Documentation for Teachers

Print Report Cards

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The Print Report Cards screen allows for previewing, printing, emailing, and publishing report cards for a select subset of students defined in the Student Search module. Depending on profiles permissions, users also have the ability to customize report cards in deciding what information to display, such as letter grades, course numbers, teachers, and more.

Student Search

1. Click the Reports menu, then click the Grades arrow.

a. In the Grades reports menu, click Report Cards.

Print Report Cards

This navigates to the Print Report Cards screen, where a Student Search module displays in addition to More Search Options.

Print Report Cards

2. Enter all the applicable search criteria.

Print Report Cards

See Searching for Students for more information on conducting a student search.

To generate report cards for all students, leave the Student text box empty.

3. Select the check box to Serach All Sections to pull all students in all of your sections not just the section selected in the header.

Print Report Cards

4. Select the Search the Entire School check box to generate report cards based on the search criteria for students in the entire school not just your section(s).

5. Select the Include Inactive check box to generate report cards for inactive students as well.

6. Select the Letterhead Template to be applied to the report cards from the provided pull-down. Letterhead Templates are set up by the district.

Print Report Cards

7. In the Include on Report Card section, select everything that needs to be included on the report card before generating.

Print Report Cards
Include on Report Card: Field Explanation
Include on Report Card Field Explanation
Letter Grade Select the check box to display the letter grade on the report card.
Select the check box to display percentages of grades on the report card.
Teacher Select the check box to display the Teacher on the report card.
Period Select the check box to display the Period on the report card.
Credits Attempted Select the check box to display the number of credits the student has attempted (not earned).
Credits Earned Select the check box to display the number of credits the student has earned.
Course Number Select the check box to display the Course Number of each listed course.
Term Select the check box to display the Term of each course on the report card.
Comments Select the check box to display Comments made by Teachers and Administrative staff as it pertains to the grades or course; comments display in the form of comment codes.
Explanation of Comment Codes Select the check box to display an Explanation of Comment Codes if Commnets are incuded on the report card.
Pull-Down Comments Select the check box to display comments selected for students via Pull-Down Comments set up by the district (Report Card Comments).
Period-by-Period Tardies Select the check box to display the number of tardies accumulated per period.
Period-by-Period Absences Select the check box to display the number of absences accumulated per period. If selected, you can also select to includes absences by section or course using the Absences By radio button.
Absences By: Section Select the radio button to display absences accumulated per Section.
Absences By: Course Select the radio button to display absences accumulated per Course.
Longer Comments per Course Select the check box to display long comments broken down by course.
Conduct Select the check box to display comments selected for students via the Conduct pull-down configured by the disrict (Report Card Comments). If selected, you can also select the Per Quarter check box to display conudct grades per quarter (or applicable marking period).
Long Comments Select the check box to display Long Comments entered for students via Report Card Comments. When selected, you can also select the Include a Page Break before Long Comments check box to insert a page break in the report card.
Grades from Concurrent Schools Select the check box to display grades, absences, and tardies entered by other schools if the student is enrolled in multiple schools simultaneously. When selected, you can also select the Display school name under other schools’ courses check box to display the names of the other schools for clarification.
Semester Content Select the check box to display additional information peratining to semester courses; the information pulls from the student’s Course History via the Semester Content pull-down.
District Select the check box to display the District (per course/grade) on the report card.
School Select the check box to display the School (per course/grade) on the report card.
Gradelevel Select the check box to display the Gradelevel (per course/grade) on the report card.
Course Number, Substituted If the student took a course as a substutute for another course, the course that is being substituted would be entered in the Course Number, Substituted field via Course History. To display this information on the student’s report card, select the check box.
Course Flag 1-4 Select the check box(es) to display course flag that have been identified via the student’s Course History.
Distance Learning Select the check box to display Distance Learning information that has been identified via the student’s Course History, such as Web-based, etc.
Online Course Select the check box to display Online Course information that has been identified via the student’s Course History, such as Y - Online Course, N - Not an Online Course, etc.
WDIS Instructional Hours If the student(s) are enrolled in technical education courses earning WDIS hours, select the check box to pull entered hours from the students’ Course History.
Industry Certification Identifier (1-3)
If the student(s) are enrolled in technical education courses and attempting to earn an industry certification, select the check box to pull the entered identifier from the students’ Course History.
Industry Certification Outcome (1-3)
If the student(s) are enrolled in technical education courses and attempting to earn an industry certification, select the check box to pull the entered outcome from the students’ Course History.
Industry Certification Date
If the student(s) are enrolled in technical education courses and attempted to earn an industry certification, select the check box to pull the Date attempted/earned from the students’ Course History.
Dual Enrollment Institution Type Select the check box to display information pertaining to dual enrollment. If the student is enrolled in another institution for college credits it would be indicated in the student’s Course History via the Dual Enrollment Institution Type pull-down.
Course Assessment Status Select the check box to display infromation pertaining to the student’s EOC exam status, such as A - Took and passed EOC, B - Took and failed EOC, etc. as recorded via the student’s Course History.
Voc./Adult Gen. Program Code Select the check box to display the student’s Voc./Adult Gen. Program Code, if applicable. This only pertains to student enrolled in adult or vocational (technical) programs.
IET Program Number Select the check box to display the Integrated Education & Training (IET) number, if applicable to the student(s) enrolled in adult education.
Course Substituted, Subject Area
Select the check box to display the Subject Area of the course that is being substituted. I.e. If the student has taken a course in place of another one, the Subject Area for which that course stands in would be identified here.
Total Clock Hours Earned Toward Award
If the student is enrolled in vocational (technical) courses, select the check box to pull the total clock hours earned towards completing the program requirement. The student’s hours pull from the student’s Course History. This is the number of hours the student has been awarded, which may vary from attended hours if the student completed the program.
EOC Exam Term
Select the check box to display the End of Course exam term, such as Full Year Exam, Semester 1 Exam, etc. as indiciated via the student’s Course History.
End of Course Achievement Level
The End of Course Achievement Level applies to virtual courses. Select the check box to pull achievement level specified via Course History, such as Level 1-5, Not a virtual course, etc.
Credit By Assessment
If the student earned credits via an assessment, which will be indicated on the student’s Course History, select the check box to display said information on the report card. 
Location of Student
Select the check box to pull information regarding the student’s location, which pulls from data entered in the student’s Course History.
Completion Point Code 1-6
Select the check box(es) to display OCPs (technical programs) and LCPs (adult education programs) earned by the student.
Completion Point Date 1-6 Select the check box(es) to display the dates the student earned OCPs (technical programs) and LCPs (adult education programs).
Modified Completion Point Code
Select the check box to display the student’s modified occupational completion point (MOCP) during the year selected.
Voc. C Points Mod Date
Select the check box to display the student’s modified occupational completion point (MOCP) date during the year selected.
Attended Hours Select the check box to display the student’s Attended Hours in an enrolled vocational program.
Voc. C Points 1-6 Select the check box(es) to display OCPs (technical programs) and LCPs (adult education programs) earned by the student.
Voc. C Points Date 1-6 Select the check box(es) to display the dates the student earned OCPs (technical programs) and LCPs (adult education programs).
Virtual, Date of Completion
Select the check box to display the students’ date of completion in virtual learning.
Course Flags
Select the check box to combine the 4 course flags columns into 1 column that concatenates all the flags.

Each field will appear as a separate column for each course on the report card.

If you have profile permissions to Report Cards, but do not have permission to Edit Template Settings, you will only have access to the following options on the Report Cards screen: Choose how the report cards should be sorted from the Sort Report Cards pull-down, set an Effective Date, and/or select a Letterhead Template.

8. Select how you’d like the marking periods displayed in the Display marking period names using pull-down. The options include Short Name (e.g. Q1, Q2) and Full Name (e.g. Quarter 1, Quarter 2) as defined in Marking Periods setup.

Print Report Cards

9. Select the Marking period from which to pull data from the corresponding pull-down. Options vary depending on the Marking Periods selected described below. You can also select the quarter, semester, and full year check boxes; changing data here will automatically change the Marking period from which to pull data pull-down. For example, if you selected, Q2 from the pull-down and selected the Q4 check boxes, the pull-down will update to Q4.

Note: Data is comments and conduct, not the grades per marking period.

10. Select the Use data from most recent term if there is no grade in the term selected check box to populate the report card with data (comments/conducts) from the most recent marking period for which data is present; that is if the student does not have a grade for the marking period selected.

Note: Report cards will still only print the grades for the marking periods selected.

For example, if it is the end of the semester and Q1, Q2, and S1 and selected to print, but not all of the students’ classes post semester grades, the classes that only contain Q1 and Q2 grades will post comments and conducts from Q2. All other classes that contain a S1 grade will post comments and conducts as normal.

Note: If Use data from most recent term if there is no grade in the term selected is not selected, the Q2 class will not post any comments because data is being pulled from S1 only.

Print Report Cards

11. Verify the correct marking period is selected. Selecting a marking period such as Q1 will print the posted grades for that marking period, which should be used for report cards. Selecting Q1 (Gradebook) will print Gradebook grades for that marking period, which should be used for progress reports.

Print Report Cards

The marking period 1st represents the posted grades for the First Nine Weeks on the report cards, while 1st (Gradebook) is for the average grades in the teachers’ gradebooks for the First Nine Weeks. The gradebook grades can differ from the grades the teacher actually posted for a marking period.

If multiple marking periods are selected, each one will appear in separate columns on the report card.

12. You can choose how you want the report cards sorted during printing using the Sort Report Cards pull-down, such as Alphabetically by Student Name, Zip Code, Gradelevel, or by the teacher of specific periods.

Print Report Cards

If sorting the report cards by Period 01 Teacher is chosen, the report cards will be printed in groups sorted by the students’ first period teachers.

a. The A, B, C or 1, 2, 3 pull-down appears for school utilizing rotation days. If sorting by period and teacher, you also have the option to select the rotation day.

b. If you select to sort by a specific period, you also have the option to Display this Teacher on Each Report Card.

13. Grade Row Grouping defaults to Course Number, but you can also select to group by the Teacher and/or Course Period.

Print Report Cards

If Course Number is selected and a schedule change has occurred, both records will display on the same row showing the current teacher. If grouping by Teacher and a schedule change has occurred, which includes a change of teacher, a separate row will display on the report card. If Course Period is selected, the grades will display in separate rows for all schedule changes, even if the teacher did not change.

The Grade Averaging Course Num Length setting defined via Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab overrides the Grade Row Grouping selection, Course Number indicating that the full course number be displayed.

14. Select the applicable check boxes to abbreviate specific columns/data such as marking periods, other columns, and teacher & course name.

Print Report Cards

15. Here you also have the option to Show Abbreviation Legend and to Hide percent symbol per letter grade by selecting the corresponding check boxes.

Print Report Cards

16. Set an Effective Date using the provided pull-downs for the month, day, and year or use the calendar icon. To pull data as it pertains to specific active schedule records as of a specific date, set an Effective Date here.

Print Report Cards

17. If set up, you can also choose to print Multilingual Report Cards by selecting the check box.

Print Report Cards

If Multilingual Report Cards is selected, a report card would be generated in the language set on the student's record (the language field). However, Translations would need to be set up by the district in Setup > Translations, and a letterhead template would need to be set up for desired languages in Setup > Letterhead Templates.

18. Select the Two-Sided Printing to print data from report card on both sides of the paper.

19. Select the Print Multiple Copies for Custodial Contacts at Separate Addresses check box to print a report card for all applicable guardians/parents at different addresses.

Print Report Cards

20. Click Continue.

Print Report Cards
Printing Report Cards

Clicking Continue navigates to a new Print Report Cards screen where you can choose to preview, print, email and/or publish report cards to selected students/contacts.

Print Report Cards

1. To print a report card for each student, select Print Report Card: For each student.

2. Select the students for whom you need report cards by selecting the check box next to each student. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.

Print Report Cards

To print report cards for all students displayed, select the check box in the header.

Print Report Cards

3. Once the students have been selected, click Preview or Print. It is recommended to Print and review the gernerated report cards via the PDF print preview.

a1. If Preview is clicked, you can Preview report cards then click Return to Focus to go back to the Report Cards screen. Note: All report cards will look different depending on the template set up by the district.

Print Report Cards

a2. Clicking Print generates all of the selected students’ report cards in a print preview screen. Click the printer icon to print the report cards. Click the down arrow to download a copy of the report cards to your computer.

When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the Report Cards screen.

Print Report Cards
Emailing Report Cards

Clicking Continue navigates to a new Report Cards screen where you can choose to preview, print, email and/or publish report cards to selected students/contacts.

Print Report Cards

1. To email report cards first select to whom you’d like to email them: To each student or To each Custodial Contact.

Print Report Cards

Selecting to email report cards will display additional emailing options as shown in the image.

Print Report Cards

2. The Email Subject is defaulted but can be edited.

3. Add a CC (an additional email) if desired. You also have the option to email yourself a copy.

4. The check box for Send a Copy to Myself (user email) defaults to selected; clear the selection here if you do not want to receive a copy.

5. In addition to emailing the report to the student or custodial contact, you can also attach other files to send with the report card, such as a school letter or memo. You can attach up to 5 files.

a. To select a file, click Choose File.

b. To delete an attachment, click remove.

c. To add another attachment/file, click Attach another file. You will be notified as to how many more files can be attached.

6. Select the students who should receive an emailed report card by selecting the corresponding check boxes.

Print Report Cards

To email report cards for all students displayed, select the check box in the header.

Print Report Cards

7. Once the students have been selected, click Preview to preview before emailing to be sure all required information has been included and that the correct letterhead template has been selected.

Print Report Cards

If the student or the student’s custodial contact does not have an email set up, you will receive an Error that no email was entered and the message was not delivered.

a. Preview report cards then click Return to Focus to go back to the Report Cards screen. Note: All report cards will look different depending on the template set up by the district.

8. Click Send Emails to send report cards to selected students or the students’ custodial contacts.

Once the email has been sent, you will receive a message saying Report cards have been emailed to the selected custodial contacts/students. You will also be taken back to the main Report Cards screen where you can conduct a new search, etc.

Print Report Cards

The email addresses used for custodial contacts can be found via Student Info > Addresses & Contacts. If a parent uses a different email via the Parent Portal, it will not register here.

Shown is an example of an emailed report card.

Report Card - Fri, 14 Jul 23 - - Gmail
Publishing Report Cards

Clicking Continue navigates to a new Report Cards screen where you can choose to preview, print, email and/or publish report cards to selected students/contacts.

Print Report Cards

1. Select the Publish Report Card: To Parent Portal check box and/or the Publish Report Card: To Student Portal check box.

Print Report Cards

2. Select the students for whom you need report cards by selecting the check box next to each student. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.

Print Report Cards

If you want to publish report cards for all students displayed, select the check box in the header.

Print Report Cards

3. Once the students have been selected, click Preview.

Print Report Cards

a. Preview report cards then click Return to Focus to go back to the Report Cards screen. Note: All report cards will look different depending on the template set up by the district.

Print Report Cards

4. Click Publish to publish report cards to the selected students portal or parent portal.

Once the report card has been published, you will receive a message saying Report cards have been published.

Print Report Cards

Published report cards will not be visible until the "Display Communication Options" system preference is enabled by the district.

Report Cards

When a student or parent logs into the student/parent portal, the report card information appears on the Reports tab of the student block, as shown in the image.


When the next report card is published, it will display in place of the latest published report card. If other kinds of report cards are published, such as Standard Grades Report Cards, SSRS custom report cards, or Progress Reports, all reports will display simultaneously with the most recent of each card displaying.

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