Documentation for Teachers

Print Class Lists

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The Print Class Lists screen is used to print class lists that can be customized to include a variety of student information, such as demographic, contact, ESE, ELL, schedule, attendance, and grade information. Class lists can be printed in PDF or CSV format.

Printing Class Lists

1. In the menu, click Reports. Then click Print Class Lists.

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2. At the left side of the screen, enter search criteria to print class lists for sections that include the students returned in the search. For example, if grade 9 is selected as search criteria, all of your sections that include grade 9 students will print. There are additional search fields you can define at the right side of the screen, if needed. If no search criteria is entered, all students in your sections will print.

Print Class Lists

3. To only print class lists for particular periods, select the Periods.

4. To only print class lists for a particular marking period, select the Marking Period.

5. Select the Effective Date from the pull-downs or calendar icon to print class lists as of the selected date.

6. You can choose to Include Future Active Students by selecting the corresponding check box for students enrolled before the start of the school year.

7. Select Include Co-Teacher Sections to include sections you are co-teaching.

8. Select Include Inclusion Classes to include your inclusion classes.

9. To print the class lists on district or school letterhead, select the Letterhead Template.

Print Class Lists

10. To add additional student fields to the class lists beside the fields that are included by default (as listed under Fields to include in Report), click a bold student category under the Available Fields section.

Print Class Lists

11. Click the green plus icon to add the field to the Fields to include in Report section, or click and drag the field over to the Fields to include in Report section.

Print Class Lists

To quickly locate a field in the Available Fields list, begin typing the field name in the Search Fields box. The matching fields will display in the list for selection. After selecting the field, delete the search criteria to return the full list of fields.

Print Class Lists

12. In the Fields to include in Report section, click and drag the fields to rearrange the order, if needed.

Print Class Lists

13. To remove a field, click the red X next to the field.

Print Class Lists

14. Select the Format. The options are PDF or CSV.

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15. When finished setting the criteria, click Download Class Lists.

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When CSV is selected, the file is generated and downloaded to your computer.

When PDF is selected, a PDF preview of the class lists is displayed, which can be saved to your computer or printed.

16. Click Return to Focus to go back to the Print Class Lists screen.

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