Teachers can use the mobile app to monitor student hall pass activity, create hall passes for students, and perform hall pass actions including checking students in or out of locations, extending hall passes, and ending hall passes.
See Hall Passes and Student Info: Hall Passes for more information on using the Hall Passes feature in Focus.
1. After logging in to the mobile app, tap the Hall Pass icon at the bottom of the screen.

Alternatively, tap the menu icon.

Tap Hall Passes in the menu.

2. If you have access to more than one school, select the school from the pull-down. If you only have access to one school, the school will be selected by default.

3. Tap Create at the top-left corner of the screen.

4. Select the Student. One or multiple students can be selected. The pull-down contains all students in your sections.
When multiple students are selected, the Departing From pull-down is removed from the screen.

5. If a hall pass is created for an individual student, the Departing From pull-down will populate with the room number from the student’s schedule at the time that the pass is being created for. Select a different room if needed.

6. Tap the location category that represents the student's Destination.
If more than one location is associated with the location category, the available locations will display for selection (if only one location is associated with the location category, no locations will display for selection). If more than six locations are associated with the location category, the location options will display in a pull-down.

7. Tap the Location, if applicable.

8. Select whether the pass will be created for Now (the current time), or will be Scheduled for a future date/time.

When Scheduled is tapped, select the Date and enter the Time for the hall pass.

9. The Total Time will populate with a default number of minutes set by the school for the location. You can adjust the total time of the hall pass as needed.
10. The Travel Time field will populate with a default number of minutes if it was set by the school for the location. The travel time indicates the number of minutes in which a student is expected to check-in to their destination (only for destinations that were set up by the school to require check-in/check-out). You can adjust the travel time of the hall pass as needed.
11. Enter any Notes, if desired. Notes entered by administrators and teachers are visible on the Hall Passes screen for all users, except for parents and students, who cannot view notes added to hall passes.
12. Tap Create Hall Pass.

The hall pass is created for each selected student and is displayed in the Active tab if it was created for Now, or the Upcoming tab if created for a future date or time. Hall passes created by teachers do not require approval.

If a restriction is in place, a message will display indicating the restriction type. For student restrictions, you can choose to override the restriction and create the pass, or cancel the pass. Restrictions set by the school on the maximum number of passes per class cannot be overridden.

1. After logging in to the mobile app, tap the Hall Pass icon at the bottom of the screen.

Alternatively, tap the menu icon.

Tap Hall Passes in the menu.

2. If you have access to more than one school, select the school from the pull-down. If you only have access to one school, the school will be selected by default.

3. Tap the Active tab.
The Active tab displays currently active hall passes for students in your sections. Information on this tab includes the student’s name and ID, destination, and time remaining on the pass. Passes in which the student has exceeded the time set on the pass will be outlined in red, with a pass status of "Expired."

4. To view detailed information about an individual student hall pass, tap the hall pass for the student.

From this detailed view, additional details such as the Destination, Departing Time/Location, Travel Time, Pass Length, and Approver will be displayed. From this view, you can access pass actions such as the ability to extend a pass, check a student in/out, add a note, or end a student hall pass.

5. Tap the Back button to return to the Active tab.

6. Tap the Requested tab to review hall passes requested by students in your sections that require approval.

The Hall Pass icon will display a number when there are hall pass requests that require approval.

7. Tap on the hall pass to view details.

From this detailed view, additional details such as the Destination, Departing Time/Location, Travel Time, and Pass Length will be displayed. From this view, users with the "Approve Hall Passes" profile permission can approve/deny hall pass requests.

8. Tap Approve or Deny.

If the start date/time is for a date/time in the past, tapping Approve will trigger the pass to become active, and the pass will display in the Active tab. If the start date/time is in the future, tapping Approve will remove the pass from the Requested tab and the pass will display in the Upcoming tab. Denied passes will move to the Inactive tab and will be displayed with the status of "Denied."
9. Tap the Upcoming tab to view hall passes created for a future date/time for students in your sections.

10. To view detailed information about an individual student hall pass, tap the hall pass for a specific student.

From this detailed view, additional details such as the Destination, Departing Time/Location, Travel Time, Pass Length, and Approver will be displayed.

11. Tap the Back button to return to the Upcoming tab.

12. Tap the Inactive tab to view students within your sections with inactive passes for the current date.

13. To view detailed information about an individual student hall pass, tap the hall pass for a specific student.

From this detailed view, additional details such as the Destination, Departing Time/Location, Travel Time, and Pass Length will be displayed.

14. Tap the Back button to return to the Inactive tab.