The Request Grade Changes screen allows teachers to request changes to report card grades after the grade-posting window has closed. Once the grade change is requested, an administrator must approve or deny the request. The grade will update once the request is approved. Teachers can view the status of the request on the Request Grade Changes screen.
1. Click the Final Grades menu, then click Request Grade Changes.
The Request Grade Changes screen is displayed. New requests for grade changes can be submitted and previously submitted requests are listed at the bottom of the chart.
2. To submit a new request for grade change, start by selecting the Student from the provided pull-down in the top row.
The students listed in the pull-down is dependent upon the course selected from the course pull-down located in the header.
The Student pull-down populates with all active students enrolled during the selected marking period not just students with posted grades. If the selected student does not have a posted grade for the selected marking period, administrative users and/or teachers have the ability to enter a grade as if posting the grade.
3. Select the Term from the provided pull-down. The term selected here will determine the grades available to change.
4. Select the Standard Title from the provided pull-down. This pull-down displays when there are any standards associated with the course selected.
5. Select the Conduct grade from the provided pull-down. This pull-down displays if the district is utilizing conduct grades.
The Current Grade % field and Current Grade Letter automatically populate with the selected student's data pulled from posted report card grades via the Post Final Grades screen.
The Request Grade Changes screen respects the Gradebook Configuration preference Only use letter grades in the gradebook - not points. The grade percentage columns are hidden when this preference is enabled.
The Teacher field, Course field, and Course Section automatically populate.
6. Enter the New Grade % in the provided text box. The New Grade Letter populates automatically based on the percentage entered.
7. If the New Grade Letter does not automatically populate based on the number entered in the New Grade % field, select the letter grade from the provided pull-down. If your district utilizes custom grades, they can also be selected from this pull-down, as needed.
Changes to custom fields associated with grades can also be made without altering the students grade.
8. Enter an Explanation in the text box provided. This field may be required depending on school or district settings. The explanation will help administration determine whether the request for a grade change is acceptable or not.
Please note that this functionality may not be available as it is dependent upon district settings.
Clicking into the field will open a text box. Click the black double lines in the right bottom corner to expand the text box.
9. Once all data has been entered, click into any of the listed fields (except the Explanation field) and press the Enter key to save and submit the request for a grade change. The line will turn yellow. Click Save.
If the district has enabled Prevent Grade Change Requests for inactive students, you will be prohibited from submitting Grade Change Requests for inactive students. If you try to submit a grade change request for inactive students, the alert The student was not active during that period, please select a different term displays and blocks the change request. The warning displays if the student was not active on the last day of the quarter. This alert checks the student enrollment dates and/or the student schedule enrollments.
Once submitted, the Date Submitted field will populate with the date and time submitted.
You may also see a Status Explanation if the request was approved or denied and administration provided a reason.
Notice that you can hover over any of the fields for further more compact information.
You can also view the Status of your request and the name of the user responsible for approving or denying your request via the Status By field.
If your request was approved or denied, the Status Date field will populate with the date and time your request was reviewed.
To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.
To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Click Filters to further breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Click the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information, see Filters.