Documentation for Teachers

Test History

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Test History allows for tracking students’ performance on various types of standardized tests. This module tracks: the name of the test, date the test was administered, school year, grade level, test parts, score, and if the test is to be included on the transcript.

Setting Criteria for Test History

1. Click the Students menu, then click Test History.

Test History

2. The Search Screen module is displayed. If searching for specific students by name or student number, you can type the information directly into the Student Search text box.

To pull Test History data for all students in the selected school(s), leave the Student text box empty.

3. Enter any other search criteria, and click Search.

Test History

For more detailed information about conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.

Reviewing Test History

The Test History resulting student screen displays the student Photo (if applicable), Student name, Student ID, and Grade.

Test History

2. For detailed information pertaining to a specific student's Test History, click the Student name column.

To return to the listed students as per the conducted search, click Back to Search Results. Clicking the red X next to the student's name in the header will navigate to a new Student Search in the Test History module.


The information displayed along the top of the screen are customizable by the district via Students > Student Fields. The student's EOC Requirements are an example of what could be displayed along the top of the screen.

Test History

You can also review all of the student's test administrations; in this case, 10 different tests.

Test History

The Test History screen displays the Test name, Test Type, Administration Date, School year, Gradelevel, Form, District Administered, School Administered, and Test Year Publication.

Test History

The tests displayed depend on the Filter by Test Type pull-down. If the district has set up a default test type, it is automatically selected and those test types are already displayed in the student's test record.

Test History

The Filter by Test Type pull-down only displays if the district has set up test types via Assessment > Standardized Tests > Setup Test Types tab.

3. To display all test types or select a different test type to display in the student's record, select All or the test type from the Filter by Test Type pull-down, and click Apply.

Test History

4. For more detailed information, such as scores (Test Parts), that pertain to each listed test, click the gray arrow for the test in question. Click the gray arrow again to collapse the data.

Test History

Click the Bar Graph icons below each test part score type for a Summary of the selected score.

The red line indicates the score Median and the blue square indicates the Current Student score, as explained by the Legend. Use the mouse to hover over different areas of the chart--the mouse will display as a black line and the score will appear in the upper left corner of the chart. The Test Part is named on the left of the y-axis. The scores are listed along the bottom of the x-axis.

To view a score Summary for another student, you can conduct a Student Search directly from this screen. For more information on searching for students, see Searching for Students.

Additional Features

You also have the ability to navigate to the student's Demographic, Enrollment, Schedule, Requests, Grades, Absences, Referrals, etc. These tabs are listed in gray across the top of the page. Please note that clicking one of the tabs, you will be navigating away from the Test History screen.

Test History

Click the floppy disk icon to export the information to an Excel spreadsheet. This option is only available on the Simple List, and the Customized List screens.

Test History

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, results have been sorted by clicking on Administration Date twice; therefore, the listed dates begin with the oldest first.

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter. This feature is only available on the Simple List and Customized List screens.

Test History

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows), which can be found on several screens. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Test History

Use the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name or number of the desired field in the text box.

Test History

If looking at an individual student's Test History, you have the ability to navigate to the previous or the next student in the original resulting list of students. Click on the white arrows displayed in the upper left corner of the screen to move to the previous student and the next student in the list.

Test History

If only one arrow is active thats means that you are either at the beginning or the end of the list. In the example, shown there is only the right arrow because the student selected is at the beginning of the list.

Test History

Use the Filter button to add Filter Rules to the Test Administrations. Start by adding one rule, such as School Year Contains 21, as shown in the image. The first pull-down is the listed columns. The second pull-down is the rule, such as contains, equal, starts with, etc. Then enter the information you'd like to filter by in the text box.

Test History

a. Notice that you can also click the Add Rule link to add an additional filter; you can clear the filter by clicking the Clear Rules link. To remove just one rule/filter, click Remove next to each listed filter.

b. You can further customize the filters using the AND/OR pull-down.

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