The Take Attendance module allows teachers to record attendance codes for the current date and previous dates, as set by the district. Teachers can take attendance via the list display or seating chart display. There are also options to print the seating chart and send emails to select students.
1. In the menu, click Take Attendance.

2. If you are assigned to multiple schools, be sure to select the correct school from the pull-down.

3. Select the course for which you want to take attendance from the pull-down.

4. Be sure the correct marking period is selected from the pull-down.

5. If you need to take attendance for inactive students as well, select the check box to Include Inactive Students. Note: This feature is only accessible to post-secondary teachers.
6. The Take Attendance defaults to the List view.
7. Click Seating Chart to take attendance while viewing the student attendance chart and photos, etc.
For more information, see Seating Charts.
Note: This feature only applies to secondary schools and post-secondary schools that aren't using hourly attendance. Post-secondary schools can use Seating Charts for other uses other than attendance.
8. Review the Student Information, which includes Student name, Student ID, Grade level, the Course Title, and the number of Days Absent before taking attendance.
The Course Title column displays when the teacher has the preference Combine sections for taking attendance enabled in Preferences. The column displays the course the student is enrolled in for easier distinction. The Course Title column will also display for administrators via the Take Attendance (Teacher Programs) screen when the teacher has the preference enabled.
When district's select enable the Combine attendance by period regardless of rotation day configuration setting in System Preferences, all students display regardless of rotation day when combined periods are used for attendance.

9. Attendance defaults to Present. Select the correct radio button if the attendance code differs from the default, such as Unexcused Absence, Unexcused Tardy, etc.
The current date displays in the header with an [x] next to it. Click the [x] to close the current date and display attendance for days prior to the current date only. To return to attendance as it pertains to today's attendance, click the Return to viewing today's attendance link.

10. If a comment is required, click the field in the Comment column to enter information that pertains to the attendance code selected.

11. When all codes have been selected, comments entered, etc. click the Save button.
12. Once attendance is saved, a confirmation displays: You have taken attendance today for this period. Click the Click if you're not finished link to continue taking attendance, which will disregard the attendance recently saved.
The screen reverts back and changes can be made, as needed. When complete, click Save again.
13. To take attendance for previous days, the first area of the chart displays attendance from all previous days, which can be edited or entered as needed. Use the scroll bar to scroll to the left to view all attendance days.

Click the field to edit or enter attendance; a pull-down will display as shown in the image above. Click the Save button when the new data has been entered/selected.
Ensure that you have taken the current days attendance prior to taking previous days attendance because upon saving, all current days will save as present.
14. You can also click the Refresh icon to clear attendance that has been entered but not saved to start over. If taking attendance for a post-secondary school, clicking the Refresh icon is useful for updating students' hours and attendance statuses when using the attendance scanner.

15. Click the student icon arrow to display a student category menu. The category menu can be used in order to quickly navigate to a corresponding screen when the link is clicked.

The menu includes links to the following screens/information, most of which can be found on the Student Info screen: Demographics, Schedule, Grades or Course History, Absences, Add Referral, Test History, SSS, Enrollment, Requests, Standard Grades, Activities, Referrals, and Grad.
16. Above the listed students you will see a floppy disk icon; clicking the icon allows you to export the listed data (in this case, students) to an Excel spreadsheet.

17. You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.