Documentation for Teachers

Mass Print Events

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The Mass Print Events screen is used to print SSS event and step information for one or multiple students at one time. Once a batch of information is generated, the View Mass Print Batches screen is used to download the PDF.

Generating a Batch

1. In the menu, click SSS. Then click Mass Print Events.

Mass Print Events

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student(s) for which to print event and step information. Students who have any open or locked SSS event will return in the search.

Mass Print Events

3. On the right side of the Search Screen, select the Event.

4. Select one or multiple Steps to print.

When one step is selected, only steps that have data entered by users are printed.

When a step is selected that has a graph, the "Add Data Table from Graph" option becomes available in the Print Options section. Select the check box to include the data table beneath the graph.

Mass Print Events

5. Adjust the Initiated Dates to print events that were initiated between the dates entered.

6. Select the School Period to display the teacher of that period for each student on the next screen.

The teacher may also display on the printouts, depending on whether the "Display Teacher on Events" option is selected. See the next step for more information.

7. Leave the Display Teacher on Events check box unselected to display the teacher of the selected school period on a cover sheet that is inserted between each event instance. Select the check box to add the teacher name to the footer next to the page numbers on each event instance.

8. Click Search.

Mass Print Events

The students that match the search criteria are displayed on the next screen, along with their status, date and time the event was initiated, user who initiated the event, event status, and teacher of the school period selected on the previous screen.

Mass Print Events

9. Select the check boxes next to the records to print, or click Check All at the top of the column to select all records in the list.

Mass Print Events

10. Click Generate at the top-right corner of the screen.

Mass Print Events

A pop-up window is displayed, with a link to the View Mass Print Batches screen. The PDFs will be available to download from that screen once the batch is generated.

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