Documentation for Teachers

Bulk PMP Triggers

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The Bulk PMP Triggers screen is used by administrators to set up triggers that can be used to generate PMPs for students who qualify based on the search criteria. Teachers have view only access to this screen to see the bulk triggers that have been set up. Students who qualify for the trigger display on the EWS report in the Reports section of the menu. From the EWS report, PMPs can be generated for the selected students.

Viewing PMP Triggers

1. In the menu, click SSS. Then click Bulk PMP Triggers.

Bulk PMP Triggers

Depending on your profile permissions, you may have access to both the District and School tab.

2. Click on the tab you want to view.

Each trigger is listed in its own row.

Column Description
Title The title of the trigger
Description The description of the trigger
Search Terms The search terms used to qualify students to be included in this trigger
Min Year The minimum school year this trigger will be active
Max Year The maximum school year this trigger will be active
School Level The applicable school level(s) for this trigger
PMP Event The PMP event which will be generated for qualifying students
Content The content that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students
Tier The tier that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students
Hypothesis The hypothesis that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students
Monitoring Tools The monitoring tools that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students
Strategies The strategies that will be selected in the PMP for qualifying students

The qualifying students are included on the EWS report, where the PMPs can be generated.

Generating the PMPs on the EWS Report

For each trigger, a row is added to the EWS report. The title of the row uses the trigger title and description from the Bulk PMP Triggers screen. PMPs can be generated for the selected students from the EWS report.

1. In the menu, click Reports. Then click EWS.


Each trigger is listed in its own row, using the title and description given to the trigger.


2. Click a number link to view the list of students who qualified for the trigger. Only students in your sections are included on the report.


3. To generate a PMP, select the check boxes in the Bulk PMP column for each applicable student, or select the check box in the column header to select all students in the list.

4. Click Create Bulk PMPs at the top of the screen.


5. In the confirmation message, click Yes.


A PMP will be generated for the selected students using the PMP event, content, tier, hypothesis, monitoring tools, and strategies from the trigger.

If a student already has an open PMP event with the same content area and tier level as the trigger, the PMP will not be generated for the student.

If a student already has an open PMP event with a different content area and the same tier level, a new row will be added to the existing PMP populated based on the trigger's setup.

If a student already has an open PMP event with the same content area and different tier level:

  • lower tier to higher tier (e.g. Math Tier 1 already exists, and Math Tier 2 trigger) - A new row will be added to the existing PMP populated based on the trigger's setup
  • higher tier to lower tier (e.g. Math Tier 3 already exists, and Math Tier 2 trigger) - A new row is not created on the existing PMP

6. Click the X to close the pop-up window.


7. Click the MTSS button next to a student to open the most recent MTSS event for the student in a new tab.

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