Documentation for Administrators

12.0.58 - 08/03/2024

Updated on


FOCUS-44393- Created a column called "Collected" to replace "Spent" column on revenue scenarios

System Improvement adding a new column "Collected" that will replace "Spent" on revenue scenarios. "Spent" will still appear for expense scenarios.

FOCUS-44366- Add profile permission for Human Resources > Employee > Files (Delete)

System enhancement adding ability to delete files in Human Resources > Employee > Files. To enable: Profile Permission in Setup > Profiles > Human Resources > Files (Delete). Note: The system wide profile under Setup > Profiles > Setup > General Ledger > Settings (Delete Any File) should be turned off when using the new profile.

See Setup > Profiles > Human Resources and Setup tabs for additional information.

FOCUS-44328- New feature to allow custom PO subtypes

System Enhancement allowing users to define purchase order subtypes. Setup > General Ledger > Settings > Accounts Payable > Purchase Order Subtypes

FOCUS-44250- Add permission to View All Cashouts

This update adds the 'View All' permission under Cashouts to the SIS. Previously, this permission only existed in ERP.

See Users > Profiles > Billing tab for more information.

FOCUS-44134- Add stop amendment date logic for the element: fund in Budget Maintenance

System Improvement adding Fund Details in Setup > Setting > Elements > Fund that will stop amendments in Budget Maintenance during the approval flow.

FOCUS-44040- Internal Accounts manual bank reconciliation improvements

System Improvement:  Internal Bank Reconciliation has undergone several improvements.

1) Allow users to edit start/end and beginning/ending balances with New Profile permission "Edit Dates/Balances on Manual Reconciliations" under ERP > Setup > Permissions > Profiles > (Budgeting/General Ledger) in the Internal Account Bank Reconciliation section.

2) Updated default sort order to descending by date.

3) Renamed the existing "Date" column to "Reconciled Date".

4) Added two columns "Date" and "Receipt Type".

5) Combined the Balance Tab into the Summary Tab.

FOCUS-43978- Add Board Removal Date in Dispose of Missing feature in Inventory Report

See Inventory Report for more details.


FOCUS-44366- Add profile permission for Human Resources > Employee > Files (Delete)

System enhancement adding ability to delete files in Human Resources > Employee > Files. To enable: Profile Permission in Setup > Profiles > Human Resources > Files (Delete). Note: The system wide profile under Setup > Profiles > Setup > General Ledger > Settings (Delete Any File) should be turned off when using the new profile.

FOCUS-44053- Added an allocation override to the employee job allocations for insurance

System Improvement: The ability to override the current allocation was added under Employee > Jobs (Allocate Button) > Insurance Override Allocation. If the deduction processing code has a category of insurance, and the employee has an Insurance Override Allocation, the new allocation will be utilized, otherwise the system will use the default allocation.

See Human Resources > Employee > Jobs for more information.

FOCUS-43878- Applicant Tracking allow the salary/step requirement and Employee Action Form to be bypassed when hiring

A new setting added to allow customers that do not utilize the Payroll component in Focus to utilize the applicant tracking module without having to set up pay codes, schedules, etc. This setting will also STOP the system from automatically kicking off the Employee Action Form upon the applicant accepting the position and doing the onboarding process. To view/utilize this new setting navigate to Setup > General Ledger > Settings > Miscellaneous Tab, Search 'Applicant Tracking Bypass HR'.

See Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous tab > Misc. section for details.


FOCUS-44547- Mobile App: Resolve Display of Required Forms as Optional

This branch resolves an issue in the Community Mobile App where required re-enrollment forms were incorrectly displayed as both Required and Optional. With this update, re-enrollment forms will only display as Optional if the Optional setting is checked in the Application Editor under Student Re-Enrollment Setup.

FOCUS-44545- Focus Core: Performance Improvement Schema

This branch makes a small schema adjustment, improving performance related to taking Version and State Reporting updates.

FOCUS-44512- Search: Improve More Search Options for JSON Checkbox Fields

This update enhances the functionality of More Search Options in both New and Legacy Search when searching on Checkbox Fields of type JSON. This improvement ensures that searches using these checkbox fields will return accurate and comprehensive results, providing a more efficient and reliable search experience for users.

FOCUS-44493- Communication Platform: Improve Error Messaging in Communication Report

This update resolves an issue in the Communication Platform by improving the error messaging in Communication Reports stemming from imported data. Previously, if an imported CSV file contained duplicate names without a destination, the status would show as "Duplicate" instead of recognizing the error of missing destinations. With this update, the status now correctly identifies this as an error, and the appropriate error message is displayed.

FOCUS-44491- Graduation Requirements Report: Only Include PM3 Test History Records for Biliteracy Seal (Florida)

This update adjusts the logic of the Graduation Requirements Report for the Biliteracy Seal for customers in Florida. The "Meets FSA/FAST ELA Requirements (4 or higher)" criterion will now only consider PM3 test history administrations and will no longer take PM1 or PM2 records into account.

FOCUS-44486- Elementary Scheduler: Better Handling of Students Assigned to Reassigned Gradelevel Teachers

This branch corrects an error in the Elementary Scheduler. Previously, if a student was assigned to a teacher who no longer taught the student's grade level, an error occurred when clicking the Schedule Students button. Now, the program will execute as expected and return the student to the unassigned section.

FOCUS-44480- Discipline: Display Minor Infractions on Parent and Student Portals Enhancement

This feature enhancement adds the ability for customers to display Minor Infractions on the Parent and Student Portals. A new sub-permission called "Minor Infractions" is available under Referrals in profile permissions. By default, this profile permission will be installed in the off position to maintain existing functionality. When enabled, Minor Infractions will be displayed with an appropriate description on the Student and Parent Portals.

See Profiles > Permissions Explained and Referrals (parent/student) for more information.

FOCUS-44474- Custom Fields: Improve Adding/ Removing Custom Fields

This branch improves performance when adding and removing Custom Fields through the interface.

FOCUS-44450- Final Grades: Improve Recalculate Parent Marking Period Feature in Prior School Years

This update corrects an issue related to the system preference "Recalculate parent marking period grades and GPAs when a grade is changed on Final Grades, GPA, and Class Rank." Previously, if a grade from a previous year for a course no longer offered was updated (with no corresponding schedule course_period record), and another unrelated grade from the same school year with a parent marking period existed, the incorrect parent grade was recalculated. This update ensures that only the appropriate grades are recalculated.

FOCUS-44403- My Preferences: New Discipline List Display Settings

This feature enhancement adds a new option to My Preferences called Discipline List. Depending on the organization's discipline-related preference selections, this screen may include options such as 'Show Referrals From All Schools', 'Include Inactive', 'All Years', 'Includes Previous Year Inactive', 'Minor Infractions', and 'Closed Referrals'. The selections made by an individual will control the default configuration when navigating to Discipline Referrals. To maintain existing functionality, all options will be installed in the off position by default.

See Users > My Preferences > Discipline Lists and Preferences > Discipline Lists (Teachers) for details about these new user settings.

FOCUS-44401- Assessments: Remove Schools from FAST Report indicated as 'Exclude from State Reporting'

The new FAST Report for Florida customers will no longer return results for schools marked as 'Exclude from State Reporting' in their School Info configuration.

See the FAST Report for more details.

FOCUS-44384- Request Grade Changes: Adhere to Report Card Code Preference Settings in Fields Displayed

This branch modifies the logic for displaying "Current Posted Grade %" and "New Grade %" columns on the Request Grade Changes screen. Currently, the displayed columns depend on the teacher's gradebook configuration. This branch adds a new criterion based on the System Preference, Report Card Codes. These columns will now only be displayed if the value of the preference is set to 'Percent and letter grade' or 'Percent', in addition to the current functionality.

FOCUS-44376- Ed-Fi API: Add SchoolTypeDescriptor to School Resource

This branch introduces an improvement to the Ed-Fi API by adding the 'SchoolTypeDescriptor' to the School resource and to Ed-Fi Setup Descriptor Mapping. To leverage this feature, the organization must set a School Field with an alias of 'school_type.'

FOCUS-44334- Standard Grades Report Cards: Ensure Conduct/Effort Grades Generate when Selected

This branch ensures that the Standard Grades Report Cards correctly include Effort grades when the Effort option is selected in the settings.

FOCUS-44272- Excessive Absence Report: Add Support for Half Day Attendance Methods

This update introduces a new "Include Half-Day Absences" option in the Perfect/Excessive Attendance report. This option will only be available for schools with an attendance code marked with a state code of 'Half.' When selected, half-day absences will be counted as whole days, updating the Days Absent column accordingly. Note that the periods column will not reflect half-day codes by design. This new feature ensures more accurate tracking of attendance records by incorporating half-day absences where applicable.

See Perfect/Excessive Attendance for additional information.

FOCUS-44264- Document Management: Improve Performance of Scheduled Job

This update improves the performance of the Document Management scheduled job, ensuring more efficient and faster processing of document-related tasks.

FOCUS-44231- Communication Platform: New Start Time & End Time Criteria on Communication Report

This update includes an enhancement to the Communication Platform. With this branch, there are now start time and end time inputs on the communication report, allowing users to filter results to a specific time frame. This feature provides greater flexibility and precision in reviewing communication logs, making it easier to track and manage messages sent within designated periods.

See Communication (Admin) and Communication (Teachers) for more information.

FOCUS-44223- Ed-Fi: Exclude Graduation Plans for StudentSchoolAssociation if School Year less than Cohort

This update adjusts our Ed-Fi API logic for the StudentSchoolAssociation resource. Graduation Plans will now be excluded unless the selected school year is less than the student's 'Year Entered 9th Grade' (Cohort). This change ensures that graduation plan data is only included when appropriate, enhancing data accuracy and alignment with student cohorts.

FOCUS-44219- Online Enrollments: General Performance Improvement

This update improves the load performance of the Online Enrollments record, especially when there is a large number of students with change requests. The enhancement ensures faster access and processing, making it more efficient to manage enrollment records under high data loads.

FOCUS-44214- Communication Platform: Improve Unsubscribed Error Messaging on Communication Report

This update is applicable for customers with the Communication Platform expansion. Previously, if a recipient had unsubscribed from texts, the communication report would show a "non phone number" error. With the branch, it will now display an error based on the title used for the "unsubscribe from text" option in the address field flags.

FOCUS-44207- Student Info: Resolve Error with Print a Form Letter for Inactive Students

This branch corrects an error encountered by end-users when printing a form letter from Student Info for an inactive student. Now, the form letter prints as expected without any errors.

FOCUS-44190- API: Increase Student Photo Expiration to 1 Hour

This branch extends the active duration of image URLs from 10 minutes to 1 hour when using the '?include_images=true' parameter on the students endpoint of the API.

FOCUS-44085- Attendance: Improvements to ADA Report

This branch introduces several improvements to the Attendance ADA Report, including a new "All Schools" option that allows the report to be viewed at the district level. When viewed at the district level, users can choose from two grouping options: by grade level and breakdown by schools.

See Average Daily Attendance for more information.

FOCUS-43897- SSS: Allow Assigning Translation Parent for Translated Forms

This branch adds a new dropdown in the right-side settings panel called 'Parent Component' when a translation component is selected. The dropdown lists all components on the parent form, allowing users to manually link components. Translations from the selected parent component will be applied to the current component. This feature enhances the flexibility and accuracy of managing translations by providing an easy way to ensure consistent translations across linked components.

See Form Builder > Cloning and Translating a Form for more information.

FOCUS-43713- Hall Pass: Individual Student Hall Pass Report & Other Improvements

This update introduces several enhancements to the Hall Pass feature:

1. Student Tab Updates: Student names now include alert icons and are clickable, directing users to the student's Hall Pass activity.

2. Individual Student Report: Adds a new 'Hall Pass' tab to Student Info, with sub-tabs for Hall Pass Activity and Student Restrictions.

3. Hall Pass Activity: This report provides detailed insights into individual student hall pass usage, allowing users to quickly find information such as total out-of-class time by date range.

4. Student Restrictions: New profile permissions for Teachers and Admins to set restrictions like the number of passes per day, restricted students, and locations.

See Student Info: Hall Passes (admin), Hall Pass Setup (admin), Hall Passes (admin), Hall Pass Trends (admin), Profiles > Permissions Explained, Student Info: Hall Passes (teacher), and Hall Passes (teacher) for more information.

FOCUS-43574- Scheduled Jobs: Set Current and Earned with "Populate Graduation Requirements Summary"

This update adds a new column called "current" to the graduation requirements summary. When the Populate Graduation Requirements Summary scheduled job runs, it will populate this column with the total of scheduled credits. Additionally, the update ensures that the existing "Earned" column is populated with the number of credits earned by a passing score.

FOCUS-43128- Signatures: Resolve Null Signatures

This update introduces a not-null constraint on the signature data column. A migration will be executed to populate this column with appropriate data. If applicable, the data will be sourced from the application table; otherwise, it will be populated with an "N/A" image.

FOCUS-43094- Proficiency Gradebook: Prevent Removing Standards from Graded Assignments

This branch resolves an issue in proficiency gradebook sections where users could delete standards from gradebook assignments after entering grades for those standards. Previously, users could attach a standard to an assignment, save it, and then remove the standard without saving, open a new tab to enter grades for that standard, and finally navigate back to the previous tab to save the assignment, which would successfully remove the standard despite having grades entered. This update ensures that once grades are entered, standards cannot be removed from assignments.

FOCUS-42710- Master Schedule Report: Teacher History

This update addresses an issue where users were able to change the teacher of a section from the master schedule report without creating a 'course_teacher_history' record, even when the 'do not log history' button was unchecked. Previously, changing the teacher of a section would trigger an automatic save, regardless of whether the user clicked 'done' on the teacher history popup modal. This allowed users to change a teacher, and if they clicked the 'x' or outside the modal, the change would not be logged in the teacher history. With this update, modifying the teacher of a section will not automatically save the datatable. The change will only be saved if the user clicks 'done' on the teacher history popup modal. This ensures that all teacher changes are properly logged in the teacher history.

FOCUS-44571- Application Editor: Resolve Layout Preview Display

This update resolves an issue where the Layout Preview in the Application Editor would fail to load its contents for display within the interface.

FOCUS-44464- School Choice: School Choice: Support Future Active Students in Evaluate Placement

This update ensures that the School Choice, Evaluate Placement feature will now recognize future active students as active before the start of the school year.


FOCUS-44485- SSS: New Form Builder Basic Student Header

This branch adds a new default header called "Student Header 3" in SSS, which includes the following fields: Student Name, Student ID, Grade, School, and DOB. It is available in the Form Builder Header Type dropdown and can be selected in the SSS>Setup>Sequences Tab>Step Header Column.

See Form Builder > Creating a New Form and Setup > Setting Up Sequences for more information.

FOCUS-44447- SSS: Display Alternate Event Title on Parent Portal

This update corrects an issue in SSS where alternate titles for events did not appear on the parent portal. With this branch, if an alternate title is set, it will be displayed on the parent portal as intended.

FOCUS-44388- SSS: Allow Marking Service Minutes as Concurrent

This branch adds a checkbox under the Minutes section titled 'Concurrent Minutes' in the IEP>SOS Step>Related Services pop-up. A message underneath the checkbox states: 'When checked, minutes will not be included in the total minutes calculation for LRE.' When the checkbox is checked, the minutes for that specific related service will not count towards the total minutes calculation. If the checkbox is not checked, minutes will be calculated as they are under the current functionality.

See Manage Student: ESE Events > Schedule of Services and IEP 2.0 and Amended IEP 2.0 > Schedule of Services for more information.

FOCUS-44296- SSS: New Accommodation Custom Screen Settings

This enhancement to the SSS module introduces a new "Instructional Accommodations" tab within the SSS General settings, consolidating all existing accommodation settings under this new tab without altering their functionality. Additionally, four new customizable settings have been added to the new tab:

- Instructional Accommodations Title: Default: "Instructional Accommodations"

- Instructional Accommodations Radio Button Text: The text on the second radio button on the Instructional Accommodations custom screen can be customized. Default: "The Team has determined that the following accommodations/ supports are necessary to support the student in regular, remedial, and supportive programs including accommodations needed for participation in extracurricular and other non- academic activities. These accommodations are to assist the student in advancing appropriately toward attaining annual goals and to enable the student's involvement in the general curriculum."

- Instructional Accommodations Checkbox Group: Custom verbiage on the first check box for Instructional Accommodations. Default: "Determination of Need for Instructional Accommodations and Support"

- Instructional Accommodations Checkbox Group: Custom verbiage on the second check box for Instructional Accommodations. Default: "Other Accommodations may not be allowed on Statewide Assessments"

These changes will be reflected in print media once the accommodations and modifications are saved.

See General for more information.

FOCUS-44168- SSS Accommodations Print Media Adjustment

Before the branch, the Extended Time column in the Accommodations/Modifications step of the IEP Event was displayed in the printout even if there was no data for Extended Time. With the branch, the Extended Time column will not be presented in the printout if there is no data in accommodations for Extended Time.

FOCUS-43907- SSS: Allow Form Values to be Displayed on Supplemental Forms Table

This branch introduces changes to supplementary step table. The update adds new column to the SSS > Setup > Sequences Tab > called 'Parameters'. This will allow districts the ability to add parameters to allow for form components to be used to identify the column name & pull data from a specific field on the form to populate on the supplementary step table when an form is saved & validated. This new column when setup is also positioned between the "Form Name" and "Edit" columns.

An Example where this might be useful is in the Florida Harm Prevention & Threat Assessment Instrument event on the Witness or Staff Questionnaire supplementary step.

1. In the "Witness/Target Interview" table, a new column labeled "Interviewee Name" can be added, displaying the value entered in the witness_target field [Form Field ID: 220404] of the "FORM D - WITNESS/TARGET INTERVIEW" form.

2. In the "Teacher or Staff Questionnaire" table, a new column labeled "Teacher/Staff Name" can be added, displaying the value entered in the teacher_staff_name field [Form Field ID: 219015] of the "FORM E - TEACHER OR STAFF QUESTIONNAIRE" form.

See Setup > Setting Up Sequences for more information.

FOCUS-41860- SSS Setup: Add Content Area to PMP Strategies, Hypotheses and Monitoring Tools

This update adds a Content Area column to PMP strategies, hypotheses, and monitoring tools in SSS Setup, allowing for better categorization and organization.

See Setup for more information.

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