The Curriculum Calendar provides a calendar view of assignments, units, and lessons. Assignments and course plans can be accessed by clicking the links provided in the calendar.
1. The current month and year are displayed on the calendar. Click the right and left arrows to navigate to a different month or year.

2. At the bottom-left of the screen, the calendar item types are listed in a menu. Each item type is selected by default. Calendar item types include Unit Start Dates (dark purple), Unit End Dates (light purple), Assignment Assigned Dates (dark green) Assignment Due Dates (light green), Lesson Start Dates (dark red), and Lesson End Dates (light red).
3. To hide the menu, click (hide) at the top-right corner of the menu. Click (show) to display the menu.

4. Select or deselect the check boxes for item types to view on the calendar. Items that are deselected are removed from the calendar.

5. Click on an assignment link on the calendar to view the assignment in the Gradebook in a new tab or window.

6. Click on a unit or lesson link on the calendar to view the unit or lesson in the course plan in a new tab or window.