Documentation for Administrators

12.0.38 - 03/02/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-42250- feat(ledger): add export to bank recon history

System improvement adding export functionality to Budgeting/General Ledger > Budgeting > Bank Reconciliation and Internal Account Bank Reconciliation > Existing Reconciliations.

FOCUS-42186- Audit Trail: Allow filtering by PO # for Receiving records

System improvement adding Receiving History to Audit Trail.

See Audit Trail for more information.

FOCUS-41702- Accounts Receivable> Print 1098-Ts> Additional Adjustments>

System improvement adding sort/filter functionality and widening amount columns in Accounts Receivable > Print 1098-T's > Additional Adjustments.


FOCUS-41868- Run payroll > Terminations Tab

System improvements renaming options to 'Undecided', 'Current Payroll', or 'End of Year' and adding ability to 'Show End of Year Payouts' on Run Payroll > Termination tab.

See Run Payroll > Terminations for more information.

FOCUS-40900- Job Posting Page

System enhancement to Human Resources > Setup > Job Posting add a max age text field for applications.

See Job Posting Setup > Miscellaneous for details.

FOCUS-41883- PDF Snapshots for User Applications

System Improvement adding PDF view of submitted Online Application.

See Online Applications (HR) for more information.


FOCUS-41444- Add Enrollment Fields to Student Breakdown Report

System improvement adding enrollment-team fields to Student Breakdown.

FOCUS-42262- Manage Integrations: Add Leap Year in Date Picker

This update resolves an issue with Managed Integrations where the leap year date was not available as an option in the Date Picker, ensuring accurate scheduling and planning.

FOCUS-42241- Student Groups: Add Save Button to All Groups for Users without Other Group Editing Permissions

This update introduces a change to the 'All Groups' tab, allowing users with permission to edit their own groups but not others' groups to see the save button. This enables them to save edits or deletions to groups they created. However, groups created by others will remain uneditable, with their corresponding rows locked, maintaining the integrity of group permissions.

FOCUS-42204- Print Avery Labels: Improved Error Messaging

This update enhances the user experience in the Print Avery Labels section. When selecting "To all Contacts having Custody" for label creation, if a student's contact lacks an address, a more user-friendly error message will now appear. This improvement also applies to situations where the PDF cannot be generated, ensuring clearer communication of issues to the user.

FOCUS-42200- Elementary Scheduler: Improve ESE Identifier Logic (FL)

This update refines the Elementary Scheduler's ESE feature logic. Instead of searching for a hard-coded ID specific to Florida customers, the system will now utilize the field with the alias "primary_exceptionality" to enhance functionality and adaptability across different regions.

See Elementary Scheduler > Understanding the Layout of the Elementary Scheduler for more information.

FOCUS-42192- Communication Platform: Improved Sorting when Printing

This update modifies the ordering of students when printing Communication Platform letters. Previously, students were sorted by their ID. Now, they are organized alphabetically by their last name, followed by their first name and middle initial.

FOCUS-42187- Add A Student: Display Alert Icons for Inactive Students

This update resolves an issue in the 'Add A Student' feature where alert icons were only visible for students with active enrollments. With the new change, alert icons will now appear for all students, enhancing the visibility and accuracy of search results regardless of their enrollment status.

FOCUS-42164- Scheduling: Resolve Requests Reports with My Preferences Display Name Setting

This update fixes an issue in the Scheduling Menu's Requests Report. If an end user's 'My Preferences' for Display Name included the 'Preferred Last Name' option, the "Students with Too Few Requests" report would encounter an error. Now, the report will generate correctly regardless of the selected display name preference.

FOCUS-42151- Advanced Reports: Improved Messaging for Default Filters for Large Datasets

This update introduces a new feature for Advanced Reports when the 'Default Filters On' system preference is enabled. If a report generates more than 1000 results, leading to pagination, a popup will now appear when users attempt to use filters, informing them that all results must be displayed on the page for the filters to function as expected. This enhancement aims to guide users on how to effectively apply filters in large datasets.

See Advanced Report (Students) and Advanced Report (Users) for details.

FOCUS-42135- Communication Platform: Templates List Not Showing All Templates for Users with Permission

This update enhances the permissions logic related to the creation and editing of communication templates. Previously, when a user with permission to create templates but not edit announcements made a template, it lacked associated school IDs, causing visibility issues for other users. Now, the system checks the appropriate permissions when templates are created or edited: 'Communication View' permission for the creator and 'Templates Created By Others' Edit permission for other users. Additionally, a migration will update existing templates to associate them with the correct schools based on the creator's access, ensuring proper template visibility and access across users.

FOCUS-42063- Translations: Automatically Translate Report Cards & Standard Report Card Templates

This update introduces an enhancement for report cards and standard grade report cards for customers with the Communication Platform Translations add-on. Letterhead templates will now automatically translate into the student's language, as specified in the default language field. This automation applies unless the template has already been manually translated, in which case the original translation will be preserved, ensuring that customized content remains intact.

See Translations, Report Cards, Standard Grades Report Cards, and Letterhead Templates for more information.

FOCUS-41993- Communication Platform: Prevent Scheduling Messages in the Past

The Schedule popup in the Communication Platform has been updated to prevent scheduling in the past. Users will now receive an error if they attempt to schedule a message for a past date or time. For today's date, the time must be set in the future. Additionally, when rescheduling a recurring message, users must select a new start date. This update also includes enhancements to the mobile app, aligning its time input validation with the regular Focus interface.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teacher) for more information.

FOCUS-41977- Parent Auth: New Limit Parent Registration to Custodial Contacts Preference

A new system preference has been introduced: "Only allow custodial contacts to register for parent account based on the contact's email." When enabled, this feature requires that individuals registering for a Parent Portal account via the /auth procedure must use an email address matching that of a custodial contact associated with the student to link to the student's account. This preference is initially set to off to preserve existing functionality and does not apply when an administrator manually links a parent to a student through the Address & Contacts screen.

See System Preferences > Parent Registration and Parent Portal Registration (Student/Parent) for more information.

FOCUS-41507- Communication Platform: Improve Rendering of Tables in Messages

This update enhances the presentation of tables within messages on the Communication Platform. Tables included in messages will now maintain consistent width, ensuring uniformity and clarity in message formatting. Additionally, the update corrects an issue where templates would exceed the intended page count, ensuring that documents remain within their expected size and format.

FOCUS-41162- Communication Platform: Inbox Migration for Missing Regarding Student

This update introduces a migration that significantly enhances the functionality of the Communication Platform. It updates recipient records for messages exchanged between teachers and parents about a student, specifically targeting those records missing a 'regarding_student_id' following the platform's implementation. This change consolidates conversations about the same student into a single thread, ensuring that all recipient records include a 'regarding_student_id'.

FOCUS-40119- New School Report Enhancement

A new feature, the School Report, has been added to the setup menu under district information. This report provides a detailed overview of all district schools, showcasing their fields while excluding logging fields and computed tables. Users with edit permissions can now update information for individual schools or conduct mass updates. Additionally, this feature allows for the saving of reports and their selected filters, enabling users to perform targeted updates and access saved reports efficiently.

See School Report for more information.

FOCUS-42189- *Course being set with unexpected Course Length Value


FOCUS-39916- Form Builder: New Footer Editor Feature

This branch introduces a 'Footers' tab in Setup>Form Builder, mirroring the Header Builder's functionality. Users can now create and manage footers, with settings integrated into the Form Builder and visible under Form Settings. The 'Footer Type' dropdown in Form Settings and the SSS>Setup>Sequences Tab includes options like 'None', 'Student Footer', and any saved custom footers. This ensures consistent application across forms and custom screens, similar to the Step Header. Moreover, custom footers attached to SSS Events become locked upon the event's lock, maintaining their defined content and structure.

See Form Builder for more information.

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