Documentation for Teachers

Employee Requests

Updated on

The Employee Requests screen allows users to request changes to their information such as Legal Name change, Address change, W4 Information change, as well as request Leave, and more.

Request Employee Information Change

1. Click the Employee Self Service menu, then click Employee Requests.

Employee Requests

Districts must have the approval flow set up via ERP > Setup > Approval Flow > Employee Requests in order for the change request to take effect.

This navigates to the Employee Requests screen, which defaults to the Drafts tab.

Employee Requests

2. From the Drafts tab, select the tab that contains the information you need to change from the pull-down.

You have the option to edit or update the following information:

  • Legal Name
  • Address: Add a new address or edit an existing address, as well as set your primary, mailing address, etc.
  • Contact Information: Add new contact information or edit existing information such as email address or phone number.
  • Emergency Contacts: Add new emergency contacts and edit existing contants.
  • Direct Deposit: Add a bank account or edit an existing account for direct deposit.
  • W4 Information: Add or edit W4 information.
  • Demographic Info: Add or edit such as Gender, Degree, W4 information, etc.
  • Dependents: Add or edit dependents tied to benefits received, such as dependent name, relationship, email address, etc.
  • Leave: See Employee Leave Requests for more information.

3. Once the tab has been selected, click Request to load the applicable information.

Employee Requests

Depending on the change being requested, different information will display on the screen. In the example displayed, Contact Information has been selected.

4. Enter the new data using the last blank row in the table then press the Enter key to save the line of new data or make applicable changes to existing information.

Employee Requests

Upload any necessary Files & Comments, such as proof of changes being made. For example, if you are requesting a legal name change, you will need to provide proof.

5. Click Files & Comments to attached Files and post Comments.

a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

b. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button. Note: Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.

If you are requesting a Direct Deposit and your district requires you to upload a copy of a voided check, you will see the following message display on the screen: A copy of void check must be attached to avoid delay in processing. You will not be able to submit the request, unless the file is attached.

Employee Requests

If you are requesting an Address change, you can only select one of each of the Primary, Payment, and Mailing radio buttons for all logged addresses.

Employee Requests

6. Click Submit Request.

Employee Requests

If you start a change request but aren't ready to submit, the request saves automatically as a draft and will be accessible from the Drafts tab until submitted.

Employee Requests

To delete a draft, click the delete button (red minus sign).

To edit and submit the drafted request, click Select.

If you try to create a new request for a request type already in drafts, you will receive an error message: This request type is still in pending or drafts status! From here, click Close to return the the main Employee Requests screen or click Go to request to open the existing draft.

Employee Requests
Employee Leave Requests

If your district allows employee to submit leave requests, you can submit new leave requests via Employee Requests.

1. Click the Employee Self Service menu, then click Employee Requests.

Employee Requests

2. From the Drafts tab, select Leave from the request type pull-down, and click Request.

Employee Requests

Before creating a Leave Request, you can review the balance in the New Balances section.

The New Balances sections includes colored highlighting for 3 ranges of balances (per hour):

Red: < 0
Orange: 0 <> 24
Blue: > 24

3. Select the applicable Staff Job for which leave is to be taken from the corresponding pull-down. This pull-down can be edited only if you have more than one job assigned to you.

4. Select/Enter the From Date for the date leave is being taken. The To Date defaults to the same date as the From Date but can be edited if a range of dates is being requested for leave. Note: If leave is being requested for work days that range over a weekend, a second entry must be made to include the rest of the days starting on Monday. Weekends days and non-working days are not be included in the date range of leave requests.

5. Select the Bucket from which leave is being taken, such as Vacation, Personal, Sick, Unpaid, etc.

Employee Requests

6. Select the Reason for leave; the reasons listed in the pull-down vary depending on the Bucket selected.

Employee Requests

7. The Hours/Day text box defaults to the number of hours normally worked in the selected date range (From Date - To Date). In the example displayed one day has been selected, so the Hours/Day text box defaults to 8.00 hours. Hours/Day can be edited, as needed. For example, if you only needed to request leave for half of a work day, you could change the hours to 4.00.

Employee Requests

The Current Balance column displays the number of hours available for leave, which includes approved pending requests. The Requested Hours column displays the number of hours requested from the Hours/Day field.

8. When all data has been entered, press the Enter key to save the line of data. Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays. You can add as many lines of data needed here before submitting the request.

Employee Requests

You can edit the line of data before submitting the request. Click the applicable pull-downs to change the selection made. You can also click any of the text underlined in blue.

To delete a saved line of data, click the delete button (red minus sign).

9. Once the data has been saved, you can add Files & Comments by clicking the corresponding button.

a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

b. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button. Note: Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.

c. Click the white X to close the Files & Comments pop-up window.

The teal and blue legend alerts users as to whether or not the leave request contains a file or a comment. The leave request contains a comment, so the Files & Comments button is displayed in teal.

Once the lines of data for requested leave is saved, you can review your New Balances before submitting the request.

The New Balances sections includes colored highlighting for 3 ranges of balances (per hour):

Red: < 0
Orange: 0 <> 24
Blue: > 24

10. Click Submit Request to submit the request for leave.

Employee Requests
Viewing Request History

1. Click the Employee Self Service menu, then click Employee Requests.

Employee Requests

2. Once a request is submitted, it will be removed from Drafts. To review the status of your request or requests made in the past, click the History tab.

Employee Requests

3. The Status displays as Pending (has not been reviewed yet), Approved, and Denied. Hover over the Status to see the Approval Chain (the number of approvers and the order in which they are to be reviewed).

4. If the request has been denied, click Select to review the request submitted and the reason the approver denied your request.

a. If the request is still pending, click Select to review the request. You can also click Return to Draft to return the submitted request to draft form and make new changes. Click Cancel Request to cancel and delete the request.

5. Approved leave requests display an Add to Calendar button. Click Add to Calendar to add a calendar event for the approved leave request to the calendar program on your computer.

Employee Requests
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