Documentation for Administrators

12.0.50 - 06/01/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-42584- Print Asset Inventory Card

System enhancement adding Fixed Assets > Print inventory cards.

See Print Inventory Cards and Profiles for details.

FOCUS-43458- Purchasing/Accounts Payable> Internal Account Invoices> Non-PO Invoice> "Students" Drop-down changed to "Customers"

See Invoices and Internal Account Invoices for more information.


FOCUS-43547- Add "Balance Summary" at the top of Earned, Pending, Adjusted, Owed, Unapproved, History screens

System enhancement to add "Balance Summary" display at the top of each Human Resources> Leave History> screen:  Earned, Pending, Adjusted, Owed, Unapproved and History.

See Leave History for details.

FOCUS-42894- Add Payroll Wage calc setting for default annualizing contracts

System enhancement adding setting to override the ending calc default method. To enable: Setup > Settings > Payroll > Misc > Contract Calculation: Future Contract End Method.

See Setup > Settings > Payroll tab > Misc section for information about this new setting.


FOCUS-43613- Course Catalog: Correct Display of Credits for Course from Florida CCD

Previously, when a course in the Course Catalog used an 8th digit, the credits per course computed value would not be pulled from the Florida Course Code Directory. With this update, the column is populated as expected. The credits per course value only appears in the Course Catalog for Florida schools.

FOCUS-43569- Rollover: Include Attendance Scanner in Rollover of Course Sections

Currently, the section setting "Attendance Scanner" is not included in the columns that get rolled over during the Rollover process. This update adds the "Attendance Scanner" field to the list of values that are copied year-to-year, ensuring that schools and organizations do not need to reconfigure this setting after rolling over their master schedule.

FOCUS-43568- Communication Platform: Resolve Error Generating Letters with Discipline Logging Field & Scheduling Insert Fields Present

This update resolves an error encountered when attempting to print a letter in Communication or Print Letters and Send Email. The issue was related to the handling of discipline logging fields combined with scheduling fields, which resulted in a print error. The update ensures that these fields are handled correctly, allowing letters to be printed without errors.

FOCUS-43556- Scheduling: New Feature Enhancements

This update includes several small enhancements to the Scheduling module within the Student Information System:

- Add a Team option to the Student Breakdown Report.

- Add a Create Report function to the Student Breakdown.

- Add a new Double Filled Requests option to Loading Reports.

FOCUS-43555- Re-Enrollment Forms: Displaying Forms to Students Outside Allowed Profiles

This update resolves an issue where Re-Enrollment Forms were available on the Student Portal, Forms Summary for student profiles that were not assigned in Setup > Application Editor. With this fix, Re-Enrollment Forms will only be available for student profiles that have been properly assigned in the Application Editor.

FOCUS-43550- Grades: Correct Error on Average Pass/ Fail Grades Report

This update corrects an issue with the Average Pass/Fail Grades calculation for customers outside of Florida.

FOCUS-43541- New Search: Unfilled Requests Search Option Enhancement

This update introduces an enhancement to the New Search, More Search options by adding a new search option called "Unfilled Requests." When used, this option returns a list of students with unfilled requests, similar to the Scheduling Loading report of the same name.

FOCUS-43537- Communication Platform: Resolve Error on Long Announcements

Previously, if an announcement had a large number of schools or profiles selected such that their concatenated titles exceeded 8000 characters, an error would occur when opening the announcement page. This update resolves the issue, allowing announcements with extensive lists of schools or profiles to be opened without error.

FOCUS-43528- Grades: Improve Logic of Completion Reports for Inclusion Teachers

Currently, the query for the Grades Completion Report ensures there is no completion record in the 'grades_completed' table that matches the section and marking period for the course being checked. However, it does not check the Staff ID of the person who completed the grades. This causes non-inclusion teachers to not appear on the report if an inclusion teacher marked their students' grades. This update modifies the query to include a check for matching Staff IDs, ensuring that only the relevant teacher's completion records are considered, and non-inclusion teachers are accurately shown on the report.

FOCUS-43515- Delete a Student: Improve Merging Students Profile Values

This update implements the merging of the student field profile. If the profile of the deleted student is set but the kept student's profile is not set, the profile from the deleted student will be assigned to the kept student.

See Delete a Student for details.

FOCUS-43511- Graduation Requirements Report: Improve CSS when Printing

It was reported that printing the Graduation Requirements Report resulted in excessive blank space and unnecessary pages. This update resolves CSS issues that caused too many page breaks and white spaces, ensuring a cleaner printout of the Graduation Requirements Reports.

FOCUS-43502- Grades: Correct Start Date Display on Missing Final Grades Report

The Missing Final Grade report was displaying a different start date than the selected student's enrollment date. This update corrects the issue, ensuring the start date matches the student's enrollment date.

FOCUS-43492- Communication Platform: Correct Recipient School Display in Interface

This update changes how the Communication Queue and communication_message_recipients.school_id determine the recipient school for student-related communications. This ensures that the appropriate school for each student is accurately presented to end-users within the Communication Platform interface.

FOCUS-43473- Forms: Resolve Console Error Clearing Signatures

After signing a form, attempting to clear the signature results in a console error, and the signature does not clear. This update corrects the issue, ensuring the signature can be cleared without errors and functions properly on the first attempt.

FOCUS-43461- Communication Settings: Display Correct 12-Hour Period for Time Fields

Previously, entering a start or end time between 1:00am and 6:59am on the settings page in the Communication Platform (attendance or integrations) would convert the time to PM after refreshing the page. This update ensures that the time remains as set. Additionally, times entered with a leading zero (e.g., 01:00 to 07:00) are now correctly recognized as AM instead of converting to PM upon tabbing out. These changes apply to all time entry fields within the platform.

FOCUS-43454- Discipline: Increase Scrollable Area in Referrals

This update improves the layout of the Total Days of Discipline value when reviewing a Discipline Referral by clearing out unnecessary whitespace. This enhancement ensures a cleaner and more organized display.

FOCUS-43446- Discipline: Resolve Permission Error with Show Referrals from All Schools

This update corrects an issue where end-users with the "Show Referrals from All Schools" permission were encountering a permission error when viewing referrals from other schools. This was caused by a stacked profile lacking View Discipline rights in other non-primary schools. The update ensures that users with the appropriate permissions can view referrals from all schools without errors.

FOCUS-43433- Online Application: Respect "Prevent Online Application submissions when duplicate student SSN is found" System Preference

This update ensures that the Online Application will not run the duplicate SSN check unless the System Preference "Prevent Online Application submissions when duplicate student SSN is found" is enabled.

FOCUS-43403- Copy School: Correct Issue in Copying Sections

This branch resolves an issue in Copy School when selecting to Copy individual Subject Course Sections, where the sections were not copied over to the designated school.

FOCUS-43395- Standards Report Cards: Resolve Error Generating Report Cards

This update corrects an error that was preventing Standards Report Cards from being generated. The issue has been resolved, allowing the report cards to be generated successfully.

FOCUS-43352- Scheduling: Add Local ID to Loading Reports

This update resolves an issue where the Local ID would not be displayed in the Scheduling Loading Reports (Incomplete Schedules & Conflicting Schedules), even when the "Display Local ID in student lists" option in My Preferences was enabled. The Local ID now correctly appears in the reports as intended.

FOCUS-43321- Pull Grades for Report Cards: New "Override Report Card Codes" Feature

This enhancement introduces a new setting to the Pull Grades for Report Cards feature, allowing an override of the Report Card Codes System Preference. The Report Card Codes Override is a dropdown with options for 'Default' and 'Letter Grade', and this override applies to the current pull only. Additionally, a new sub-permission called "Override Report Card Codes" has been added. Users with view permission for this sub-permission can override the report card code system preference when pulling grades. Note: Ensure the System Preference 'Report Card Codes' is set to both Percent and Letter Grade for this feature to work as expected.

See Pull Grades for Report Cards and Profiles > Permissions Explained for more information.

FOCUS-43293- Graduation Requirements Report: Improve Filtering Capabilities in Overview

This update enhances the datatable filtering capabilities within the Graduation Requirements Report overview. The filtering options for individual requirements columns now accept the following conditions:

- Filtering by "= N" will show students who are in progress.

- Filtering by "!*" (does not have a value) will show students who are not currently enrolled in a course that could meet the requirement.

- Filtering by "= Y" will show students who have completed the requirement.

These improvements ensure more accurate and functional filtering options within the report.

See Graduation Requirements Report > Viewing the Graduation Requirements Report for a Group of Students for more information.

FOCUS-43188- Communication Platform: Add Employee "Contacts" for SIS & Expand Options

This enhancement introduces the Employee Logging Field "Contacts," previously reserved for ERP customers, to SIS customers. It also adds contact flags for Call Out, Blocked, SMS, and Unsubscribe. Phone numbers added to this logging field within the User/Employee record will be utilized within the Communication Platform Expansion.

See Communication > Did You Know and User Info > Contacts tab for more information.

FOCUS-42992- Assessments: New FAST Assessment Report (Florida)

The FAST Report is designed to provide detailed insights into student progress in either ELA or Math. It lists active schools and shows the average Overall Scale Score and growth amounts for each Performance Measure (PM). Positive growth is highlighted in green, while negative growth is shown in red. Users can click on a specific school to view detailed student-level data, including individual Overall Scale Scores and growth. By incorporating the FAST Report, educators and administrators can access data-driven insights on student progress, identify growth trends, and make informed decisions. This supports targeted interventions and promotes continuous improvement and accountability in both ELA and Math for schools and individual students.

See the FAST Report for details on this new report.

FOCUS-42941- Discipline: New Datatable Options in Referral Codes & Actions

This update adds Record Count and Page Size options to the Discipline, Referral Fields & Actions datatable. These options help display information more conveniently and according to end-user preferences.

See Referral Codes & Actions for more information.

FOCUS-42850- Communication Platform: New Include Signature Option

Previously, when sending a message with a letterhead template, your email signature would not be attached. With this update, a new "Include Signature" option is available, but only if you have a signature set up. For new messages, this option will be checked by default. It will not appear on templates or attendance messages in the settings tab. Additionally, a migration will update drafts and scheduled messages. Any draft or scheduled message with a letterhead template or marked as "send as district" will have the "Include Signature" option unchecked. All other messages will have this new option checked by default.

See Communication > Compose tab and Settings tab for details.

FOCUS-42739- School Choice: Improve Auditing via Refresh School Choice Data Scheduled Job

This update resolves an issue with the 'Refresh Choice Data' process, which was running unnecessary updates to 'school_choice_application_status' records and logging those changes into 'audit.school_choice_application_status.' The root cause was that the Priority Calculator updated all records by setting new values to the 'priority', 'chart_id', and 'sibling_guarantees' columns without checking if the updated values differed from the existing ones. While these updates did not affect the table data, they triggered changes to the 'updated_at' column, which appeared in the audit trail. With this update, the Priority Calculator will execute update queries only if the values in 'priority', 'chart_id', or 'sibling_guarantees' have actually changed.

FOCUS-42718- Assessments: Ensure All Courses Display in Assign Standards to Courses

This update corrects an issue in the Assign Standards to Courses feature, where courses with additional characters added to the source Course Catalog course would not appear as selectable options. Now, all relevant courses will be displayed and selectable in the Assign Standards to Courses process.

FOCUS-42693- Course Catalog: Add "Allow Repeat Requests from Students" Field

This update adds the "Allow Repeat Requests from Students" option at the Course Catalog level, enabling students to submit repeat requests for specific courses as defined in the catalog.

See Course Catalog > Viewing the Course Catalog for more information.

FOCUS-42668- Report Cards: Generation Performance Improvements with Attendance Options

This update introduces a performance improvement to the generation of report cards, specifically when attendance-related report card options are included.

FOCUS-42447- Scheduling: Improve Display of Run Scheduler within Master Schedule Builder

This update introduces the Run Scheduler as a new tab within the Master Schedule Builder, allowing users to see it on the same page instead of having to open a new window.

See Master Schedule Builder > Using the Build Master Schedule and Schedule Students Tabs for more information.

FOCUS-41485- New Search: Improve Searching on Multiple Logging Fields

This update corrects an issue with the New Search feature when using More Search Options with multiple criteria for different logging fields. It also fixes a problem where searching on a pull-down from a logging field displayed the ID instead of the text of the option being searched on.

FOCUS-42889- Communication Platform: New Attendance Thresholds for Streamlined Automated Attendance Messaging

This feature enhancement introduces a new automation option to the Communication Platform and Attendance Setup by expanding Tardy Thresholds into the new Attendance Thresholds feature. Now, an automated email can be sent to all the Primary/ Custodial Contacts of the Student who meets the newly established attendance thresholds. This addition complements the existing automated referral process for students meeting the criteria in the previous Tardy Thresholds. Existing Tardy Thresholds created by the organization remain unchanged.

Introduced changes:

- Attendance Setup > Attendance Thresholds: Replaces Tardy Thresholds.

- Number of Instances: Replaces the number of Tardies.

- Placeholder Row: Now set to "None" rather than "All Unexcused."

- Available Attendance Codes: Pulled from the top-right school selection.

- Communication Template: Now available in Attendance Settings/Thresholds.

- Discipline Code and Action: No longer required to lock in the setting.

- Scheduled Job Renaming: The scheduled job has been renamed to Attendance Thresholds, previously known as Create Detentions from Tardies.

See Attendance Setup > Adding an Attendance Threshold Rule and Scheduled Jobs > Built-In Scheduled Jobs Explained for more information.


FOCUS-43553- SSS: Improve Printing Progress Monitoring

Previously, if the table containing progress and objective data was too large to fit on a single page, it would cause an issue where new pages were continuously created. With this update, printing the Progress Monitoring Event no longer causes this problem, even if the table data is too large to fit on a single page.

FOCUS-43505- SSS: Improve Event Triggers Setting Student Field with Multi-Select Dropdowns

Before the update, the Event Trigger with the Run Form Trigger Action and setStudentField parameter did not work for multi-select options, and values were not pushed from SSS to SIS. With this update, the Event Trigger with the Run Form Trigger Action and setStudentField parameter now works as expected for multi-select options, and values are correctly pushed to SIS.

FOCUS-43283- SSS: Resolve Pre-lock Preventing Publish to Parent Prompt

Previously, a pre-lock event trigger prevented users from receiving a prompt to publish to the parent portal. With this update, users will now receive the publish to parent portal prompt as expected, even if there is a pre-lock event trigger.

FOCUS-43281- SSS: Adjustments to Goals Provide & Service Type Option (Ohio)

This update includes two changes to the goals and objectives step of the IEP meeting event, specifically for Ohio. The Responsible Implementers dropdown now has no options and defaults to N/A. Additionally, the Service Type now defaults to Instructional.

FOCUS-42916- SSS: Resolve Deleted District Logos Impacting SSS Forms

Previously, after SSS was locked and the district changed their logo and deleted the previous file, the links to the old logo would break, causing the logo to not display on all form instances prior to the change. This issue also occurred in Form Builder. With this update, Form Builder and SSS locked events now load the district's current logo, and existing header instances are updated as expected.

FOCUS-42614- SSS: Improve Display of Caseload & Services Service Dates

Previously, if a user saved a caseload service record without the required service date field, the Last Serviced column in SSS > Caseload & Services > 'Caseload' tab would display today's date as the service date. With this update, the Last Serviced column will display no date when there is no service date. If a service is submitted with a blank date, it will default to today's date.

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