The Lesson Plan Detail Report allows teachers to preview and print their own course plans as well as curriculum guides created by the school or district. The report provides an overview of unit and lesson names, dates, components, and standards in an easily viewable and printable format. Teachers can make edits to their course plans directly in the report.
In the My Course Plans tab, teachers can preview, print, and make changes to their own course plans.
1. The My Course Plans tab displays a list of the teacher’s course plans.

2. To preview a course plan, click the Preview button next to the course plan.

3. The Course Plan Overview will display, including the unit and lesson names, dates, standards, and components.

4. Fields that can be edited are marked with a dotted underline. Click the field to enable it for editing. Click the red X to cancel the changes.

5. Click Save Changes at the top right of the screen when finished.

6. Print the course plan from the Overview screen by selecting an orientation and clicking Print. A PDF of the course plan will generate for printing. Click Return to Focus to go back to the report.

7. Click the Back to Course Plan/Curriculum Guide List link at the top-left of the Overview screen to return to the main Lesson Plan Detail Report screen.

8. To print an individual course plan from the main Lesson Plan Detail Report screen, first select whether to group the course plan content by component or lesson at the top of the screen.

9. Click Print next to the course plan. A PDF of the course plan will generate for printing. Click Return to Focus to go back to the report.

10. To print multiple course plans, select the check boxes for the the desired plans, or select the check box in the header to select all of the course plans in the list.

11. Select whether to group the course plan content by component or lesson at the top of the screen.
12. Click Print Selected. A PDF of the selected course plans will generate for printing. Click Return to Focus to go back to the report.

In the Course Plan Catalog tab, teachers can preview and print curriculum guides created by their school or district.
1. The Course Plan Catalog tab displays a list of the school or district’s curriculum guides.

2. To preview a curriculum guide, click the Preview button next to the guide.

3. The Course Plan Overview will display, containing the unit and lesson names, dates, standards, and components.
4. Print the curriculum from the Overview screen by selecting an orientation and clickingPrint.A PDF of the course plan will generate for printing. Click Return to Focus to go back to the report.

5. Click the Back to Course Plan/Curriculum Guide List link at the top left of the Overview screen to return to the main Lesson Plan Detail Report screen.

6. To print an individual curriculum guide from the main Lesson Plan Detail Report screen, first select whether to group the course plan content by component or lesson at the top of the screen.

7. Click Print next to the guide. A PDF of the guide will generate for printing. Click Return to Focus to go back to the report.

8. To print multiple curriculum guides, select the check box for each desired guide, or select the check box in the header to select all of the guides.

9. Select whether to group the content by component or lesson at the top of the screen.
10. Click Print Selected. A PDF of the selected curriculum guides will generate for printing. Click Return to Focus to go back to the report.