Documentation for Teachers

Job Postings

Updated on

The Job Postings screen allows teachers to review jobs available in the district and apply for said jobs through the job application process.

Job Postings

1. Click the Employee Self Service menu, then click Job Postings.

Job Postings

The Job Postings screen displays Job Filters that can be used to conduct a job search, as well as all available positions for which you can apply.

Job Postings

2. To filter job posting by facility, select the School/Facility from the corresponding pull-down.

3. Select a Category from the pull-down to view specific job postings, such as Administrative Support.

4. Select a Bargaining Units or Job Classification from the pull-down to view specific bargaining units, such as Instructional or Non-Bargaining.

Job Postings

Filters are automatically applied when selected.

The Job Filters displayed here depend on the settings enabled by the district via Human Resources  > Job Posting Setup > Miscellaneous.

5. Click View to view job posting details.

Job Postings

Clicking View displays additional details, such as job Summary, Description, Qualifications, Contact Information, etc.

Job Postings

a. Click the X at the top to close the job posting details.

Job Postings

6. Click Apply to apply to the job posting.

Job Postings

7. From the User Registration screen, click the applicable option from the following list of choices:

I DO NOT have a User Account Registered: Click this option to register for an account and apply for the job posting.

I Have an Account and Would Like to Login: Click this option if you already have an account registered and would like to log in to your account in order to apply for the job.

I am a Current Employee: Click this option if you are already an employee, have an account, and want to apply to the job posting.

I Forgot My Password: Click this option if you already have an account but forgot your password.

User Registration - Okaloosa County School District

a. Follow the screen prompts based on your selection. If you are creating a new account, enter all the required information, and click Submit.

User Registration - Okaloosa County School District

See Applications for steps on how to complete the job application process.

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