Documentation for Teachers

Shared Courses

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The Shared Courses module allows teachers to copy data from their own web pages (courses) as well as share them with other teachers, copy data from web pages (courses) shared by other teachers, or copy data from Curriculum Guides created by administrative users for teacher use.

Sharing My Courses

The Shared Courses screen allows teachers to share their own web pages with other teachers and copy data from their own pages to create new pages from the My courses tab.

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Shared Courses.

Reward Positive Behavior

2. The Shared Courses screen defaults to the My courses tab. From this tab, you see all of your Web Pages (courses) displayed.

Shared Courses

3. To share the web page with other teachers, click Share.

Shared Courses

Once shared, the web page (course) displays for other teachers on the Shared courses tab.

4. The button changes from Share to Unshare. You can click Unshare at any point to discontinue sharing your web page with other teachers. Note: If another teacher has already copied data from your shared web page, the information cannot be unshared.

Shared Courses

Once the course is shared and adapted by another teacher, that web page acts independently from the original web page shared. Therefore, any changes made to your course (web page) after sharing doesn't apply to or impact the copied web page used by other teachers.

Copying From My Courses

The Shared Courses screen allows teachers to share their own web pages with other teachers and copy data from their own pages to create new pages from the My courses tab.

Unless you want to copy data from an existing web page to another existing web page, it is helpful to first create a new web page to which you'd like the data copied. See Web Pages > Creating Web Pages for step by step information.

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Shared Courses.

Reward Positive Behavior

2. The Shared Courses screen defaults to the My courses tab. From this tab, you see all of your Web Pages (courses) displayed.

Shared Courses

3. To copy data from your existing web pages to another web page, click Copy From.

Shared Courses

4. To view the data that's housed in each unit or lesson, click the applicable unit or lesson.

Shared Courses

a. Click the About, Resources, Assignments, and Standards tab to view all data within the unit or lesson selected.

Shared Courses

b. View all the data you need by clicking the different units and lessons and their corresponding tabs (About, Resources, Assignments, Standards). When finished, you can click the web page title to navigate back to the main web page view.

Shared Courses

5. Click Copy next to the web page title to copy the entire web page.

6. Click Copy next to the applicable units to copy the unit from the web page only.

Shared Courses

7. Click Copy next to the applicable lessons to copy the lesson from the web page only.

Shared Courses

8. Clicking copy for an entire web page copies the entire web page as a new page; therefore, no pop-up window displays as it does below when a unit or lesson is copied.

Upon navigating to your web pages, you will see the new web page.

Web Pages

8a. Clicking copy for a unit or lesson opens another pop-up window where you must decide to which course (web page) you'd like the information copied. Click the applicable web page. In the example displayed, the teacher has named a web page "New Web Page" for which to add copied content.

Shared Courses

Upon navigating to the selected web page, you will see the copied data.

Web Pages
Editing Web Pages in My Courses

You have the ability to edit web pages in My Courses; however, it is not recommended by Focus to make significant changes here. Edit web pages should be completed from the Web Pages screen.

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Shared Courses.

Reward Positive Behavior

2. The Shared Courses screen defaults to the My courses tab. From this tab, you see all of your Web Pages (courses) displayed.

Shared Courses

3. To edit data in your existing web pages from the Shared Courses screen, click Copy From.

Shared Courses

You can copy the web page, select units, or select lessons, but you can also edit the web page, import templates, and delete the web page. For additional information on these tasks, see Web Pages.

Shared Courses
Copying From Shared Courses

If any other teachers have shared their web pages (courses), teachers can copy from these web pages in order to create their own from the Shared courses tab.

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Shared Courses.

Reward Positive Behavior

2. Click the Shared courses tab.

Shared Courses

3. To copy data from a shared web pages to one of your web pages, click Copy From.

Shared Courses

4. To view the data that's housed in each unit or lesson, click the applicable unit or lesson.

Shared Courses

a. Click the About, Resources, and Standards tabs to view all data within the unit or lesson selected.

Shared Courses

b. View all the data you need by clicking the different units and lessons and their corresponding tabs (News/About, Resources, Standards). When finished, you can click the web page title to navigate back to the main web page view.

Shared Courses

You do not have editing capabilities when viewing shared courses; however, if the original teachers enabled comments (Allow Comments) via Web Pages > Settings tab, you will have the ability to view and add comments. See Web Page Comments for more information.

Shared Courses

If the original teacher linked Resources and Assignments to web page posts, you can hover over these for additional information or click on them to open the resource or assignment. See Adding Posts to Web Pages for more information.

Shared Courses

5. Click Copy next to the web page title to copy the entire web page.

6. Click Copy next to the applicable units to copy the unit from the web page only.

7. Click Copy next to the applicable lessons to copy the lesson from the web page only.

8. Clicking copy for an entire web page copies the entire web page as a new page; therefore, no pop-up window displays as it does below when a unit or lesson is copied.

Upon navigating to your web pages, you will see the new web page.

Web Pages

8a. Clicking copy for a unit or lesson opens another pop-up window where you must decide to which course (web page) you'd like the information copied. Click the applicable web page. In the example displayed, the teacher has named a web page "My New Web Page" for which to add copied content.

Shared Courses

Upon navigating to the selected web page, you will see the copied data.

Web Pages
Copying From District Courses

When administrative users create Curriculum Guides (web pages) to be used by teachers and select the “Linked Courses” from the Settings tab to make it available to teachers for select courses, teachers can access these Curriculum Guides from the Shared Courses screen on the District courses tab. The District courses tab allows teachers to Copy From the guide in order to add the information to their own Web Page or create a new web page.

1. Click the Assessment menu, then click Shared Courses.

Reward Positive Behavior

2. Click the District courses tab.

Shared Courses

3. To copy data from a shared web pages to one of your web pages, click Copy From.

4. To view the data that's housed in each unit or lesson, click the applicable unit or lesson.

Shared Courses

a. Click the About, Resources, and Standards tabs to view all data within the web page, unit, or lesson selected.

Web Pages

b. View all the data you need by clicking the different units and lessons and their corresponding tabs (About, Resources, Standards). When finished, you can click the web page title to navigate back to the main web page view.

Web Pages

You do not have editing capabilities when viewing shared courses; however, if the administrative user enabled comments, you will have the ability to view and add comments. See Web Page Comments for more information.

Web Pages

If the administrative user linked Resources or Assignments to web page posts, you can hover over these for additional information or click on them to open the resource or assignment. See Adding Posts to Web Pages for more information.

Shared Courses

5. Click Copy next to the web page title to copy the entire web page.

Web Pages

6. Click Copy next to the applicable units to copy the unit from the web page only.

7. Click Copy next to the applicable lessons to copy the lesson from the web page only.

Web Pages

8. Clicking copy for an entire web page copies the entire web page as a new page; therefore, no pop-up window displays as it does below when a unit or lesson is copied.

Upon navigating to your web pages, you will see the new web page.

Web Pages

8a. Clicking copy for a unit or lesson opens another pop-up window where you must decide to which course (web page) you'd like the information copied. Click the applicable web page / unit.

Shared Courses

Upon navigating to the selected web page, you will see the copied data.

Web Pages
Additional Features

To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Shared Courses

Click Filters to breakdown data.

Shared Courses

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

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