With the Advanced Report module, you can compile, view, and track specific student data. The More Search Options feature is used to narrow the criteria for search results that will pull into the report. You can filter data in the Advanced Report, correct and save data from within Advanced Report, and export the report into Excel or a PDF file for printing. The parameters and search criteria set in an Advanced Report can also be saved for future use and can be easily accessed from the Reports menu.
The Saved Reports screen and My Reports section of the Reports menu work directly in conjunction to Advanced Reports; however, for information specifically on these screens, see Saving the Advanced Report for Future Use (Saved Reports) and Additional Features.
1. Click the Reports menu, then click Advanced Report.

This navigates to the Advanced Reports screen, where a Student Search displays in addition to More Search Options, as well as a list of available student tabs that can be opened to display the categorized student fields.
2. Click More Search Options to use the options that will define a specific subset of students for the Advanced Report. More Search Options allows you to specify who you need to pull into the report.

a. The More Search Options feature displays as a pull-down where all applicable menu and menu options are displayed and can be used to conduct a search. Once a specific menu option is selected, additional search options can be entered or selected to conduct the search.

Type the name of a field in the Search text box to quickly find a menu or information by which you want to filter/search. For example, you can type in "code" to yield results in Discipline, Florida Fields, and Student Fields.
In the example shown, Absences > Daily Attendance has been selected allowing you to choose Absent Codes, set a Timeframe Between to dates, and Days Absent Between two dates.
b. Click the More Search Options pull-down to select as many search filters as needed. In the example shown, Test History has also been selected.
c. To remove a filter, click the black minus sign (delete button).
d. Some filters will allow you to duplicate the data. Click the black plus sign (add on) to duplicate the filter and filter by different data.
You also have the ability to save searches, create student groups, and apply previously saved searches here. See Searching for Students for details.
If the Default User Preferences and/or My Preferences setting, "Use Legacy Search," is enabled, you have the option to use the legacy search or to use the new search. The Legacy Search is available by default to users on v.11; if the district is on v.11, the New Search will not display.
In the Student Search, to use the original search screen, click Use Legacy Search.
3. Select the Search All Sections check box to include students from all sections in your search.
4. Select the Search the Entire School check box to pull students from the entire school not just your section(s).
5. Select the Include Inactive check box to include students who do not have an active enrollment record at the selected school.
6. Click Hide Filters to hide all the filters including hard-coded filters such as Search All Schools, and added filters such as Test History from the screen. Clicking Hide Filters will not delete the application of the filters when your search is conducted, it only hides them from the screen.
a. Click Show Filters to displays all filters again.
7. Upon locating the fields/information you’d like to display in your report, you can drag and drop any of the blue boxes into the Fields to include in Report section. You also have the option to simply click on the green plus sign in order to add the field.
8. Select as many fields as you would like displayed in your report. Once all fields have been selected, you can rearrange the fields to determine how the information will be displayed in the generated report by dragging and dropping. You also have the ability to delete any selections made by clicking on the red X.
Only one logging field can be included on the report. If more than one logging field is added, a warning message will display at the top of the screen.
9. Click Run Report when all of the parameters have been set to run the Advanced Report.
For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
1. Click the Reports menu, then click Advanced Report.

This navigates to the Advanced Reports screen, where a Student Search module will display the More Search Options button, as well as a list of available student tabs that can be opened to display the categorized student fields.
2. Click the More Search Options button to use the options that will define a specific subset of students for the Advanced Report. The More Search Options button allows you to specify who you need to pull into the report.

a. As shown in the image, you can define the students by name, ID, address, grade level, programs, etc. You can also click on any of the gray arrows next to each header for more options, such as Scheduling: In the search shown, only students who are scheduled into ENG 3 and ALG 1 will be pulled into the report.

When selecting a course use the Scheduled into Course: Choose link or select the course from the Scheduled into Course(s) pull-down. You canot use both methods at once.

All of the tabs located on the Student Info screens are listed in the Available Fields section. Per each category/screen, there is a pull-down, which contains all corresponding fields. Note: The Available Felids listed are based on Profile permissions; therefore, the options may vary.
In the example shown, the Test History tab has been selected, and from there, the ACT American College Testing Program. You also have the option to filter by a test Part, and select the Not Taken check box for students who have not taken the test, Score Type, etc. Note: To search on multiple tests, click the Add Test button.

3. Upon locating the fields/information you’d like to display in your report, you can drag and drop any of the blue boxes into the Fields to include in Report section. You also have the option to click on the green plus sign in order to add the field.
4. Select as many fields as you would like displayed in your report. Once all fields have been selected, you can rearrange the fields to determine how the information will be displayed in the generated report by dragging and dropping.

5. Click the red X to delete any selections made.

Only one logging field can be included on the report. If more than one logging field is added, a warning message will display at the top of the screen.
To create reports that include student ID barcodes, click the Student Demo tab or the applicable Demographic tab. Click the green plus sign to add the Student ID Barcode to the Fields to include in Report section.
Upon generating the report, the barcode displays, as shown in the image below.

6. To run the report based on a Student Group, select the group from the corresponding pull-down. Note: Student Groups are set up by the district.

7. Select the check box to Search All Sections.
8. If this report is for all of the schools in the school, select the Search the Entire School check box.
9. If the report needs to include inactive students, select the Include Inactive Students check box.

10. Click Run Report when all of the parameters have been set to run the Advanced Report.
For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
1. Once the report has been run, click Modify Report at the top left of the screen to return to the previous screen and modify the parameters of the Advanced Report.
When modifying the report, all criteria set through the More Search Options feature will need to be reentered/reselected.
2. If you’ve selected student name to display in your report, click on the student to open the Student Info screen in a new window.
3. Click Only Display Records with Errors in the top right corner of the screen to view all data errors found within the results. Note: These errors will display with the ability to edit data, if you have permission to edit the fields in question.
a. Notice that a red box marks errors. These errors can be corrected directly from the Advanced Report screen. All fields underlined in blue or containing a calendar icon can be modified.
b. When finished click Save to update any corrected data and/or select Show All Records, which takes the place of Only Show Records with Errors.

4. The Include students without log records in '{$field_name}' check box only displays when a logging field is included on the report. When selected, all students who match the search results will display, regardless of whether or not they have a log record. If this check box is left cleared, only students who have a log record will display in the report. To apply changes once the check box is selected, click Go.

5. To save a hard copy of the data, you can print the report. Click Print at the bottom of the menu above the help button.

6. Depending on the fields selected in order to pull data, you may have additional options at the top of the screen. For example, in the report shown, scheduling data has been pulled; therefore, you may also have the option to set a Schedule Effective Date and Include Inactive Student Schedule(s).

a. To set a date, use the month, day, and year pull-downs or click on the calendar icon. Select the check box to Include Inactive Schedule(s). When everything has been set, click on the Go button.
If a protected student is listed in the report, address, contact, and school fields will all be HIDDEN; all other fields will be visible as normal. If you have the appropriate profile permissions, no information will be hidden for protected students.
7. Since the Advanced Report module gives you the ability to edit select fields, you also have the ability to Mass Update columns of information. Click the Mass Update button to open the Mass Update section.
a. Choose the column to be updated from the pull-down.
b. Enter or select the value; in the example displayed, select the Immunization Status from the pull-down.
c. Click Run Mass Update when finished. You will then see your information reflected in the report.
d. Click Save to apply mass updated changes.
1. To save the report, click Save Report.

Saving the report doesn’t save the results. The data pulled updates in real time every time you run the report. To save the results, you can Print the report as described in Running the Advanced Report and Modifying Search Criteria,. For more ways and information on saving the results, see the section on Additional Features.
2. Enter a Report Title, and click OK to save.
3. Click the Reports menu, then click Saved Reports.

You can also access and quickly run your saved reports from the Reports menu, under My Reports.

4. From the Saved Reports screen, you can Run the report or Delete the report. To publish the report, select the Profiles and Schools that should have access. This information will save automatically. Note: The option to publish is based on profile permissions.
If needed, click in the Title field to edit the name of the report. You can come back to this screen at any time and edit the title and corresponding information.
5. To make changes to a saved report, from the My Reports tab, click the Run button to run the report, then click Modify Report.

a. Make any necessary changes and click Run Report.
b. To save changes, click Save Report.
c. To save the report with changes made in place of the original report, click Save & Overwrite. To keep the original report as is and save the change as a new report, click Save as New Report Instead.
6. To view all reports that have been published and made accessible to you by other users, click on the Published Reports tab from the Saved Reports screen. Note: Depending on your profile permissions, you may or may not be able to edit Published Reports data.
Click Filter to breakdown the advanced report to display a specific set of data.
a. The field columns in the report will appear as options in the Filter Rules pull-down. To filter the Advanced Reports results, select the field, condition, and criteria by which to filter. In the example shown, the report is being filtered by students in grade 09.
b. Click Add Rule to add more than one filter rule.

c. Click Remove to delete a filter rule.

d. Select AND or OR from the pull-down to determine how multiple filters are applied to data. Select AND to ensure data is filtered by bother rules. Select OR to ensure data is filtered by one or the other rule.

e. Once the Filter Rules have been set, click Run Filter to filter the report results.

f. All Filter Rules can be reset by clicking the Clear Rules button.
To return the original data in the report, click Clear Rules, then click Run Filter.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information see Filters.
You can use the Search text box to find any kind of information that is housed with the report. Type directly into the Search text box then press Enter.
To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the floppy disk icon.

Click any of the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
To make the report full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.