required in order to meet online course requirement. Note: When the first seven digits of the course number are 0200985 and J is selected from the Online Course pull-down, the online course requirement is met. Show Florida fields must be selected for the listed fields to display.

Beneath the student’s GPA information is the number of Grades entered for the student in Course History.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

4. To view a legend for Comment Codes, click the corresponding link. In the Comment Codes pop-up, you will receive a description of each code.

Final Grades - Course History - Abel, Emmatte

By default the following columns display: Year, Marking Period, Course, Course Number, Percent, Grade, Grade Scale, Cred. Attempted, Cred. Earned, GPA PTS, Weighted GPA, Affects GPA, Teacher, Grad Subject, Reason Code, Comments, Course Comments, Report Card Comments, Internal Notes, Conduct, Course History, and Locked.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

5. Click the Show [STATE] fields button to display additional columns and display more information, such as School, Gradelevel, course flags, etc.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

The state specific fields button will differ for each state, such as Show Florida fileds, Show Texas fields, Show Maryland fields, or Show New Jersey fields.

To hide the additional fields, click Hide [STATE] fields.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie
Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank Fields Explained
General Fields
Field Explanation
Year Displays the school Year the course was taken.
Marking Period
Displays the school Marking Period the course was taken.
Displays the Course name and number as defined in the Course Catalog.
Course Number
Displays the Course Number as defined in the Course Catalog.
Displays the percentage earned in the course.
Displays the letter Grade earned in the course.
Grade Scale
Displays the type of grading scale applicable, such as Regular, Honors, Advanced Placement, etc.
Cred. Attempted
Displays the number of credits attempted; i.e. the number of credits the student was able to earn for the course.
Cred. Earned
Displays the number of credits earned for the course.
Displays the student’s GPA (grade point average) points calculated by quality points/cumulative points. GPA points are associated with the letter grade and not adjusted by the credits attempted or earned.
Weighted GPA
Displays the student’s weighted GPA, which take into account the difficulty of the student’s classes.
Affects GPA
Determines whether or not the course taken affects the student’s GPA. If this check box is left cleared, the course grade will not affect the student’s GPA.
Displays the name of the Teacher of the course.
Grad Subject
Displays the graduation subject of the course.
Displays Comments made when entered via Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank.
Report Card Comments Displays Report Card Comments entered by teacher and administrators applicable to the course.
Internal Notes
Displays Internal Notes made when entered for other staff members.
Displays comments selected for students via the Conduct pull-down configured by the district; this option may also appear as a text box, where conduct comments can be entered.
Course History
Determines whether or not the course will be included in the student’s Course History. If this check box is left cleared, the course will not display while viewing the Course History tab.
Locked Select the Locked check box to lock the marking period's grade and prevent automatic recalculation upon a grade change being performed. Note: Automatic recalculation is dependent on the setting, “Recalculate parent marking period grades and GPAs when a teacher posts grades or a grade change request is approved” enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Grading.
Florida Fields
Semester Content
Displays additional information pertaining to semester courses, such as whether the course is a Course Term, S1 (Semester 1), or S2 (Semester 2), etc.
Displays the District number and name where the course was taken.
School Displays the School number and name where the course was taken.
Displays the Gradelevel of the student when the course was taken.
Course Number, Substituted
If the student took a course as a substitute for another course, the course that is being substituted would be entered in the Course Number, Substituted.
Course Flag 1-4 Displays course flags applicable to specific courses, such as Gifted, Virtual, Honors, etc.
Distance Learning
Displays Distance Learning information that has been identified for the course, such as Web-based, Not Distance Learning, etc.
Online Course
Displays Online Course information that has been identified for the course, such as Y - Online Course, N - Not an Online Course, etc.
WDIS Instructional Hours
If the student is enrolled in technical education courses earning WDIS hours, entered hours displays here.
Industry Certification Identifier 1-3
If the student is enrolled in technical education courses and attempting to earn an industry certification, the entered identifier displays here.
Industry Certification Outcome 1-3
If the student is enrolled in technical education courses and attempting to earn an industry certification, the entered outcome displays here.
Dual Enrollment Institution Type
Displays information pertaining to dual enrollment. If the student is enrolled in another institution for college credits, it would be indicated here.
Course Assessment Status
Displays information pertaining to the student’s EOC exam status, such as A - Took and passed EOC, B - Took and failed EOC, etc.
Voc./Adult Gen. Program Code
Displays the student’s Voc./Adult Gen. Program Code, if applicable. This only pertains to student enrolled in adult or vocational (technical) programs.
Course Substituted, Subject Area
Displays the Subject Area of the course that is being substituted. I.e. If the student has taken a course in place of another one, the Subject Area for which that course stands in would be identified here.
Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award
If the student is enrolled in vocational (technical) courses, the total clock hours earned towards completing the program requirement displays here. This is the number of hours the student has been awarded, which may vary from attended hours if the student completed the program.
EOC Exam Term
Displays the End of Course exam term, such as Full Year Exam, Semester 1 Exam, etc.
End of Course Achievement Level
The End of Course Achievement Level applies to virtual courses. The field displays achievement levels, such as Level 1-5, Not a virtual course, etc.
Credit By Assessment
Displays whether the student earned credits via an assessment. This check box should only be selected if the student is full-time and has never been enrolled in the corresponding course but has taken and passed the statewide standardized end-of-course assessment.
Location of Student
Displays information regarding the student’s location.
Texas Fields
Displays whether the course is linked to a specific Audit, such as FY, S1, S2, Summer, etc.
Special Explanation Code 1-3
Displays Special Explanation Code(s) entered that pertain to the course, such as Counts as PE Credit, Credit by Exam, etc.
Academic Achievement Record (AAR) Use
Displays the AAR subject for the course, such as Mathematics, Science, English Language Arts, etc.
Displays the District number and name where the course was taken.
Displays the School number and name where the course was taken.
No Credit
Displays the code, which indicates why the student did not earn credit for the course; for example, 04: Course was passed, but credit was not received due to excessive absences…See the following link for a complete list of codes: Pass/Fail Credit Indicator Code
Displays the Gradelevel of the student when the course was taken.
Num Abs
Displays the number of absences recorded while enrolled in the listed course.
Dual Credit Indicator
Indicates whether the student was eligible to receive both high school and college credit for a college course.
ATC Indicator
Displays the ATC (Advanced Technical Credit) code indicates a high school course for which college credit may be awarded by a post-secondary institution under the conditions of a local articulation agreement or the statewide ATC program agreement.
Course Completion Indicator
Indicates whether or not the student finished the full sequence of instruction for a course. Note: 1 does not mean that the student met all of the requirements to receive credit or a grade for the course.
College Credit Hours
Displays the number of college hours a student earned for the completion of a dual credit course.
Pass/Fail Credit Indicator
Displays a pass or fail and credits awarded indicator, such as Passed, But No Credit (other parts of the course have not been taken).
Absence Failure
Displays a check box indicating whether the course was failed due to poor attendance.
PEIMS Course Number
Displays the PEIMS (Public Education Information Management System) Course Number: Student taking end-of-course assessments are enrolled in a course being considered for STAAR Alternate 2 that contains a PEIMS course number indicating that the coursework is accessed through prerequisite skills.
PEIMS Short Title
Displays the PEIMS Short Title for the PEIMS Course.
Non-Campus Based Instruction
Displays the institution the course was taken, if the course was taken on a non-campus based location, such as College Campus Based Course, Credit By Exam, Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog, etc.
Semester Content
Displays additional information pertaining to semester courses, such as whether the course is a Course Term, S1 (Semester 1), or S2 (Semester 2), etc.
Summer Dual Enrollment
Indicates if the course was a dual enrollment course (for college credit) taken over the summer.
OnRamps Dual Enrollment Indicator
Displays the OnRamps Dual Enrollment code, which indicates that the student has successfully completed an OnRamps dual enrollment course. Note: OnRamps is an innovative dual enrollment program coordinated by The University of Texas at Austin.
The Grades Summary

The details displayed vary depending on your profile permissions enabled by the district via Users > Profiles.

1. If the Grades screen opens the Detailed Report, click View Grades Summary.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

The Grades Summary displays GPAs, Credits, End of Courses exam information, and the student's active schedule along with grades and attendance.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

The student’s Cumulative GPA, Cumulative Weighted GPA, Cohort GPA, Total Credits Earned, Total Credits Attempted, Quality Points, and Cohort Year are displayed in the top left corner of the screen. Note: The fields displayed are dependent on district settings.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

The student's EOC (End of Course) exams and Assessment requirements display in the top right corner of the screen, and indicate which requirements the student has met; for post-secondary students, this module displays program and credit hour requirements. Note: The fields displayed are dependent on district settings.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

The Grade Summary displays the student's schedule including the Pd (Period), Course #, Course name, Teacher, course Flags, attendance information (Ex, Unx, and Tardy), and grades for applicable marking periods, such as Q1, Q2, S1, etc. and Credits earned for each course.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

2. Select the Show All Years check box to display grades from all school years where grades have been posted. Click Update.

Note: Only posted grades from the student's current school display.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

3. Select the Show All Schools check box to display posted grades from other schools, such as second schools where the student may be enrolled for technical classes, or online classes, etc. Click Update.

Note: If you also selected the Show All Years check box, you will see posted grades from all years at different schools, such as middle school, etc.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

4. Select the Show Progress Periods check box to display progress report grades, if applicable. Click Update.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

Calculated grades are marked with a blue upper right arrow. Calculations of grades are based on the district's grading scheme via Setup > Grade Posting Averaging. When grades displays with the triangle, these grades are populated from the Gradebook not from a posted grade.

5. Select the Show Exams check box to display exam grades. Click Update.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

6. Select the Show Inactive Courses check box to display dropped courses in the Grades Summary. Click Update.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

7. Select the Group By Course check box to group sections by the state's course numbers. If selected, two courses with the same state given course number will be displayed as one. Click Update.

The image displayed below displays the courses before Group By Course is applied.


The image displayed below displays the courses after Group By Course is applied.


The Grades Summary calculates grades when NULL (no grades) have been posted and the posting window is still open.

8. Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed in the Grades Summary.


From the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear the selected check boxes of columns you want to hide from the Grades Summary. For example, if you do not need to see the student's attendance on this screen, clear the selected check boxes for Ex, Unx, and Tardy. The Grades Summary automatically updates.

Hidden columns remain hidden until the applicable check boxes are selected again from the Toggle Columns pop-up window.

9. Click the View Detailed Report link to open a detailed grades screen. See The Detailed Report for more information.


10. Click Print Assignment Grades for a breakdown of assignments and grades, as well as the ability to print the page. See Printing & Viewing Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments) for more information.

11. If applicable, click the Course link to open the teacher's Web Page.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

12. Click the Teacher name to send the teacher a message from the Communication screen.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

Click the message bubble icon to message all current teachers at once. Clicking the icon navigates to the Communication screen where all teachers listed are selected from the recipients pull-down.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

13. Click the attendance codes to open the applicable attendance information on the Absence Summary screen.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

14. Click a grade to open more information as it pertains to the grade given on the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments) screen.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank
Printing & Viewing Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

1. If the Grades screen opens the Detailed Report, click View Grades Summary.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

2. Click Print Assignment Grades to open the Grades (Assignments) screen, which displays all assignments for current courses.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

The screen displays the course name, period, section, teacher's name, current grade, as well as a breakdown of grade per grade category, such as Classwork, Homework, Tests, etc. The assignments display the Assignment name, Points Earned out of points possible, Percent, Grade, Comment, Assigned date and time, Due date, the date Last Modified, Category, Last Upload Date (if files have been uploaded), and Student Files attached.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

If applicable, click Edit/Upload to edit uploaded files, download uploaded files, or upload new files.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

3. Select the Include Inactive Courses check box and click Update to display assignments for inactive courses, as well.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

4. Select the Include Courses from Other Schools check box to display assignments from courses at other schools the student is enrolled.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

5. Click View Grades Summary to return to the Grades Summary screen.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

6. Click Print at the bottom of the screen to print the grades and assignments.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

The print preview displays. Click the download arrow to download and save the file to your computer. Click the printer icon to print the report.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

When finished, click X to close the pop-up window.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments) per Course

If on the Detailed Report screen, click the View Grades Summary link to open the Grade Summary screen.

Final Grades - Course History - Abe, Charlie

1. From the Grades screen, while on the Grades Summary screen, click the letter and/or percent grade link.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

2. The course name, period, section, and the teacher's name are displayed in a pull-down. Click the pull-down to select another active course.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

A breakdown of grades per grade category, such as Classwork, Homework, Tests, etc. is displayed at the top of the screen, as well as the student's Current grade in class.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

If the teacher of the course has left student notes on the student's record, these notes displays directly below the grades.

The screen displays the Assignment name, Points earned out of the points possible, Grade, Comment, Assigned date and time, Due date and time, date Last Modified, Category, View Test (if applicable), Last Upload Date (if files have been uploaded), and Student Files uploaded.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

3. Click the Assignment title to view assignment details, attached rubrics, resources, and more, as defined in the corresponding teacher's gradebook.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

Click Back to Assignment List to return to the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments) screen. See Gradebook: Categories & Assignments v.11 for more information.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

4. If applicable to your district, click View Test to view linked tests.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

When review is complete, click the X to close the test window. See Viewing Submitted Assessments for more information.

5. Click the attached student file to open and view the file.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

Click the X to close the pop-up window. See Viewing & Grading Student Assignment Uploads for more information.

a. Click the cloud icon to download the file to your computer.

b. Click the red X to delete the file.

6. Click View Grades Summary to return to the corresponding screen.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)
Proficiency Grades

In order to use the Proficiency Grading system, your district must first enable the preference to Use Proficiency Gradebook via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences/School Preferences > Grading.

1. From the Grades screen, while on the Grades Summary screen, click the progress bar, letter and/or percent grade link.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

If on the Detailed Report screen, click the View Grades Summary link to open the Grade Summary screen.

Final Grades - Course History - Abel, Emma

2. The course name, period, section, and teacher's name are displayed in a pull-down. Click the pull-down to select another active course.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)

3. Click View Grades Summary to navigate to the corresponding screen. See The Grades Summary for more information.

Grades (Assignments)

The student's current grade displays along the top of the screen along with the colored grade bar, and any notes added by the teacher.

Grades (Assignments)

The progress indicator code bar displays red for 2 or lower, yellow for 3 or lower, green for 3 and above. I.e. 50% or lower is red, 51%-75% is yellow and 75% or higher is green.

4. Student grades are displayed by proficiency Standard. Click the + (plus sign) to expand the standard and view assignments and grades.

Grades (Assignments)

Click the -- (minus sign) to collapse the standard and hide the linked assignments and grades.

Grades (Assignments)

5. Click + Expand All to expand all standards in order to view all linked assignments and grades.

Grades (Assignments)

Click -- Collapse All to collapse all standards and hide linked assignments and grades.

Grades (Assignments)

6. Click the assignment title to view assignment details.

Grades (Assignments)

The assignment information displays including Details, Resources, Standards, possible Points, Assigned Date, Due Date, Questions, Description, and more. See Proficiency Gradebook for more information.

Grades (Assignments)

a. Click Back to Assignment List to return to the previous Grades screen.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank (Assignments)
Additional Features

You can export data to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Excel icon in the Export section.

Final Grades - Course History - Abel, Emmatte

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Final Grades - Course History - Abel, Emmatte

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, results have been sorted by clicking on Student (name) twice; therefore, the listed students start with Y.

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

If the Detailed Report contains several pages of information, Page numbers will display along with Prev and Next buttons. Click these buttons to sift through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to that page.

Final Grades - Course History - Abel, Emmatte

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

Once enabled, you can begin filtering data. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options. For more information click on the following article: Filters.

The Toggle Columns features allows you to pick and choose which columns you want displayed on the Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank screen. For a complete list of columns, be sure Show Florida fields is selected, then you can clear the selected check box to hide columns you don't want displayed in the report.

To change the amount of grade records displayed, click in the text field for Page Size. This is defaulted at 20 records a page. Enter the number of records you would like displayed per page and press Enter. Notice that when the Page Size is changed to 100 records, the Page numbers disappear because all records are displayed on one page.

Final Grades - Course History - Abel, Emmatte

If looking at an individual student's Grades, you have the ability to navigate to the previous or the next student in the original resulting list of students. Click on the blue arrows displayed in the upper left corner of the screen to move to the previous student and the next student in the list.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank

If only one arrow is active (blue) thats means that you are either at the beginning or the end of the list.

Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank
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