Documentation for Administrators

Funding Source Report

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The Funding Source Report includes three different types of reports: Overview, General Report, and Invoice. Each of these reports contains different data; for example, the General Report includes Customer and Student information, whereas, the other two reports do not.


The Overview Funding Source Report includes Funding Source invoiced data, which can be broken down by date ranges and facilities.

The following error displays if a default accounting strip is not set up: Please set the default funding source accounting strip in the accounts receivable settings. To remove the error and run the report, set the default accounting strip via Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab > Default Accounting Strip for Funding Sources setting.

1a. In ERP, in the Accounts Receivable menu, click Funding Source Report.

1b. In SIS, in the Billing menu, click Funding Source Report.

Funding Source Report

2. The report defaults to the Overview tab.

Funding Source Report

3. To generate the report, start by selecting the range of outstanding invoices needed such as Current outstanding invoices, 31 to 60 Days of outstanding invoices, 61 to 90 Days of outstanding invoices, and/or 91 and Over days of outstanding invoices. Select the corresponding check boxes as needed.

You do not have to select any of these check boxes to run the report. On the other hand, you can select as many as needed.

4. To run the report based on invoices generated as of a specific date, enter the date in the As Of Date text box.

5. You can also run the report based on a specified Date Range, in addition to or in place of the available ranges of outstanding invoices described above. Enter the start date and the end date of the Date Range in the provided text boxes.

6. To run the report based on specific facilities, select the schools from the Facility pull-down.

7. To Include Paid invoices in the report, select the corresponding check box.

8. When all search criteria has been entered, click Run Report.

Funding Source Report

The Overview Funding Source Report varies depending on the criteria selected. The Current Outstanding Invoiced, 31-60 Days Outstanding Invoiced, 61-90 Days Outstanding Invoiced, and the 91+ Outstanding Invoiced columns only display if the corresponding check boxes are selected.

Funding Source Report

If the range check boxes are not selected, and a Date Range is defined instead, or a facilities are selected, the report displays the following columns: the Funding Source, the Total Invoiced, the Total Deferred, the Total Paid, the Total Waived, the Total Outstanding Invoiced, the Total Outstanding Deferred, the Limit, the amount Spent, and the amount Remaining per Fiscal Year.

Funding Source Report

Note the warning that displays on the screen: Search results have been limited to only items with a funding source invoice. This has excluded some number of deferrals.

The Current Page Totals and Grand Totals are listed at the bottom of the report.

Funding Source Report

The Current Page Totals displays the total for select columns, such as Total Invoiced for the selected page. In this case, there are not multiple pages; therefore, the current page total displays the same amount as the grand total. However, if the report yields multiple pages of results, the page total will differ from the grand total.

The Grand Totals displays the total for the entire report for select columns, such as Total Paid. This amount will be the same regardless of the page selected, as it is the grand total.

Note: These totals change based on any applied filters to the data. For more information on using Filters, see Additional Features.

General Report

The General Report includes Funding Source invoiced data, which can be broken down by date ranges, facilities, funding sources, as well as customers and students.

The following error displays if a default accounting strip is not set up: Please set the default funding source accounting strip in the accounts receivable settings. To remove the error and run the report, set the default accounting strip via Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab > Default Accounting Strip for Funding Sources setting.

1a. In ERP, in the Accounts Receivable menu, click Funding Source Report.

1b. In SIS, in the Billing menu, click Funding Source Report.

Funding Source Report

2. Click the General Report tab to run this Funding Source Report.

Funding Source Report

3. To generate the report, start by selecting the range of outstanding invoices needed such as Current outstanding invoices, 31 to 60 Days of outstanding invoices, 61 to 90 Days of outstanding invoices, and/or 91 and Over days of outstanding invoices. Select the corresponding check boxes as needed.

Funding Source Report

You do not have to select any of these check boxes to run the report. On the other hand, you can select as many as needed.

4. You can also run the report based on a specified Date Range, in addition to or in place of the available ranges of outstanding invoices described above. Enter the start date and the end date of the Date Range in the provided text boxes.

5. To run the report based on a specific customer or student, enter the applicable customer's or student's ID in the Customer/Student ID text box.

6. To run the report based on specific facilities, select the schools from the Facility pull-down.

7. To run the report based on specific funding sources, select one or more funding sources from the Funding Source pull-down.

8. When all search criteria has been entered, click Run Report.

Funding Source Report

The General Report varies depending on the criteria selected. The Current, 31-60, 61-90, and the 91 and over outstanding invoiced columns only display if the check boxes are selected.

Funding Source Report

If the range check boxes are not selected, but other report criteria is defined, such as a Date Range, the report displays the following columns: the Funding Source, the Facility, the Deferred By column, the Deferral Date, the POS Invoice #, the POS Invoice Date, the POS Customer, the Funding Source Invoice #, the Funding Source Invoice Date, the Invoiced column, the Deferred column, the Paid column, the Waived column, the Outstanding Invoiced column, and the Outstanding Deferred column.

Funding Source Report

Note the warning that displays on the screen: Search results have been limited to only items with a funding source invoice. This has excluded some number of deferrals.

Funding Source Report

9. Click the Funding Source Invoice # link to open a Funding Source Invoice PDF print preview.

Funding Source Report

a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the download arrow to download the file to your computer.

Funding Source Report

The Current Page Totals and Grand Totals are listed at the bottom of the report.

Funding Source Report

The Current Page Totals displays the total for select columns, such as the total Invoiced for the selected page. In this case, there are not multiple pages; therefore, the current page total displays the same amount as the grand total. However, if the report yields multiple pages of results, the page total will differ from the grand total.

The Grand Totals displays the total for the entire report for select columns, such as the total Paid. This amount will be the same regardless of the page selected, as it is the grand total.

Note: These totals change based on any applied filters to the data. For more information on using Filters, see Additional Features.


The Invoice Funding Source Report groups Funding Sources by invoice; the report can be broken down by date ranges, facilities, funding sources, as well as subtotals.

The following error displays if a default accounting strip is not set up: Please set the default funding source accounting strip in the accounts receivable settings. To remove the error and run the report, set the default accounting strip via Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab > Default Accounting Strip for Funding Sources setting.

1a. In ERP, in the Accounts Receivable menu, click Funding Source Report.

1b. In SIS, in the Billing menu, click Funding Source Report.

Funding Source Report

2. Click the Invoice tab to run this Funding Source Report.

Funding Source Report

3. To generate the report, start by selecting the range of outstanding invoices needed such as Current outstanding invoices, 31 to 60 Days of outstanding invoices, 61 to 90 Days of outstanding invoices, and/or 91 and Over days of outstanding invoices. Select the corresponding check boxes as needed.

Funding Source Report

You do not have to select any of these check boxes to run the report. On the other hand, you can select as many as needed.

4. You can also run the report based on a specified Date Range, in addition to or in place of the available ranges of outstanding invoices described above. Enter the start date and the end date of the Date Range in the provided text boxes.

5. To run the report based on specific facilities, select the schools from the Facility pull-down.

6. To run the report based on specific funding sources, select one or more funding sources from the Funding Source pull-down.

7. Select the Subtotal check box to display a subtotal row for each Funding Source.

Funding Source Report

8. When all search criteria has been entered, click Run Report.

Funding Source Report

9. The Invoice Report varies depending on the criteria selected. The Current Outstanding Invoiced, 31-60 Days Outstanding Invoiced, 61-90 Outstanding Invoiced, and the 91+ Outstanding Invoiced invoiced columns only display if the corresponding check boxes are selected.

Funding Source Report

If the range check boxes are not selected, but other report criteria is defined, such as a Date Range, the report displays the following columns: Funding Source, Funding Source Invoice #, Funding Source Invoice Date, Total Invoiced, Total Deferred, Total Paid, Total Waived, Total Outstanding Invoiced, and Total Outstanding Deferred.

Funding Source Report

Note the warning that displays on the screen: Search results have been limited to only items with a funding source invoice. This has excluded some number of deferrals.

10. Click the Funding Source Invoice # link to open a Funding Source Invoice PDF print preview.

Funding Source Report

a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the download arrow to download the file to your computer.

Funding Source Report

The columns displayed are included in the report; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.

Funding Source Report

The Current Page Totals and Grand Totals are listed at the bottom of the report.

Funding Source Report

The Current Page Totals displays the total for select columns, such as the Total Invoiced for the selected page. In this case, there are multiple pages; therefore, the current page total displays a different amount from the grand total.

The Grand Totals displays the total for the entire report for select columns, such as the Total Paid. This amount will be the same regardless of the page selected, as it is the grand total.

Note: These totals change based on any applied filters to the data. For more information on using Filters, see Additional Features.

Additional Features

You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report. Click the floppy disk icon to name and save the report.

a. Name the report and click Save.

b. You can also click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.

c. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.

d. In order to generate a saved report, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Funding Source Report

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Funding Source Report

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

Funding Source Report

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Funding Source Report

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Funding Source Report

a. Select the Exact filter check box to filter the results based on the text entered exactly

Funding Source Report

Click Check all to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

Funding Source Report
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