Documentation for Teachers

Attendance Calendar

Updated on

The Attendance Calendar screen displays your district and school's attendance calendars. It indicates attendance days, as well as rotation days if your school uses a rotating schedule.

Viewing the Attendance Calendar

1. In the School Information menu, click Attendance Calendar.

Attendance Calendar

2. If there is more than one calendar, select the calendar to view from the pull-down.

Attendance Calendar

2. If needed, select the month and year to view in the Calendar Month pull-down. The current month and year is automatically selected.

Attendance Calendar

Today's date on the calendar is highlighted.

Attendance Calendar

Student attendance days have a green check mark.

Attendance Calendar

If your school uses a rotation schedule, the rotation day is also indicated beneath the check mark.

3. Events added by your school or district are underlined. Click the event title to view more information in a pop-up window.

Attendance Calendar
Attendance Calendar
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