Documentation for Teachers

Attended Hours Report

Updated on

The Attended Hours Report allows users to review students' hours scheduled, hours attended and hourly attendance percentage broken down by program and section, as well as a specified timeframe.

Attended Hours Report

1. Click the Reports menu, then click the Attendance menu.

Attended Hours Report

a. In the Attendance menu, click Attended Hours Report.

Attended Hours Report

2. From the Search Screen tab, conduct a student search. Click Search.

Attended Hours Report

See Searching for Students for details on how to conduct a student search.

2. Enter or edit the Start Date and End Date to establish a timeframe for the report.

Attended Hours Report

3. Select the Display Scheduled and Attended Hours as Decimal check box to display the Scheduled Hours and Attended Hours as a decimal number.

Attended Hours Report

4. Click Run Report to apply any changes selected.

The report displays the Student Id, Full Name, Grade level, number of Absences, Attended Hours, Scheduled Hours, Hourly Attendance Percent, Period, Program Number, and Course.

Attended Hours Report

6. Click the Student Id link to open the Student Schedule.

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