Documentation for Administrators

12.0.49 - 05/25/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-43448- feat(accounts-receivable): add pagination to undeposited payments table

System improvement adding pagination to Accounts Receivable > Deposits & Internal Account Deposits.

FOCUS-43330- Add Recommendation Pay Type Exclusion Setting

System improvement to Human Resources > Recommendations adding system setting to allow district to exclude pay types.

See Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous tab > Misc section for details.


FOCUS-43340- Export/Import options Retirement Adjustments

System improvement adding print, export and import functionality to Payroll > Retirement Adjustments.


FOCUS-43524- Focus Files: Mimetype application/x-wine-extension-ini Issues

This update resolves an issue where Focus Files uploaded with the mimetype 'application/x-wine-extension-ini' would result in errors when an end-user with permissions attempted to download them. The branch corrects this issue, allowing for successful file downloads.

FOCUS-43498- Report Cards: Correct Character Formatting Other Languages (MSSQL)

This update resolves an issue reported by users where longer comments entered by a teacher in another language would display unexpected characters for accented letters or other non-English characters after saving and viewing the comment. This correction ensures that the comments display the expected letters and characters. This fix is specific to customers using MSSQL.

FOCUS-43481- Scheduled Jobs: EOY Attendance Calculation Improvement (Florida)

This update corrects an issue where the EOY Attendance Calculation built-in scheduled job was incorrectly issuing attendance counts for students without any schedule records. With this improvement, the job's logic now properly considers the student's schedule, ensuring accurate attendance counts.

FOCUS-43468- *Teacher Programs: Respect View Only Permissions

This update corrects an issue where users with view-only permissions for Teacher Programs Permissions were able to edit teacher permission settings. With this update, view-only permissions are now properly enforced, preventing unauthorized edits.

FOCUS-43452- Elementary Scheduler: Improve Scheduling Restrictions Syear Logic

This update corrects an issue in the Elementary Scheduler where Scheduling Restrictions from prior years were being returned instead of those for the current school year. Now, only current school year Scheduling Restrictions will be displayed.

FOCUS-43449- *Edit Rules & Workflow: Improve Tool Tip Display in Alert Icons

In Edit Rules & Workflow, a text field used for the Tool Tip Field in Alert Icons previously caused text to be cut off after an apostrophe when hovering over the alert icon. This update corrects that issue, ensuring that the full text, including any apostrophes, is displayed correctly when hovering over the alert icon.

FOCUS-43439- School Choice: After Processing Letters Refresh the Page

This update ensures the Choice module's Print Letters page is refreshed after processing letters to be sent. This refresh clears the form values stored in the request, preventing potential resending of letters if the page is refreshed after completion.

FOCUS-43435- Teacher Schedules Report: New Total Seats Option

Currently, the Teacher Schedules Report only displays the total number of students enrolled in a section. With this update, the report will also show the total seats set for each section as designated in Courses & Sections, when this option is selected.

See Teacher Schedules Report for more information.

FOCUS-43427- Discipline: Prevent Referral Actions Impacting Attendance when School Lacks Attendance Periods

This update resolves an error that occurred when adding a referral action that impacts attendance if no attendance periods were established in the school. Moving forward, end-users will not be able to add a Discipline Action record that affects attendance unless the school has defined attendance periods, ensuring proper configuration and preventing errors.

FOCUS-43426- Graduation Requirements Report: Correct Scholar Designation Requirements Language Prioritization (Florida)

This update resolves an issue with the graduation requirements, which were not correctly identifying the best language course out of all completed and in-progress courses. The update ensures that the system now prioritizes completed courses over in-progress ones. If no completed courses satisfy the requirement, it will correctly consider both in-progress and completed courses.

FOCUS-43425- Community Mobile App: Respect School Min/Max Year Configurations

Currently, the school option list in the Community App is not restricted by minimum or maximum school year. This update restricts the list to show only active schools within the defined minimum and maximum school years.

FOCUS-43424- Attendance Kiosk: Accept Either Local ID or Student ID

This update enhances the Kiosk functionality by allowing the scanning of IDs to accept either the student ID or the local ID. This change ensures that the functionality is not dependent on the customer's menu include setting for $StudentPicturesColumn.

FOCUS-43400- Student Info: Student Communication Report Performance Improvement

This update introduces a performance improvement to the Communication Platform, specifically reducing the load times for the Student Info Communication Report.

FOCUS-43365- Workflow Triggers: Do Not Include Deleted Student Custodial Contacts in Emailing Attendance Triggers

This update fixes a bug in the process of gathering a recipient list of parents who have custody of a student. The query previously did not account for relations that had been deleted, resulting in users who previously had custody but had since been removed still receiving some automated emails. This bug was occurring in programs that do not use the communication queue (e.g., Students/WorkflowTriggers for automated attendance messages). The update ensures that only current custodial parents receive the communications.

FOCUS-43342- Pull Grades For Report Cards: New Override Marking Period Restrictions Option

This feature enhancement adds a new setting to the Pull Grades for Report Cards function, allowing the current run to ignore marking period restrictions. Additionally, a new sub-permission called "Override Marking Period Restrictions" has been added. When a user has this 'view' permission, they will have the option to ignore the marking period restrictions. Logic:

-By default, this setting/radio button is unselected when navigating to the screen.

-Checked: When checked, the admin can pull grades for report cards without being limited by the marking period grade posting end-date.

-Not Checked: No changes to current functionality; marking period restrictions remain enforced.

See Profiles > Permissions Explained and Pull Grades for Report Cards for more information.

FOCUS-43306- Standard Grades Report Cards: Correct Option Missing in New Search

This update corrects an issue on Standard Report Cards where the option to "display this teacher on each report card" was missing when the New Search is enabled. The option should become available when any sort option other than "alphabetically by student name" is selected. This update ensures that the option now correctly appears under the specified conditions.

FOCUS-43295- Portal: Improve Find a Student Display with Student Groups

Currently, when a lengthy item exists in the student group dropdown, the "Include Previous Years Inactive Students" option within the Find a Student/User Portal Block becomes obscured by the "More Search Options" button when the browser window is reduced in width. This update addresses the issue by adjusting the layout to ensure that all options remain visible, regardless of the browser window size.

FOCUS-43204- Teams: Disallow deletion of teams associated with sections

Previously, deleting a Scheduling Team associated with a section would cause an error message to appear. With this update, end-users will no longer be able to delete a Team that is tied to a section until that team has been removed from all associated sections. This prevents errors and ensures proper management of Scheduling Teams.

See Teams > Deleting a Team for more information.

FOCUS-43185- Communication Platform: New Caller ID CSV Import

This update introduces the option to import caller ID phone numbers for customers with the Communication Platform Expansion. A new button above the caller ID phone number datatable allows users to select a CSV file for import. If the column titles in the CSV match the columns in the table, they will be auto-selected; otherwise, users can manually set them. The school column should match exactly, and if it does not, it will default to 'All'. Multiple schools can be listed separated by a comma. The import respects the restriction on multiple school attendance or district default (from 43100) when saving. The phone number field is required, and if any record is missing a phone number, an error will appear, and nothing will be imported. To populate checkboxes on the record, a '1' should be entered in the desired column.

See Communication > Setting > Importing Caller ID Phone Numbers (Admin) and Communication > Setting > Caller ID Phone Numbers (Teachers) for more information.

FOCUS-43144- Student Workflow Triggers: Communication Template Improvements

Changes in this branch ensure that academic records and communication templates are properly logged and triggered. Previously, if an academic record category was attached to a template used in a workflow trigger, the academic record would not be logged in the log record. This update corrects that issue, ensuring that academic records are now correctly logged. Additionally, the update ensures that SMS and calls will be processed through a workflow trigger if the template includes them.

FOCUS-43100- Communication Platform: Student Attendance Caller ID

With this update, the public option has been removed from the caller ID phone numbers in the communication settings and replaced with "Student Attendance." The Student Attendance Caller ID can be used to send Student Attendance Alerts using the Caller ID tied to the applicable school. This allows for creating a Student Attendance Alert tied to multiple schools and setting the Caller ID to pull the applicable Phone Number flagged as Student Attendance for the Students school, rather than selecting one generic number for all attendance alerts.

Only one number can be marked as the attendance default per school; attempting to set a second will trigger an error and prevent saving. The Phone Number flagged for "Student Attendance" will only be used for Attendance Messages, the option will not be available on the Compose screen when sending a call.

If the Student Attendance Caller ID is set on a message, but the originating school is not included in the schools that use that number, the call will default to the school default. If a school default does not exist, the district default will be used. This branch applies to customers with the Communication Platform Expansion.

See Communication > Student Attendance Alerts for more information.

FOCUS-43076- Re-enrollment Forms: Respect Contact Restriction System Preference

Re-enrollment Forms were previously not honoring the system preference that restricts custodial parents from editing other custodial parent contact information. This update ensures that the Restriction system preference ("Restrict Parents to editing their own contact and address info...") is enforced during re-enrollment, preventing custodial parents from editing addresses and contact information that do not belong to them.

FOCUS-41412- Form Builder: Computed Tables Font Size Improvement

Previously, changes made to the font size in a computed table within the Form Builder were not visible in the preview, creating a discrepancy between the configuration and its visual representation. The update ensures that when font size adjustments are made in a computed table, these changes are accurately reflected in the preview, aligning the design experience with the expected outcome.

FOCUS-43503- Quick Pick - Tooltip - Show student Scheduling Team

See Portal (admin) > Student/User Quick Search, Searching for Students (admin) > Quick Student Search From Any Screen, Student Info (admin) > Viewing Student Information, Searching for Students (teacher) >  Quick Student Search From Any Screen, and Student Info (teacher) > Viewing Student Information for more information.

FOCUS-43411- Focus Assessments - Not Limiting Schools Drop-down Based on User Permission


FOCUS-43447- SSS: Resolve Event Trigger "Event is Completed"

Previously, an Event Trigger with the 'Event is completed' primary condition and 'Add Step' action did not work correctly. With this update, the Event Trigger now functions as expected, adding steps to an SSS Event after all required steps are completed.

FOCUS-43315- SSS: Improve Mass Lock Events

Previously, users with access to the Mass Lock Events screen could see all events listed, including those they did not have permission to lock. When attempting to lock such events, they would see a confirmation message, but the events would not actually be locked. This update addresses the issue by limiting the events listed for each user based on their permissions to lock events. Additionally, the update modifies the mass lock screen so that users with view-only permission will see a fully non-editable screen, ensuring that no unauthorized changes can be made.

See Mass Lock Events for more information.

FOCUS-42804- SSS: Resolve Saving on Caseload & Services (MSSQL)

Previously, the Groups tab in the Caseload & Services screen did not save new groups. With this update, the Groups tab now saves new groups as expected.

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