Documentation for Teachers

FAS Tests

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The FAS Tests screen allows you to view information about the tests you have created as well as tests shared with you by other users. Test information can viewed and edited, student assignments can be modified, test options can be assigned to individual students, student answers on the test can be viewed, bubble sheets can be printed, the test and answer key can be printed, the online test can be previewed, and the test can be analyzed from various reports.

Viewing and Editing Test Info

1. In the menu, click Assessment. Then click FAS Tests.

Web Pages

2. On the search screen, enter the full or partial test title in the search bar, or click More Test Search Options to search by test title, ID, creator, or number of sections. Select whether to Include Other Users Tests (if tests have been shared with you by other users) and Include Deleted Tests. Click Search.

FAS Tests

Alternatively, click Test List at the top of the screen to view all of your tests in a list.

FAS Tests

3. In the search results, click the test to view.

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The Info tab is opened by default, and displays all of the options that were set on the test when it was created on the Create Tests screen. Some of this information can be edited. Be sure to click Save after editing any test information. You cannot edit test information if the test was created by another user and shared with you.

FAS Tests

4. Click the i icon on a question to open the Item View.

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The Item View displays the question and answers, the associated standard, the cognitive complexity, and the Item Analytics. The Item Analytics section will display a graph indicating the number of students who selected each answer, and the tests that used this question.

FAS Tests

5. Click the X to close the Item View window.

Modifying Assignments

The Modify Assignments tab allows you to add an additional start date/time and end date/time for a student.

1. Click the Modify Assignments tab.

FAS Tests

2. Enter search criteria to locate the student test assignment(s), or click Assignment List to view all student test assignments in the section selected at the top-right of the screen.

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3. Click the arrow next to the student.

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4. In the plus sign row, click the Start Time and End Time fields to and enter the additional time window for the student.

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5. Click Save.

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After clicking Save, the Restrict to Times field is available for selection. Select Yes to restrict access to the test to the assigned and due dates and times.

Setting Student Test Options

The Student Test Options tab allows you to give individual students extra time, large print font, a calculator, a scientific calculator, a scratchpad, or a clock. This is useful if only particular students need these test options instead of assigning them to the entire class.

1. Click the Student Test Options tab.

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To add test options to students, ensure the Add tab is selected.

FAS Tests

2. Enter search criteria to locate the student(s), or click Simple List to view all students in the section selected at the top-right of the screen.

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At the left side of the screen are the test options that can be assigned to students.

3. Select one or multiple test option to assign to the student(s). To assign extra time, enter the Extra Time in minutes.

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4. On the right side of the screen, select the applicable student(s).

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5. Click Save.

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6. To remove test options from students, click the Remove tab.

The test options that have been assigned to students are listed.

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7. Click the minus sign next to each test option to remove.

FAS Tests
Viewing Student Answers

The View Student Answers tab allows you to view student answers to the questions on the test.

1. Click the View Student Answers tab.

FAS Tests

2. Enter search criteria to locate the student test assignment(s), or click Assignment List to view all student test assignments in the section selected at the top-right of the screen.

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The students are listed, including their overall score and their answer for each question on the test.

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3. Click the i icon on a question to view the question information in a pop-up window.

FAS Tests

For tests where bubble sheet tests were printed, completed by students, and uploaded into Focus, each student's bubble sheet can be viewed by clicking the icon in the Bubble column. There is also an option to reprocess bubble sheets by selecting the check box in the Rescan column and clicking Reprocess Bubble Sheets at the top of the screen.

Printing Bubble Sheets

Bubble sheets can be printed for students assigned the test. Once completed, bubble sheets can then be scanned into Focus and scored using the Scan Bubble Sheets screen.

1. Click the Print Bubble Sheets tab.

FAS Tests

2. Enter search criteria to locate the student test assignment(s), or click Assignment List to view all student test assignments in the section selected at the top-right of the screen.

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3. Select each student for whom to print a bubble sheet.

4. Select Print Large Print Format Bubble Sheet, if needed.

5. Click Print.

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A PDF is generated for the selected students. The PDF can be downloaded to your computer or printed.

6. Click Return to Focus when finished.

FAS Tests
Printing the Test

The Print Test tab allows a paper version of the test to be printed for student or teacher use. Question information (standard and cognitive complexity) can be included. An answer key for the test can also be printed, which will include and/or highlight the correct answers.

1. Click the Print Test tab.

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2. Select whether to Show Answer Key and Show Question Info.

3. Click Print.

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A PDF is generated of the test. The PDF can be downloaded to your computer or printed.

4. Click Return to Focus when finished.

FAS Tests
Previewing the Online Test

The Preview Online Test tab allows you to navigate the test as it will appear to students online.

1. Click the Preview Online Test tab.

2. Click the link to begin the test and navigate through the test as needed.

FAS Tests
Analyzing the Test

The Analyze Test tab displays a graph of the number of students who correctly answered each question the test.

1. Click the Analyze Test tab.

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2. Enter search criteria to view specific students on the test.

3. To view the graph by standards instead of by question, select Graph from Standards.

4. Click Search.

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The graph is displayed.

5. Hover over a bar on the graph to view the section number, question number, question name, and number of students who answered the question correctly in a tool-tip.

FAS Tests
Viewing the Incomplete Tests Report

The Incomplete Tests Report displays any students who have started the online test but have not yet completed it.

1. Click the Incomplete Tests Report tab.

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2. To submit the test on behalf of the student, select the student and click Complete Tests.

FAS Tests
Viewing the District Report

The District Report displays the percentage of students who answered questions correctly. The district total is displayed on top, followed by totals for each school in the district. The report also displays the totals by course, teacher, and section.

Click the District Report tab.

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The top of the report displays district-wide and school totals for students who took the test, including overall percentages and percentages by standard.

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The middle section of the report displays the percentages by course, teacher, and section.

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The bottom section displays the standards, the aligned test items, and the standard descriptions.

FAS Tests
Viewing the School Report

The School Report displays similar information as the District Report, except showing the percentage of students in the school who answered questions correctly. The report also displays the totals by course, teacher, and section.

Click the School Report tab.

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The top section of the report displays the percentages by course, teacher, and section.

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The bottom section displays the standards, the aligned test items, and the standard descriptions.

FAS Tests
Viewing the Learners Proficient Report

The Learners Proficient Report displays the student's proficiency by standard with a green check mark or red X. The proficiency percentage can be adjusted as needed.

1. Click the Learners Proficent Report tab.

FAS Tests

2. Enter search criteria to locate a particular group of students, or click Assignment List to view all test assignments for the section selected at the top-right of the screen.

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Each student is listed, along with each standard included on the test. A green check mark displays if the student is considered proficient. A red X displays if the student is not considered proficient. The points earned for the standard out of the total points possible for that standard is displayed in parentheses.

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3. If desired, adjust the Proficient Score percentage and click Submit to reload the report.

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4. Click the i icon next to the standard to view the description in a pop-up window.

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5. Click Ok to close the pop-up window.

Viewing the Test Report

The Test Report displays student performance on the test by standard.

1. Click the Test Report tab.

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The report is organized by test section and standard. Students who have not yet taken the test are grayed out at the bottom of the student list. The Total column displays the total points earned. Each standard column displays the number of points earned per standard and the total number of points possible for each standard. A legend is provided for the color coding.

FAS Tests
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