Documentation for Teachers

Report Card Comments

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Teachers can post report card comments for students from the Report Card Comments screen without posting grades. Depending on district settings, teachers can add built-in comments, text comments, longer comments, and/or conduct comments. Teachers can also add comments as usual from Final Grades > Post Final Grades.

Posting Comments

1. Click the Final Grades menu, then click Report Card Comments.

Report Card Comments

2. Select the Include Inactive Students check box to add report card comments for inactive students along with active students.

Report Card Comments

3. Click Comment Codes to view a Report Card Codes Legend.

Report Card Comments

a. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

4. Enter the applicable comment in the provided Comments text boxes.

The Comments text box column displays when the district enables Posted Grade Comments - Short comments per course. Enabling this system preference allows you to enter short comments for each student in the course in the Comments field.


5. Select the desired comment from the Comments pull-down for each student.

Report Card Comments

If the district has not set up built in comments, this field may be a text field where you can enter any comments necessary as shown above.

You can select up to six comments from the applicable pull-down (Report Card Comments pull-down or Comments pull-down); if you try to select more than six comments at a time, the pull-down turns red and data cannot be saved.

Click Clear Comments to clear text entered in provided Comments text boxes or selections made from the Comments pull-down.


6. You also have the option of using the Longer Comments text boxes, if enabled by the district.

7. To enter Longer Comments for the course en masse, type the comment in the Mass assign longer course comments text box. Once the comment has been entered, click Replace to replace everything in all comment boxes with the entered text.


a. If adding additional comments, click Append to place the comment after the existing comment(s) or click Prepend to place the comment before the existing comment(s).


b. To remove all existing comments, clear the Mass assign longer course comments text box and click Replace. You can also click Clear Longer Comments for [COURSE NAME].


8. If the district has enabled Conduct comments, you can select the applicable conduct from the pull-down. If the district enabled the system preference but did not have conduct comments configured by Focus, you will see a text box where you can enter data.

Report Card Comments

a. Click Clear Conduct to clear all selections made from the Conduct pull-down or text entered in the Conduct text boxes.


9. Click the Longer Comments icon to open a Report Card Comments pop-up window for lengthly comments (1121 characters max).

Student Info

a. You can also click the Click to copy comments from the previous quarter button to pull in the previous comment made to be used again.

b. When your comment has been entered, click Save.

Once saved, the Longer Comments icon displays with a green check mark indicating that a comment has been made.

Report Card Comments

10. Click Save to save all added comments.

Report Card Comments
Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Report Card Comments

The listed data can be sorted by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Report Card Comments

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Report Card Comments

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

Report Card Comments
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