This article describes the Scan Bubble Sheets screen as part of the built-in Focus Assessment System. If your district has purchased the add-on Learnosity assessment module and you are looking for help on scanning bubble sheets, click here.
The Scan Bubble Sheets screen is used to scan bubble sheets for tests completed by students offline. The bubble sheets will be auto-graded, and the grades populated into the Gradebook for the test assignment.
Bubble sheets are generated and printed for a test in Assessment > FAS Tests > Print Bubble Sheets tab.
You can upload bubble sheets to be processed at a later time. The bubble sheets will not be graded and grades uploaded to the Gradebook until you complete the process.
1. In the menu, click Assessment. Then click Scan Bubble Sheets.

2. In the Upload PDFs for later processing section of the screen, click and drag the PDF file of completed bubble sheets into the box, click Select and select the file from your computer, or click the scan icon and follow the prompts to scan the bubble sheets.
For best results, scan the bubble sheets in grayscale to a PDF file.
Once the PDF is uploaded, it will be available in the Use Preloaded File pull-down at the top of the screen.
1. If a file has been previously scanned or uploaded in the "Upload PDFs for later processing" section of the screen, select the file in the Use Preloaded File pull-down.
Alternatively, click Choose Files and select the PDF file from your computer.
2. Click Scan.
3. When the process is complete, click Return to Focus.