Documentation for Teachers

Absence Summary

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The Absence Summary report allows teachers to review attendance information over a specified date range.

The Absence Summary

1. Click the Reports menu, then click the Attendance menu.


a. In the Attendance menu, click Absence Summary.

2. Enter the applicable criteria to conduct a student search, then click Search.

Absence Summary

See Searching for Students for more information.

Conducting a search navigates to a new Absence Summary screen where you can set different parameters for reviewing the students attendance.

Absence Summary

3. To adjust the absence summary to reflect a specific period of time, use the Report Timeframe date text boxes to enter a date range. You can also click on the calendar icons to select the dates.

Absence Summary

4. You have the option to choose whether you'd like to see the attendance by day or by period. Click the pull-down to select a period or to view the Daily attendance code.

The Daily attendance code cannot be edited because it is based on Period attendance codes combined.

5. Once a time frame has been set and a period selected (or daily), click Go.

Absence Summary

Directly beneath the Report Timeframe are the number of Days Possible per the Standard District Calendar and the Summer Term, if applicable.

In the absence summary (if Daily was selected) the following information is displayed: the students' Photo, Student name, Student ID, the Grade level, the Total Full-Day Attended, and all applicable attendance codes as well as the number of days that attendance code was used during the time frame selected.

Absence Summary

The colors set for each attendance code via Attendance Setup > Codes tab > Attendance tab displays as customized by the district, as shown in the image above. The colors only display for attendance codes in the Daily report, not Period.

In the absence summary (if a period was selected) the following information is displayed: the students' Photo, Student name, Student ID, the Grade level, and all applicable attendance codes as well as the number of periods that attendance code was used during the time frame selected.

Absence Summary

6. Click Student in order to view and/or edit a breakdown of his/her attendance. For more information on viewing a specific student's absence summary, see Absence Summary Breakdown per Student.

Absence Summary
Absence Summary Breakdown per Student

Clicking the student name and opening the individual student's Absence Summary is beneficial if more than one period of attendance in a day must be updated. Changing the attendance code for any period will update the daily attendance code.

1. Click the Student name to generate an Absence Summary for the selected student, as shown in the image.

From this screen, you have the ability to review the student's daily attendance displayed by period. The Report Timeframe pulls in the dates selected on the previous Absence Summary screen, but can be changed as needed.

Absence Summary

The colors set for each attendance code via Attendance Setup > Codes tab > Attendance tab displays as customized by the district, as shown in the image above.

In a specific student's Absence Summary, you will see the Date, the Daily attendance code, the Comment that pertains to the Daily attendance code, the Time In and Time Out (if applicable), and all attendance codes per period.

Absence Summary

For an explanation of each code, see the legend at the top of the screen. The legend also lists the number of periods and days each code was applied. For example, U (Unexcused Absence) was applied to 24 periods or 3 days.

Absence Summary

For listed days and percentages, see the section below the legend, as shown in the image below.

Absence Summary

There are also totals for each code listed at the bottom of the Absence Summary chart under ABSENCES.

Absence Summary

If the district has enabled the profile permission to View Excuse Notes, you can view attached excuse notes for students. Click the Excuse Note to view the pdf file. Click the cloud icon to download the file to your computer.

Absence Summary

While reviewing the absence Summary, you have the option to click Chart in order to navigate to Attendance Chart.

Absence Summary

2. Review the attendance codes for each day and period. You can hover over each code for detailed information about the course, period, date, etc.

Absence Summary

3. When the review of the selected student's absence summary is complete, click the white X next to the student's name located in the header to return to the main Absence Summary.

Absence Summary

4. To return to the listed students of your last conducted search, click Back to Search Results in the header.

Absence Summary
Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to export the information to an Excel spreadsheet.

Absence Summary

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Absence Summary

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

Absence Summary

To make the list full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

Absence Summary

If looking at an individual students absence summary, you have the ability to navigate to the previous or the next student in the original resulting list of students. Click on the white arrows to move to the previous student and the next student in the list.

Absence Summary

If only one arrow is displayed thats means that you are either at the beginning or the end of the list. In the example, shown there is only the right arrow because the student selected is at the beginning of the list.

Absence Summary

To print the Absence Summary report, click the Print button located at the bottom of the menu.

Absence Summary

Clicking Print generates a print preview screen. Click the down arrow to Download as a PDF. Click the Printer icon to print the absence summary.

When finished, click the white X to return to the Absence Summary screen.

Absence Summary
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