Documentation for Teachers

Assessment Report

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The Assessment Report is used to analyze performance on standardized tests. The report can be customized to include particular schools, grade levels, student fields, and EWS indicators. EWS indicators are set up by the district, and can include specific absence, behavior, course failure, GPA, mobility, and retainment criteria. Additionally, pivots can be added to the report to further break down the data. Reports can be saved for later use, and shared with other profiles and schools if your profile has permission.

The Assessment Report has three profile permissions:

  • View and Edit for the Assessment Report
  • Publish Reports - Allows the user to share saved reports with other profiles and schools.
  • Delete Other Users' Reports - Allows the user to delete other users' saved reports.
Setting the Report Options

The Report Options section of the screen allows you to select the schools, grade levels, student fields, and EWS indicators to include on the report. EWS indicators are set up by the district.

1. In menu, click Assessment. Then click Assessment Report.


2. At the top-left of the screen, begin by selecting the Schools to include on the report.

"All" is selected by default, which will include all the schools you have permissions to view. If desired, select specific school(s) to include on the report.

Teachers can view data for schools within the district at an overview level, however, teachers will only be able to access the breakdown for schools at which they have profile permissions.

3. Select the Grade Levels to include on the report.

"All" is selected by default. If desired, select the specific grade level(s) to include on the report.

4. To add student field data on the report, select the Student Fields to include on the report.

The student fields available in the pull-down are dependent upon your profile permissions. The selected student fields will display as additional columns in the Students breakdown view of the report. You can pivot on student fields selected in the report to break down data by custom student field values. 

5. To refine the report to students who meet specific EWS indicators, select the desired EWS Indicators.

EWS indicators are set up by the district, and can be based on attendance, behavior, course failures, GPA, mobility (students who have withdrawn from one district school and enrolled in another district school), retainment, and meeting multiple indicators.

Assessment Report

After opening the EWS Indicators pull-down, you can filter for specific indicators by clicking a filter option on the right side of the pull-down. For example, to only view Attendance indicators, click the Attendance filter.

Assessment Report

6. After setting the report options, you can proceed with setting pivot options and setting the test criteria.

Setting Pivot Options

The pivot options allow you to add additional breakdown criteria to the report.

1. To set pivot options, click Pivots.

Assessment Report

2. In the pop-up window, select the additional pivot options to include on the report.

The Test, Score Type, and Year options are selected by default, and cannot be deselected. If you selected Student Fields or EWS Indicators in the Report Options, these will also be added as pivot options that can be selected.

Assessment Report

3. To rearrange the pivot options, click the four dots next to an option and drag it into the desired order.

Assessment Report

4. Click the X to close the Pivots pop-up window when finished.

5. After setting the pivot options, you can proceed with setting the test criteria.

Setting the Test Criteria

The Tests section of the screen allows you to select one or more test administrations. In addition to selecting a test, additional details can be configured to determine the components of the test administration that will display in the report.

1. In the Tests section of the screen, select the specific standardized test.

The standardized tests that have been set up by the district in Focus are available for selection.

2. In the next pull-down, select the administration year(s).

For example, selecting 2023 will pull tests with an administration date in the 2023 - 2024 school year.

3. In the next pull-down, select the grade levels.

"All Grade Levels" is selected by default. If desired, select one or multiple grade levels to pull students who were enrolled in those specific grade levels for the test administration.

4. In the next pull-down, select the courses.

"All Courses" is selected by default. If desired, select one or multiple courses to pull students who were scheduled into those specific courses during the test administration.

After opening the courses pull-down, you can filter the list of courses by clicking on a subject filter on the right side of the pull-down. For example, click the English Language Arts filter to only view courses within that subject.

Assessment Report

5. In the next pull-down, select the test parts.

"All Parts" is selected by default. If desired, select one or multiple test parts.

To include the selected test parts in the report, ensure that the Test Part component is selected as a pivot option. See Setting Pivot Options for more information on selecting pivot options.

6. In the next pull-down, select the score types.

"All Score Types" is selected by default. If desired, select one or multiple score types.

7. In the last pull-down, select a score option: Last Score (the student's most recent score), Max Score (the student's highest score), or All Scores (all of the student's scores that match the test criteria).

Assessment Report

8. To add an additional test administration, click the green plus icon to add a new row. Set the test criteria as needed.

Assessment Report

9. To rearrange the tests into a different order, click the four dots to the right of the row, and drag the row into the desired order.

Assessment Report

10. After setting the report options, pivot options, and the test criteria, you can proceed with running the report.

Running the Report

1. After setting the report options, pivot options, and test criteria, click Run Report in the Report Options section of the screen.

Assessment Report

The report is displayed in the center of the screen. By default, each school selected in the Schools pull-down in the Report Options will be displayed on a separate line. The last line in the report displays the average of all scores for the schools selected in the report.  

Teachers can view data for schools within the district at an overview level, however, teachers will only be able to access the breakdown for schools at which they have the profile permissions.

The different colored highlights throughout the report are competency bands, and are set up by the district for specific tests. Colors are assigned to assessment score ranges, acting as a visual indicator of student performance.

Hover over a competency band on the report to view its count and percentage in a tool-tip.

Assessment Report

The Breakdown column of the report has two view options, Teachers and Students. These options will only be available for the schools you have the profile permissions to view.

Assessment Report

2. Click Teachers to view the teacher breakdown.

Assessment Report

A pop-up window is displayed that will list the data results for you as the teacher. The staff ID and teacher name are included, followed by columns that break down student assessment scores, including any pivot options that were added to the report.

Assessment Report

a. Click the teacher's name to display an additional pop-up window that contains the details specific to the student(s) that you have taught. Columns in this screen include the Student ID, State ID, Student Name, Grade Level, Race, ELL, ESE/SPED, and 504 values. Subsequent columns display the breakdown of the student assessment scores, including any additional pivot options that were added to the report.

Assessment Report

b. Click an individual student's name to display student specific details, such as the student demographic qualifications, a breakdown of the student assessment scores, including any additional pivot options that were added to the report, along with a detailed view at the student’s performance on all test parts and their score types on the selected assessment. Click the X to return to the list of students.

Assessment Report

3. Click Students to view the student breakdown.

Assessment Report

A pop-up window is displayed that lists all students who meet the criteria defined for the report. Data in the pop up includes the Student ID, State ID, Student Name, Grade Level, Race, ELL, ESE/SPED, and 504 information. Subsequent columns display the breakdown of the student assessment scores, including any additional pivot options that were added to the report. 

Assessment Report

a. Filters can be applied to search for students who meet defined demographic criteria. For example, filter for all students of a specific race by leveraging the filter above the Race column. 

Assessment Report

b. Filter for students who are eligible for ESE/SPED by checking the box above the ESE/SPED column.

Assessment Report

c. Filter for students with scores above a specific value by clicking on the downward arrow in the filter, selecting greater than, and entering the minimum score. The report will display scores greater than the specified value.

Assessment Report

d. Multiple filters can be applied as needed to refine the report to specific groups of students.

Assessment Report

e. Click on an individual student name to display student specific details, such as the student demographic qualifications, a breakdown of the student assessment scores, including any additional pivot options that were added to the report, along with a detailed view at the student’s performance on all test parts and their score types on the selected assessment. Click the X to return to the list of students.

Assessment Report
Saving the Report

Reports can be saved and run again at a later time. Users with the profile permission "Publish Reports" can also share saved reports with other users in Focus.

1. After setting the desired report options, tests, and pivots, and running the report,  click Saved Reports.

Assessment Report

The Saved Reports pop-up window is displayed, with the My Reports tab opened by default.

Assessment Report

2. In the blank row, enter the Title you want to give to the report.

3. If your profile has the "Publish Reports" profile permission for the Assessment Report screen, you can select specific profiles to share this report with in the Published Profiles pull-down and the specific schools to share this report with in the Published Schools pull-down.

4. If desired, enter Comments.

5. Press Enter.

The report is added to the table.

Assessment Report

6. Click the X to close the pop-up window when finished.

Assessment Report
Running a Saved Report

1. To run a saved report that you have created or that has been shared with you, click Saved Reports.

Assessment Report

2. If the report is one that you have created, locate the report in the My Reports tab, and click Load next to the report.

Assessment Report

If the report has been created by another user and shared with you, click the Shared Reports tab. Click Load next to the report.

Assessment Report

The report options, tests, and pivots from the report will populate.

3. Click Run Report.

Assessment Report
Updating a Saved Report

If you make changes to the report options, tests, and pivots from a saved report, you can update your saved report to include your changes.

1. After making the desired changes to the report, click Saved Reports.

Assessment Report

2. Locate the report in the My Reports tab, and click Update next to the report.

Assessment Report

3. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

Assessment Report

4. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

Assessment Report
Deleting a Saved Report

You can delete reports that you have saved. Additionally, if you have the profile permission "Delete Other Users' Reports," you can delete reports other users have created and shared with you. Deleting another user's report will delete the report for all users with access to the report. A report should only be deleted if the report should not be viewed by any user going forward.

1. Click Saved Reports.

Assessment Report

2. If deleting a report you have created, locate the report in the My Reports tab and click the red minus sign.

Assessment Report

If the report has been created by another user and shared with you, and you have the profile permission "Delete Other Users' Reports," click the Shared Reports tab. Locate the report and click the red minus sign.

Assessment Report

3. In the confirmation message, click OK. says

4. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

Assessment Report
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