Documentation for Teachers

Behavior PMP

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The Behavior PMP is used to document the student's behavior intervention plan. The Behavior PMP includes discipline referral charts, or you can graph the student's progress towards behavior goals.

The content of each district's Behavior PMP will differ based on the selections made on the PMP Setup screen. Districts also have leeway in determining  which event the plan will be a part of, or can make the Behavior PMP a separate SSS event.

Creating the Student's Intervention Plan

1. In the menu, click SSS. Then click Manage Student.

User Profile Permissions

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student and click Search. In the search results, click the student.

Manage Student - Mozilla Firefox

3. Click the applicable Program tab where the district has housed the Behavior PMP.

Manage Student - Mozilla Firefox

4. Locate the Behavior PMP event within the Event pull-down and click Initiate Event.

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5. For ease of completion, click the Expand View icon to display all the intervention plan and goal fields in a pop-up window.

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6. Complete all the applicable fields. The fields, field types, and options will differ based on district setup.

7. Click Create to save the plan information.

The information is added to the table. Each row is for one intervention. Additional interventions can be added as needed by using the blank row.

Plotting Intervention Data and Generating the Graphs

When the option "PMP Charts - Replace charts on PMP Behavior with charts similar to PMP Academic" is selected in SSS > General, a separate graph can be generated for each row of the interventions table instead of displaying the discipline charts.

1. At the bottom of the screen under the applicable area, enter the student's Expected Level of progress.

2. (Optional) Enter any applicable Notes.

3. Select the Type of Parent Interaction/Contact.

4. Click in the Date field and select the date for the first data point.

5. Enter the student's first Data point and the Peer Group data point.

6. Press Enter to add the row. Repeat this process to add at least 3 data points.

To graph the intervention data, a minimum of 3 data points must be entered.

Behavior PMP Plan

The graph is generated as data points are added.

Behavior PMP Plan

A legend is displayed to the right of the graph explaining the meaning of each colored line. The red line indicates the progress with the specific Intervention Strategy listed in the plan.

Behavior PMP Plan

7. Hover over any data point to view details for that point.

Behavior PMP Plan
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